Unable to install Plattform IO IDE - macos

I’m constantly failing to install Platform IO IDE for Visual Studio Code or Atom. I’m working on OSX with High Sierra.
I have two users, both are Admins. The first user can install with VSC and Atom just fine. The second user always gets this error message:
PIP: Error: spawn /Volumes/Macintosh
HD/Users/micha/.platformio/penv/bin/pip ENOENT
I already tried to delete the .platformio folder and start over, without success. The error shows up for Visual Studio Code and Atom.
Any ideas?

Well, not a solution, but a suitable workaround.
I installed platformio core with homebrew, which works fine. Then I installed the IDE plugin, which seams to detect that the core is already there and does not try to instal it a second time.
I did this for Visual Studio Code.

I am on Windows, I tried to install platform-io vs extension to use exsting anaconda.
After setting platformio-ide.useBuiltinPIOCore to false and platformio-ide.customPATH to "path/to/py27", I am able to install platformio with existing python vEnv, but it ended up in an endless loop [press restart -> checking install -> please restart]
After adjusting the customPath to pointing to both pio.exe and python.exe residing directory, it works all right:
platformio-ide.customPATH: "path/to/py27;path/to/py27/Scripts"
I think you can adjust these setting to make these two users use seperate venv, so that there won't be any permission conflict or related issues.


AWS SDK in Visual Studio always exits with a message of saying that it didn't raise a CoreCLR started event [duplicate]

