Issue with "Object.keys" on IE 11 - admin-on-rest

I've an issue on IE only, no issue on Chrome or Safari.
It gave me this error: "Object.keys : l’argument n’est pas un objet Object".
I need IE support here since it's for an intranet app that need to provide file:// links (so IE and trusted sites for Windows).
We've the issue on IE 11.

Use babel-polyfill.
npm install --save babel-polyfill
Import it at the top of your src/index.js.


IT Hit WebDav protocol installer fails with Firefox

I am using the latest version of Firefox (57.0.4) to test my IT Hit WebDav server implementation. When I attempt to open a file other than MS Office I expect to be prompted to install the protocol installer. Rather than being prompted I get a dialog that says I need to install something from the Windows App Store. I see the same behavior with Edge.
Both Chrome and IE are behaving as expected. It appears to be supported by Firefox.
I also tested using the Ajax browser on Firefox and it fails as well.
The issue with Firefox is fixed in the IT Hit WebDAV Ajax Library v5.
You can find a detailed answer about why the protocol app is not detected and the callback is called here.

Safari on OSX keep showing mobile version

My website under OSX macbook is showing only the mobile version of the website : WebSite
So i check the website : on windows under Safari and there is no problem but on Safari under OSX i still have the mobile version of the website.
Any ideas to solve this?
Thanks in advance
So i found out that with this below it works :
html, body {height:100%;overflow:auto}
aside {min-height:700px;height:auto} /* which is the container for sidebar which could be Fixed position on desktop and notebook computer - line 166

Download Safari 8 for Windows

I'm trying to find Safari 8 for Windows as I am programming a website and I want to see if it all works properly in the Safari browser.
I got Windows 8 and the Application Server and the database both run locally on my PC right now.
Is there a way to test the website on Safari 8 without having a Mac or iPhone?
Latest version of Safari for Windows was 5.1.7, then they discontinued the Windows version.
But if you want to test how your website renders under Safari, you can use online emulators like Browserstack.

Uploadifive mobile support? (Uploadify)

I'm using Uploadify on my website which uses flash and it doesn't work on Android Chrome, but does the paid HTML5 version work on mobile?
According to this post on their forums, a user (in March 2012) had Uploadifive working on their Galaxy Nexus. I'd say that most modern phones should run it if the Galaxy Nexus can do it.
Also, at the end of the day, it's only $5 for the standard license.
Uploadifive didnt work with my Chrome Browser on my Galaxy Note 4. I tried using Firefox browser and it worked. I uploaded the same files on different browsers. So, I guess the issue must be with Chrome on android.

Testing both in IE 8 and IE 9?

I need to test the styling of my web in both IE8 and IE9.
If I install IE9 then it will upgrade into IE8, So is there any way to install both IE8 and IE9 ?
Use a Virtual PC for testing on older IE.
Microsoft built a set of VHDs with different variations of OS/IE which do not requires activation. But these images will expires after a few months and you will need to download a new set.
Try IETester is a great tool for web developers. You can check Browser Compatibility for Internet Explorer Versions from 5.5 to 10
Thanks for your help, Right now I got a way to test in IE 7, 8 and 9. after installing IE 9, When we press F12 for developer tool, there's a option for Document mode. There you can have all IE 7, 8 and 9 to test your website.
