Laravel blade template not rendering table properly - laravel

I'm quite new to Laravel, but have recently taken over a project from someone and trying to get the mail blade templates to render but I am having problems.
The code used for the enquiry email template is as follows:
#New customer enquiry
We have received a new customer enquiry.
| **Name** | **Email** | **Telephone** |
| ---------------------------------------------- |:---------------------:| -----------------------:|
| {{$enquiry->firstname}} {{$enquiry->lastname}} | <{{$enquiry->email}}> | {{$enquiry->telephone}} |
{{ config('') }}
But the table always renders as raw HTML, here is a screenshot of how the email looks in MailCatcher:
I've checked a couple of other posts that concern this kind of issue but usually it's due to the attempt to render more than one table in a mail template, but this is just a single table. Is there a component I have missed or is it just MailCatcher not rendering correctly?

When using Markdown to render emails, avoid using indents excessively. Your code should look like this
#New customer enquiry
We have received a new customer enquiry.
| **Name** | **Email** | **Telephone** |
| ---------------------------------------------- |:---------------------:| -----------------------:|
| {{$enquiry->firstname}} {{$enquiry->lastname}} | <{{$enquiry->email}}> | {{$enquiry->telephone}} |
{{ config('') }}

You didn't show how the html which is not being rendered is being loaded.
But it's possible you need to use {!! !!} instead of {{ }} for the variables that contain html.


Laravel mail::table not rendering a table

I had a problem on my mail::table in Laravel Markdown Mailables. The table is not rendering. I have also no indents on it.
#New Inquiry
We have received a new inquiry
| Laravel | Table | Example |
| ------------- |:-------------:| --------:|
| Col 2 is | Centered | $10 |
| Col 3 is | Right-Aligned | $20 |
Mailtrap output

Laravel markdown mail print raw html

I have this markdown template but it print row html in user mailbox
# Dear {{$user['name']}},
New Bank Account has been added to your profile.
| Bank | Acc. No. | Acc. Holder |
| ----------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------- |
| {{$bank['name']}} | {{$bank['account_no']}} | {{$bank['account_holder']}} |
Thanks,<br />
{{ config('') }}
any idea?
try using #component('mail::table')
# Dear {{$user['name']}},
New Bank Account has been added to your profile.
| Bank | Acc. No. | Acc. Holder |
| ----------------- | ----------------------- | --------------------------- |
| {{$bank['name']}} | {{$bank['account_no']}} | {{$bank['account_holder']}} |
Thanks,<br />
{{ config('') }}

How to make multiple roles in Spatie Laravel package?

Is possible with Spatie's laravel-permission package to achieve something like what Facebook have with their permissions for pages?
Case study,
On Facebook you can create a page, then automatically you'll become Admin (assuming it's a role) of that page.
Then you can invite you friend and make him/her a Publisher role
After that, your friend can also invite you to their Page and make you an Editor ( that's another role for you)
so at the end you will have two roles for two different profiles/Pages.
I want to achieve something like that on my app.
what i know for now is that i can use:
and i can check if the user has a roles with :
But the thing is how do i link that role with the page that i want them to manage?
Like if you have admin role in one page and editor role in another page.
and if you just check if $user->hasRole('admin') the results will always be true. so i want to know if there is anything i can do to assign and also check which page are you admin for.
I hope i am making sense.
Assuming your table structure looks like this:
Pages table
| id | name | created_at | updated_at |
| 12 | PHP masters | 2019-02-31 | 2019-03-12 |
Pages admin
| id | page_id | role_id | user_id |
| 1 | 12 | 2 | 2 |
Roles table
| id | name | created_at | updated_at |
| 12 | Editor | 2019-02-31 | 2019-03-12 |
| 12 | System Admin | 2019-02-31 | 2019-03-12 |
| 12 | Page Admin | 2019-02-31 | 2019-03-12 |
Now inside User model add this method
#do not forget to import Roles
#use Spatie\Permission\Models\Role;
public function can_manage($page_id) : bool;
#Backdoor for the system admin
if ($this->hasRole(['System Admin'])) {
return true;
#now we check if the user has the role for that page
$role = Role::select('name')
->join("page_admins", 'page_admins.role_id', '=', '')
->where("page_id", $page_id)
->where("user_id", $this->id)
#return true if roles was found
if (!empty($role)) {
return true;
#else false
return false;
Lastly if you want to check if the user can access the page's admin you use:
#for jwt-auth
#$user = $request->user();
if ( $user->can_manage($page_id) )
#then do you things
Now that you saw how to check if someone is among page administration, you can get creative with that. you can create a method that :
#Get user role in the page
Yes. You can create the roles with artisan and assign them in php.
php artisan permission:create-role editor
php artisan permission:create-role publisher
$user->assignRole(['editor', 'publisher']);
all of this is easily available in the documentation