I've been working with AWS lambdas for a few months. I was working with a lambda and it was fine at the end of the day. I came back to work on it the next day, and I can't get Visual Studio to even start the application using the Mock Lambda Test Tool.
I ended up creating an empty lambda that just returns the input (the standard project code that AWS gives you as a template) and that won't even run. I hit the play button to star the Mock Lambda Test Tool, it looks like it will run for a couple seconds, then it closes down. The command window does not even pop up.
This is the code from the template project.
public string FunctionHandler(string input, ILambdaContext context)
return input?.ToUpper();
This is all I get in the output window of VS:
The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event.
Ensure that the target process is configured to use .NET Core. This
may be expected if the target process did not run on .NET Core. The
program '[16700] dotnet-lambda-test-tool-2.1.exe: Program Trace' has
exited with code 0 (0x0). The program '[16700]
dotnet-lambda-test-tool-2.1.exe' has exited with code -2147450726
I have tried re-installing the AWS toolkit, and also tried re-installing Visual Studio. This is an issue with VS 2017 and VS 2019. I just installed 2019 to see if that would fix the issue. Any help would be appreciated.
I came to this question having the very same issue. After installing AWS Toolkit I found that the lambda test tool was not installed and therefore I got the same error just as the OP. The only difference is that I was targeting .Net Core 3.1 and therefore I needed amazon.lambda.testool-3.1. However this answer should work for both scenarios.
Unfortunately I did not have the same luck as the OP of having a nice co-worker that could give me the files I needed. So, if this is also your case please continue reading.
In the official project site, which can be found here, there are the instructions to install the tools. It also says that installing the latest version of AWS Toolkit should be enough to have the tools installed (it was not in my case and probably in yours).
It says that in order to install the tools you should run the following commands:
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-3.1
dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-2.1
depending on which tool you need.
However, running these commands fails with the following message:
The tool package could not be restored.
Tool 'amazon.lambda.testtool-2.1' failed to install. This failure may have been caused by:
* You are attempting to install a preview release and did not use the --version option to specify the version.
* A package by this name was found, but it was not a .NET Core tool.
* The required NuGet feed cannot be accessed, perhaps because of an Internet connection problem.
* You mistyped the name of the tool.
For more reasons, including package naming enforcement, visit https://aka.ms/failure-installing-tool
And since the project is still in preview I just had to find the latest stable version in order to specify it in the command. For .net core 3.1 here is the nuget site, there I found version 0.10 to be the latest, so the command should look like:
dotnet tool install -g --version 0.10 Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-3.1
I have faced the same issue and when i tried to install dotnet-lambda-test-tool-3.1.exe using command prompt I got this issue:
Failed to create shell shim for tool 'amazon.lambda.testtool-3.1': Command 'dotnet-lambda-test-tool-3.1' conflicts with an existing command from another tool.
Tool 'amazon.lambda.testtool-3.1' failed to install.
And I did the following to fix issue
Deleted the dotnet-lamda-test-tool-3.1.exe from the installed folder (C:\Users%USERNAME%.dotnet\tools\dotnet-lambda-test-tool-3.1.exe)
Run dotnet tool install -g --version 0.10 Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-3.1 on cmd.
I have faced the same issue and got errors like "dotnet-lamda-test-tool-2.1.exe has exited with code.."
I did the following to fix the issue
Removed the dotnet-lamda-test-tool-2.1.exe from the installed folder
Removed the [amazon.lambda.testtool-2.1] folder as well
Installed dotnet tool from Developer command prompt using the command
[install -g Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-2.1]
Run the project. It is working
I have seen this issue many time on my system with dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0. Only one fix work for me
Remove dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0.exe from C:\Users\username.dotnet\tools
Open Command prompt from C:\Users\username.dotnet\tools
run command dotnet tool install -g Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-6.0
For anyone else that hits this same issue, it had to do with the the AWS toolkit install. I did not modify it, but somehow it was no longer working. I tried un-installing and re-installing, but it was still having issues running it. A co-worker sent me the exe and subdirectory that was setup on his machine under C:\Users\%user%.dotnet\tools. The exe is located in this directory, and there is another folder under .store for amazon.lambda.testtool-2.1. That directory had different folders and files than what I was able to install. So I copied in what he had and it worked. There might be a profile file associated to the tools install that points to these folders and files that might need to be modified. Since I was able to fix it with this, I didnt look any further into that.
I had the same issue with my .NET 6.0 lambda project. I installed the tool by executing dotnet tool install --global Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-6.0 --version 0.12.6 as suggested on https://www.nuget.org/packages/Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-6.0
Just ensure it is installed at %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools\dotnet-lambda-test-tool-6.0.exe
I got the same issue with VS2019 with lambda design in 3.1 version and in Output window getting error
The target process exited without raising a CoreCLR started event. Ensure that the target process is configured to use .NET Core. This may be expected if the target process did not run on .NET Core.
Then checked the folder having multiple version of lambda-test-tool in path
I removed all the lambda-test-tool and installed the required tool only with version 3.1 by command in developer command prompt:
dotnet tool install -g --version 0.10 Amazon.Lambda.TestTool-3.1
Then I can able to debug the lambda

Running OpenFOAM native compile on a non-admin Windows

I have downloaded and installed a Windows native compiled OpenFOAM from here. But when I try to run any of the OF commands (e.g., blockMesh, foamDictionary, ...) in the MSYS2 terminal I get the message:
path/to/folder/v2106/msys64/home/ofuser/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2106/platforms/win64MingwDPInt32Opt/bin/blockMesh.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++-6.dll: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
and in the cmd terminal, I get the error message:
System Error The code execution cannot proceed because msmpi.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
From here, I see that I might have to reinstall OpenFOAM in admin mode, which I don't have on this work machine. so I tried installing MSMPI using pacman -S msmpi as I used to do here. But I get the error message:
error: target not found: msmpi
My goal is to install and use the OpenFOAM software, doesn't matter which release, on this Windows machine without admin privileges. I would appreciate it if you could help me know how can I fix the above problems, or find another way around.
P.S.1. Searching the installation directory, I see that the libstdc++-6.dll file is in the path\to\folder\v2106\msys64\home\ofuser\OpenFOAM\OpenFOAM-v2106\platforms\win64MingwDPInt32Opt\bin. So I wonder I get the first error message. Maybe OF is not compiled properly against the library? Should I try removing the path\to\folder\v2106\msys64\usr\lib\gcc\x86_64-pc-msys\7.4.0\libstdc++.dll.a as suggested here?
P.S.2. I had written this post ages ago about different ways to install OpenFOAM on Windows. Sadly it is still a big effort to get it up and running.
P.S.3. A follow-up on this issue here on the MSYS2 Discord server.
P.S.4. Opened a new issue here on the OpenFOAM repository.
With OpenFOAM-v2112 it is now possible to install without windows admin permissions.
The original problem will still be evident with older OpenFOAM versions since they relied on installing msmpi separately.

