I have a template-driven Login form and below/outside my form there is a button for "forgot password".
Whenever I click on the "forgot password" button, it first validates my form then at the next click, it navigates.
{{'userNameRequired' | translate}}
{{'userName should between 8-15 letters and contain alphabet, digits and special character like _ , -, . ' | translate}}
{{'passwordRequired' | translate}}
{{'Password must be of a Capital Letter, alphabets and special character like # and _' | translate}}
{{'login' | translate}}
<p style="text-align: center; ">
<a [routerLink]="/forgotpassword">Forgot Password</a>
So I have a select that the options are froma laravel Foreach
#foreach($courseMonth as $cm)->groupBy('description');
<optgroup label="{{ nameMonth($cm->month) }}">
#foreach($days as $date)
#if(date('m', strtotime($date['date'])) == $cm->month)
<option value="{{ date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date['date'])) ." - ". $date['hours'] }}">{{ $date['description'] . ' - ' . date('d/m/Y', strtotime($date['date'])) . ' - ' . $date['hours'] . ' ('. $date['total'] . 'h)'}}</option>
<?php $i++;?>
This is the options. And I want if $date['description'] is the same in two options, to combine both options. More detailed, if three options have their description as "Work", to combine all of the options.
I've tried a groupby in front of the foreach
#foreach($courseMonth as $cm)->groupBy('description');
But this didn't do anything. The table for the options only has one row (ex: One row has only one description but it can have multiple day options in the select) so I need to group those only when there is the same description in two options.
Table structure:
| id | description | date | hours | total |
| 4 | work |2019-23-4 | 14h | 6h |
| 5 | work |2019-23-5 | 13h | 5h |
| 6 | school |2019-23-5 | 13h | 5h |
So the first two would appear in the same option and the last one as the second option of the select.
I'm quite new to Laravel, but have recently taken over a project from someone and trying to get the mail blade templates to render but I am having problems.
The code used for the enquiry email template is as follows:
#New customer enquiry
We have received a new customer enquiry.
| **Name** | **Email** | **Telephone** |
| ---------------------------------------------- |:---------------------:| -----------------------:|
| {{$enquiry->firstname}} {{$enquiry->lastname}} | <{{$enquiry->email}}> | {{$enquiry->telephone}} |
{{ config('app.name') }}
But the table always renders as raw HTML, here is a screenshot of how the email looks in MailCatcher:
I've checked a couple of other posts that concern this kind of issue but usually it's due to the attempt to render more than one table in a mail template, but this is just a single table. Is there a component I have missed or is it just MailCatcher not rendering correctly?
When using Markdown to render emails, avoid using indents excessively. Your code should look like this
#New customer enquiry
We have received a new customer enquiry.
| **Name** | **Email** | **Telephone** |
| ---------------------------------------------- |:---------------------:| -----------------------:|
| {{$enquiry->firstname}} {{$enquiry->lastname}} | <{{$enquiry->email}}> | {{$enquiry->telephone}} |
{{ config('app.name') }}
You didn't show how the html which is not being rendered is being loaded.
But it's possible you need to use {!! !!} instead of {{ }} for the variables that contain html.
I Have following table
<td>First Row | First Column</td>
<td>First Row | Second Column</td>
<td>Second Row | First Column</td>
<td>Second Row | Second Column</td>
<td>Third Row | First Column</td>
<td>Third Row | Second Column</td>
<td>Forth Row | First Column</td>
<td>Forth Row | Second Column</td>
<td>Fifth Row | First Column</td>
<td>Fifth Row | Second Column</td>
<td>Sixth Row | First Column</td>
<td>Sixth Row | Second Column</td>
I need to use xpath expresion to receive grouped 3 records:
First Row | Second Column, Second Row | Second Column
Third Row | Second Column, Forth Row | Second Column
Fifth Row | Second Column, Sixth Row | Second Column
How I can achive that using only xpath 1.0?
Here you go, xpath expression:
concat(//tr[1]/td[2], ' , ', //tr[2]/td[2], codepoints-to-string(10), //tr[3]/td[2], ' , ', //tr[4]/td[2], codepoints-to-string(10), //tr[5]/td[2], ' , ', //tr[6]/td[2])
The above will return the following string:
First Row | Second Column , Second Row | Second Column
Third Row | Second Column , Forth Row | Second Column
Fifth Row | Second Column , Sixth Row | Second Column
CKEditor transforms the following code :
<li>el 1</li>
<li>el 2</li>
<h3>H3 </h3>
<li>el 1</li>
<li>el 2</li>
Is there a way to prevent this behavior?
