Prestashop 1.7 getProductLink TPL - task-parallel-library

sorry for my english could I am of french descent
Prestashop 1.7 getProductLink TPL
some time ago I developed a module for my site, in the Tpl I get the links with this method
<a href="{$link->getProductLink($ViewProduct.id_product, $ViewProduct.link_rewrite, null, null, null, null)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}">
today I'm passing on prestashop 1.7 the problem and when I open a link, mine and in this way
but prestashop 1.7 offers me a redirection on
on the seo page of my presta I have this
{Category: / {id}} {-: id_product_attribute} - {{rewrite} -: ean13} .html
here I do not want to edit I just want to get the exact links link_rewrite


Prestashop 1.7 custom CMS page CSS best practice

I have created a custom page in prestashop 1.7 by creating a new controller.
I saw that there is a way to create CMS pages in the backend. How can I create a template for this CMS page that contains the custom CSS and JS for this specific page?
In a page cms, you can identify it in css and JS thanks to its ID "cms" and then thanks to its class uniquer: cms-id-x
See the body tag of a CMS page:
<body id="cms" class="lang-fr country-us currency-usd layout-full-width page-cms tax-display-disabled cms-id-1">

jQuery carousel plugin, cycle2, not working in joomla 2.5 website

I'm trying to set up the jquery carousel plugin, cycle2, in joomla 2.5. I want a straightforward responsive carousel which will autostart and just run thru a series of pics on a loop on the introductory page in a joomla base website. I tried cycle2 out in a single page localhost website and it works well. But in joomla, it's not working. I've installed the 3 js files, jquery.cycle2.js, jquery.cycle2.tile.js and carousel.js in the template javascript folder and listed them in the template index.php folder, as I have done with a lot of other jquery code which running without any problems, so I'm puzzled as to why cycle2 doesn't work. Also, firebug shows that the cycle2 js files are not being loaded. I can't figure out why this is so. This is the html segment from the joomla page:
<div id="carousel">
<div class="cycle-slideshow responsive" data-cycle-timeout = "3500" data-cycle-speed = "1000 data-cycle-fx="tileBlind" data-cycle-tile-count=17>
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_1.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_2.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_3.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_4.png" >
<img src="/templates/beez_20/images/carousel/siti_rs_5.png" >
Any help would be welcome.

Using plugin outside of Wordpress pages

I am trying to use lightbox plus plugin for Wordpress which works fine for most of my site.
I have a php page which is used by a jQuery AJAX function to retrieve data in order to paginate a large result set back in wordpress. This page is not part of wordpress.
I have managed to get Wordpress functions to work fine in this php page by using:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
However, in this page is an include, and within the included file is a link to an external sheet which is meant to be brought in with a lighbox:
<a class="" rel="lightbox" href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/more-product-info?a=<?php echo $post->ID ?>">
<div id="moreprodinfo">More Info</div>
This method of retrieving information in a lighbox works ok on most parts of my site, but its just not working on the part that uses AJAX to retrieve the link to the lighbox page.
I assumed it was something to do with plugins not working when the page is not part of Wordpress, but all the Wordpress function have been working so why not plugins? Also my cufon plugin doesnt work on this ajax retrieved page either.
Is it becuase I am using .html javascript function to display the content retrieved by AJAX:
if(pageType == 'prizeHome'){
$("#tab-prize-home #container").html(msg);
Any help would be appreciated
It looks like a common issue when using ajax to load html content :
You probably call lightbox and cufon when document is ready, which happens only once before your ajax call. You have to call again lightbox and cufon after your ajax call.

Joomla 1.5 jdoc include type head works only on homepage?

I have a problem withjdoc include head. On any other page than Home, the <jdoc:include type="head" /> result is not complete, it does not include jQuery library etc. but only the title and favicon. Any idea how could I keep the JS libraries and all from jdoc head on all pages, not just the homepage ? I don't know why they get loaded on home but not on login for example, or search...
By default header in Joomla doesn't contain jQuery... It loads Mootools.
If you need to load jQuery you have to use a plugin like this one.

How to modify the HTML tag in Joomla 1.5?

I need to define an appcache manifest on the login page. I found the same question asked about Drupal 6, but the file mentioned, page.tpl.php, does not exist. Where is the counterpart in Joomla?
The HTML tag should be in the template index.php found here -
