How to debug with MonoDevelop? - debugging

I created a regular C# console application in MonoDevelop. I can compile it (if the IDE does not crash) and I can run it in the command line. Now I'd like to debug this console program. How do I do it? MonoDevelop seems not to support that (any more?). I get the error message "Could not connect to the debugger".
Googling did not help. The only solutions suggested don't apply as they are either Unity-specific or refer to an older version of MonoDevelop. (I'm running the most recent stable mono and MonoDevelop.)
Can anyone help me please with this? Thanks!


How to I solve a Visual Studio Fatal Error during debugging involving Desktop CLR, CoreCLR and recommending Managed Debugger

I'm afraid the error is so baffling to me I didn't even know how to word the question! I'm writing a plugin that's a class library for a Third Party Application (call it 'ApplicationX'). I had this successfully set up in a debug environment where it would build to ApplicationX's Plugin folder with the .pdb file and then the VS debug would start ApplicationX, thus enabling me to debug the plugin/class library code. This was working fine until I had a System Drive crash >.< (my first ever + ouch!).
Here's the debug setup:
I've just come back to it. I couldn't tell you all the changes, but I'm on VS2022 now as opposed to 2019. Now when I run it (the source code and ApplicationX is still much the same), I get this really weird error:
I've read through all the SO articles I could find and tried the suggesitons therein, but nothings worked. Firstly, I just can't understand the error. Secondly, Are there any suggestions on what to do. Here's what I've tried:
Installing .net Core 3.1 and 6 (full + desktop versions)
In options>debugging>general, checked "automatically close the console when debugging stops"
Some other stuff that I can't remember right now!
Be grateful of any help as this has brought my dev to a grinding halt!
Solution: I got in touch with the author of 'ApplicationX' He confirmed that he'd migrated it to .net Core. So that was the issue. I haven't got the solution in terms of solving it from that perspective, as I switched to the .net Framework version of ApplicationX instead! Non-the-less, the error's a bit clearer.

Codemaid did not load correctly

I have MSVS 2013 and Windows 7.
I'v tried to install Codemaid, but there is a mistake, when I launch a studio:
The 'CodemaidPackage' package did not load correctly.
The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the
installation of another extension. You can get more information by examining
the file
There are some errors from Log:
<errorinfo>Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.</errorinfo>
<description>Package failed to load; error message suppressed by skip flag</description>
May somebody give an advice?
Do you know what version of .NET you have installed? Starting with CodeMaid v10.3, .NET 4.6.2 was required.
There's some more information here:
If that doesn't answer your question, opening issues directly on the repository is usually the best way to get help.
Probably this can help you there is a known bug

"Unable to interpret path (null)" from instruments when trying to run calabash-ios test against Xamarin app

I have a new machine that is a clean setup of Ruby, Cucumber, and Calabash-IOS.
When I try to run cucumber from Terminal I get an error popup from instruments that says
"Unable to interpret path (null)" and the simulator never launches
I tried changing the APP_BUNDLE_PATH and I tried commenting out the APP_BUNDLE_PATH, neither worked.
This is a compiled .app file that was built using Xamarin Studio. I am assuming that instruments is having some problem with this .app file for some reason when it is trying to launch it? This same setup works fine on other machines so it must be an environmental
Is there a way to get a better output log from cucumber or calabash (or instruments) so I can figure what exactly is throwing this error? Or does anyone have any ideas of what I can try to get calabash to launch my .app correctly in the simulator?
For anyone who might stumble over this in the future.
In my case the issue was caused by an invalid .app package. I still don't know what was wrong with the specific package itself but something inside the .app must have been invalid causing the error. I recompiled my application and replaced the .app file that was being loaded but calabash and the problem went away.
a more informative error message would have been nice (something like, corrupt .app package detected) but oh well.
Hope it helps someone else in the future.

Glassware build errors with ADT on Mac ; project crashes in Console before running

Whenever I try to run my glass app I get these weird errors in the console after I run my Glassware project onto Glass Hardware:
- Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
- $myproject] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: java.nio.BufferOverflowException. Check the Eclipse log for stack trace.
Note: ($myproject is the name of my project)
Anyone know how to fix these? I find it really really really hard to use ADT compared to Xcode. Where is a good resource to get familiar with ADT and get answers on ADT dev environment for Glass?
Can you please post what Build Tools and SDK versions you are using on the current project?
You need Android SDK Build Tools 19.0.1 and Android SDK needs 4.0.3 which are not the most current releases. In order to Install these, use SDK Manager.
See this StackOverflow post with similar error message.
How to launch a regular activity on google glass

Scala Eclipse IDE suddenly ignoring breakpoints

I've been using Scala 2.8RC1 and Scala Eclipse plugin for 2.8 RC1 happily for a few days. However, last night after adding a couple jar files to my environment (apache http client jars) the debugger just stopped stopping at breakpoints in scala code.
Java code stops fine at breakpoints. I tried creating a new mimimal scala app breakpoints don't stop. I've tried switching to sun-jre- from the openjdk-1.6.18 I had been using. I've switched to the scala 2.8 nightly and also eclipse plugin for scala nightly builds. No luck.
I would greatly appreciate ideas for fixes. Rather frustrating as the initial experience with 2.8 was really great.
Says that scala eclipse plugin doesn't stop at breakpoints if you're class is in the default package (no package)
Adding a package and moving my class to it - make the debugger start working again.
It's possible that you've discovered a bug in the Scala tooling for Eclipse. The best place to take the issue is the scala-ide-user list here,
If you're already sure that you've found a bug you can find instructions for opening a ticket here,
I've just encountered this problem. Code is not in default package. I'm getting a warning about missing line numbers, but apparently that bug has been fixed and I can ignore the warning, per
It did seem to stop at breakpoints in the main file, though.