Unable to install OMNeT++ 5.4 for Windows

When I run command ./configure I receive below mentioned error:
configure: error: Cannot build Qt apps, probably due to missing or too old Qt packages. Make sure Qt development packages are installed and newer than Qt 5.4. You can disable Qtenv by setting the WITH_QTENV variable to "no" in configure.user.
I have installed Qt5.9.0 after receiving above error, installed mingw-32bit but still receiving same error. Can anyone help me to solve the problem?
The OMNeT++ package for Windows contains all libraries and other tools (including JRE), so there is no need to install anything separately.
To install OMNeT++ in Windows one should:
Download a proper version of OMNeT++ - i.e. OMNeT++ 5.4 (Windows).
Turn off aniti-virus real time protection.
Extract the whole archive into a directory whose name doesn't contain spaces.
Double-click mingwenv.cmd, then press any key.
After some time in the mingwenv console type: ./configure, then make.
In the mingwenv console type omnetpp to start OMNeT++.
Later, to start OMNeT++ one should double click mingwenv.cmd, type omnetpp and do not close console.
I have removed polish characters from directory path and it solved thie problem. Check if directory has any special characters in directory path.
I'll share what worked for me. After installing the Qt package, remove the existing omnetpp directory and extract it from the zip file again. Run mingwenv.cmd, so that it initiates the tools extraction and is now able to load the installed Qt package. Running ./configure now doesn't show the error.

Compatibility Mode error when installing Visual Studio SDK (vssdk)

Whenever I try to install the Visual Studio SDK I get the following error:
Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
I have checked and Compatibility mode is not turned on. From what I've read, renaming the installer to vssdk_full.exe should help. That hasn't had any impact.
I got the installer from Microsoft's website.
What do I need to do to get this to install?
Are you installing on Windows 10? If so, then I have the same problem and it seems as though the current SDK setup is checking the Windows version and 10 isn't currently supported. See https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/77c61be0-1303-4040-a587-62843d321159/visual-studio-2013-sdk?forum=WinPreview2014General for more info
I have managed to get it to install on windows 10, download the sdk, it will download vssdk_full.exe, run this with /layout path which will extract the actual setup file.
Then set compatibility on the new file to win 8 and it will install just fine.
You might not need to do the/layout thing but that is what I did.
I had the same problem. I downloaded .iso file with install package form the internet. Then I mounted it using PowerISO and tried to start it from virtual CD drive. It ended up in the same message as above.
I looked it up and thought that in Properties of .exe install file, it's enough to uncheck some boxes compability section. But nothing was checked.
Soon afterwards I unzipped the package to a temporary directory with PowerISO and installed Visual from there. Worked without problems.
I had this problem, I renamed the instalation file to "vssdk_full.exe" and it installed without problems.

How do I install and use WinPcap?

I went to winpcap.org today, downloaded the installer, and installed WinPcap on my Windows 7 laptop PC. However, the folder where it was installed contains only an installation log, an executable called rpcapd.exe, and an uninstall executable. When I run rpcapd.exe a dos shell appears:
Press CTLR+C to stop the server...
and nothing happens until I press CTRL+C, which closes the window. When I create a project in Microsoft Visual Studio and include < pcap.h >, I'm told there is no such file or directory. A search of my computer yields no results. I've tried reinstalling a couple times but with no new results. What am I missing here?
Development with WinPcap requires both the driver install, as well as the developer's pack. Have you installed the developer's pack?