TL;DR; no
CKEditor is an HTML4/xHTML editor and is based on DTD, which gives a complete set of rules regarding which tags are available and where/how they can appear inside the DOM.
If you will check the DTD you can see that H3 is a heading tag (which is a block) that can have only inline tags inside.
<!ENTITY % heading "h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6">
<!ENTITY % block
"p | %heading; | div | %lists; | %blocktext; | isindex |fieldset | table">
<!ELEMENT h3 %Inline;>
The ul tag is also a block tag, so it can't appear inside h3 tag:
<!ENTITY % lists "ul | ol | dl | menu | dir">
<!ENTITY % block
"p | %heading; | div | %lists; | %blocktext; | isindex |fieldset | table">
I've been building a rails4 app and running through testing with cucumber and capybara but have hit a snag. I'm doing standard testing for user creation and user edit.
The user create test ran through without any issue but upon running through the test for editing the user I can't get capybara to actually fill in the new values into the fields. The form is the same for new and edit (I am including the same _form partial to both) and again it works fine on new but not edit.
Cucumber New User test:
When I fill in a User with:
| First Name | Rufus |
| Last Name | Firefly |
| Email | rfirefly#fake.com |
| Role(S) | System Admin |
Cucumber Edit User test:
When I fill in a User with:
| First Name | Otis |
| Last Name | Driftwood |
| Email | otis#fake.com |
Corresponding method:
When /^(?:|I) fill in (?:a|an|the) (.+) with:$/ do |obj, fields|
attrs = {}
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
fill_in(name, with: value) unless name =~ /\((?:R|S)\)$/
choose(value) if name =~ /\(R\)$/
select(value) if name =~ /\(S\)$/
Rendered html form:
<form accept-charset="UTF-8" action="/members/1" class="edit_user" id="edit_user_1" method="post"><div style="margin:0;padding:0;display:inline"><input name="utf8" type="hidden" value="✓" /><input name="_method" type="hidden" value="put" /></div><div class='field'>
<label for="user_first_name">First Name</label>
<input id="user_first_name" name="user[first_name]" type="text" value="Ronald" />
<div class='field'>
<label for="user_last_name">Last Name</label>
<input id="user_last_name" name="user[last_name]" type="text" value="Kornblow" />
<div class='field'>
<label for="user_email">Email</label>
<input id="user_email" name="user[email]" type="email" value="kornblow#fake.com" />
<div class='field'>
<label for="user_password">Password</label>
<input id="user_password" name="user[password]" type="password" />
... omitted fields (not required) ...
<input name="commit" type="submit" value="Update User" />
Any help or insight anyone could give me I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance
In your code you have:
When /^(?:|I) fill in (?:a|an|the) (.+) with:$/ do |obj, fields|
attrs = {}
fields.rows_hash.each do |name, value|
fill_in(name, with: value) unless name =~ /\((?:R|S)\)$/
choose(value) if name =~ /\(R\)$/
select(value) if name =~ /\(S\)$/
here, the fill_in(name, :value) method normally automatically looks for the ID tag id=name, but here your names don't line up exactly as shown by your rendered HTML form.
<div class='field'>
<label for="user_last_name">Last Name</label>
<input id="user_last_name" name="user[last_name]" type="text" value="Kornblow" />
Try changing your cucumber test to:
When I fill in a User with:
| user_first_name | Otis |
| user_last_name | Driftwood |
| user_email | otis#fake.com |
Hope this helps
So I did find the issue and I'm not happy about the last hour and a half that I lost due to what I believe was the problem...
I was using a nice little debugging tool for capybara to render the page and show it in the browser and this was not displaying the updated fields like I said above, but when i ran click_button() these values were in fact being saved.
The issue I was really having was that Devise, in all its infinite wisdom, was saving the new email address to unconfirmed_email and keeping the old email until the user gets the email and confirms. Makes sense but it was the first time I apparently ran into this.
So in my test:
Given a "User" was updated with:
| Last Name | Driftwood |
| Email | otis#fake.com |
the email attribute really wasn't 'otis#fake.com' and the test, as it always is (no matter how much I argue with it) was right. This user was not updated in with that email. Changing this to:
Given a "User" was updated with:
| Last Name | Driftwood |
| Email | kornblow#fake.com |
| Unconfirmed Email | otis#fake.com |
Solved the problem. I'm still confused why I was not seeing the fill(ed)_in() values when I rendered the page out tho. Kinda led me barking up the wrong tree.
Oh well...
Thanks for your help and hope this helps others...