blade variables inside a string that can be compiled in the view

In my database I have two tables, Pages and Articles.
In my Pages table I have the following:
| id | content | slug |
| 1 | {{$articleBody}} | /news/{slug} |
In my Articles table I have the following:
| id | content | slug |
| 1 | Blah blah balh | /news/1 |
I also have a standard blade file called wrapper.blade.php:
In my web.php file I do the following to return Page (ID:1) and Article:
return view("wrapper", ["Article"=> Article::find(1), "pageContent" => Page::find(1)->content]);
The idea is that I can change the Page content around Article in a CMS manner that includes.
I have tried:
return view("wrapper", ["articleBody"=> Article::find(1)->content, "pageContent" => Blade::compileString(Page::find(1)->content)]);
But I haven't had much luck.
When you use blade , first thing that it does, is to compile the file to something understandable by PHP. For example {{ => <?php or #if(...) #endif => <?php if(...){} ?>.
when you use {{first_name}} in your string the {{ and }} are not there in the file.blade.php when the blade is caching the views.
after the caching of blade files is done, the server run the php file and {{first_name}} will be placed in the file and treated as string.
something that you are looking for is str_replace().
lets say your string is $String = "Hello something_unique, how are you?"
then in your blade file use {{ str_replace("something_unique", $first_name, $String ); }}. I think it is what you are looking for.
you should use
$string = "Hello".$first_name.", how are you ? "

Route isn't passing variables to controller when used in blade

I'm using a named route in a view, passing two variables with it, but it throws the error that no arguments are passed.
I know that I could just construct the url for the href, but from what I've read so far is that what I'm trying should work just fine too (and I'm not seeing what I'm doing different from the documentation examples really).
link in show.blade.php
Change Name
in the browser the link shows up as
route in web.php
Route::get('tasks/create/{colony_slug}/{action_name}', 'TaskController#create')->name('tasks.create');
// =========================================================================
* Show the form for creating a new resource.
* #param string $colony_slug
* #param string $action_name
* #return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function create($colony_slug, $action_name)
dd($colony_slug . " " . $action_name);
the error
Too few arguments to function App\Http\Controllers\TaskController::create(), 0 passed and exactly 2 expected
the routes list
| | GET|HEAD | tasks | tasks.index | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#index | web,auth
| | POST | tasks | | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#store | web,auth
| | GET|HEAD | tasks/create/{colony_slug}/{action_name} | tasks.create | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#create | web,auth
| | PUT|PATCH | tasks/{task} | tasks.update | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#update | web,auth
| | DELETE | tasks/{task} | tasks.destroy | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#destroy | web,auth
| | GET|HEAD | tasks/{task} | | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#show | web,auth
| | GET|HEAD | tasks/{task}/edit | tasks.edit | App\Http\Controllers\TaskController#edit | web,auth
As discovered through comment questions, the issue is your custom route conflicting with a Resource Controller route. Specifically in the route name (via named()), which should always be unique even if they use the same URI.
There are a couple solutions you can use, depending on what your functionality goal is:
Solution for: I only want one "Create Task" route
Disable the task.create route created by the resource controller by using the except() modifier:
Route::resource('tasks', 'TasksController')->except(['create']);
Leave your other route definition as-is. This will remove the URI /tasks/create from your app, and leave the one with the additional parameters.
Solution for: I want to use both
The route paths themselves are okay, and are only conflicting via the name. Name your custom route something different, and use it when you want to use the extra parameters.
Route::get('tasks/create/{colony_slug}/{action_name}', 'TaskController#create')->name('tasks.create-custom');
Solution for: I want to specify defaults on my Create Task form
I'm guessing that you're using these parameters in order to set some default values in your Create Task form. If that's what your end goal is, using the default Resource Controller route + query string parameters would work equally well, and won't involve extra routes.
Remove your extra custom route, and stick with the defaults from the Resource Controller
Declare a Illuminate\Http\Request dependency in your create() controller method:
public function create(Request $request)
// ...
Check for query string values in the request, and add them as defaults to your form.
As I look to all the code you provide it looks correct to me.
Maybe you should check your routes file. Remember routes have presedence top to botton, if you had another route with similar name it could be that this one is having precedence over the one you are tryint to use.
