Report generation in Jmeter - jmeter

How can I generate a consolidated summary report for multiple threads under a single test plan in JMeter.
We are able to fetch report individually for each thread group.Is there any chance that we can get consolidated report for all thread groups under single test plan.

If you are getting the report from i.e. Summary Report listener just remove all Summary Report listeners from all Thread Groups and add one at the same level as the Thread Groups
The concept is known as Scoping Rules, i.e.:
If you add a listener as a child of a Sampler - it will be applied to this sampler only
If you add a listener as a child of a Thread Group - it will be applied to all Samplers in the Thread Groups
If you add a listener as a child of the Test Plan - it will be applied to all samplers in the Test Plan
Also be aware that starting from JMeter 3.0 there is a possibility to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard


Jmeter JMS Publisher&Consumer samplers duplicate transaction in Report

I have a test with jms subscriber and publisher to queue
After loadtest through cli i see duplicated transactions in report, total number of executed sampler isn't like the expected hence load is 2x
Pic from summary report
Thread group has a specified life time and loop count 1, action after sampler error - continue
What could be cause?
Thread group has enabled flag Same user on each iteration and Number of threads 1620
Sampler's parent is throughput controller with throughput 0.00238 and flag Per User
It looks like you're using Transaction Controllers which generate virtual artificial Sample Results.
Transaction Controller is used to measure cumulative execution time of its children execution by generating an extra sample result.
You can exclude the "children" by generating HTML Reporting Dashboard and exporting only transaction controllers you're interested in
or just exclude all sample results with -0, -1 etc. postfixes by setting the jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter property to ^((?!-).)*(-success|-failure)?$
More information: Reporting Configuration

Jmeter log to display details per thread group in html log

I have a testplan and the testplan has 2 thread groups. Both the thread groups call almost same http requests. I run the test from the command prompt and generate a html report. But in the report, the html calls are mixed up. Is there a way for me to see the calls per each thread group?
Use __threadGroupName() function as prefix/postfix for your Samplers labels like:
${__threadGroupName} - HTTP Request 1
This way you will get the relevant Thread Group name added to your sampler label:
More information on JMeter Functions concept: Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction

How to get Sample count per thread in Jmeter5.1

Need to count samples generated in thread level. I am using 8 thread groups and each thread group contains multiple transaction controller and each transaction controller contains multiple requests. Problem is here that I am able to get the samples to count for each transaction controller but not for thread level.
I am using 8 ultimate thread group in my test plan for load test executing for 1hr.
You could consider adding __threadNum() function somewhere to your Sampler's name
The function will be evaluated in the runtime and resolved into current thread (virtual user) number.
This way you will be able to see how many Samplers did this or that thread execute in a listener of your choice, i.e. in Aggregate Report
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article for more information on JMeter Functions concept.

How to find the average response time of a whole thread group in Jmeter

I have multiple thread groups in my jmeter test plan, each thread group represents a use case of my application.
I am also using webdriver for these scenarios.
So I am trying to find out what is the average time that each use is taking. which is basically the thread group avg time.
Any thoughts how I can do this.
You can add a Transaction Controller at the top level for your Thread Group(s) and make all Samplers children of this Transaction Controller.
This way you will have cumulative information in JMeter Listeners
or in the HTML Reporting Dashboard

JMeter Test Plan settings

I am new to JMeter. I'm using JMeter version 5.0.
I have created a new Test Plan. Test Plan has a few settings.
Can you please explain the use of each checkbox?
Checkboxes are:
1) Run ThreadGroups consecutively(i.e one at a time)
2) Run tearDown ThreadGroups after shutdown of main threads.
3) Functional test mode(i.e. save Response data and Sampler Data)
When trying to understand JMeter, go through its component reference (below)
You should keep the defaults unless specific case is needed.
Functional Testing is not recommended/needed unless you are debugging (and also not needed usually)
teardown/setup groups are useful for setting/cleaning tasks in test.
And usually you want run multiple Thread Groups serially rather than in parallel.
Selecting Functional Testing instructs JMeter to save the additional sample information - Response Data and Sampler Data - to all result files. This increases the resources needed to run a test, and may adversely impact JMeter performance. If more data is required for a particular sampler only, then add a Listener to it, and configure the fields as required.
The option does not affect CSV result files, which cannot currently store such information.
Also, an option exists here to instruct JMeter to run the Thread Group serially rather than in parallel.
Run tearDown Thread Groups after shutdown of main threads: if selected, the tearDown groups (if any) will be run after graceful shutdown of the main threads. The tearDown threads won't be run if the test is forcibly stopped.
1) Run ThreadGroups consecutively(i.e one at a time)
In a test plan usually, you would have different thread groups ( user groups ) sending requests to different services. For example
Thread Group 1 > Load and Login to the System
Thread Group 2 > A Form Submission in the System
Keeping the above-mentioned thread groups, if you have selected Run ThreadGroups consecutively option it will run The Thread group 1 first and then move to the second one. If not there will be a parallel execution of all active Thread groups.
2) Run tearDown ThreadGroups after shutdown of main threads
There is no difference in a normal Thread Group and a Teardown Thread Group when it comes to the functionality. You can specify the Post-Test actions in the Teardown Thread Group and use Run tearDown ThreadGroups after shutdown of main threads to execute them after the normal thread Group Execution
As an example if you have created a user profile for your performance testing purposes and if you want to remove the user after the test execution. You can create the request to delete the user in this thread group
3) Functional test mode(i.e. save Response data and Sampler Data)
When you run a huge set of requests I recommend you to NOT to use this. The reason is if you have selected this option it will include all the request and response data (including HTML, etc. ) in your log files. ( Normally it won't record your response and sampler data ) Even if you run the test in NON-GUI mode the log file would be few GBs if you have selected this option. So it's better to use this if you are debugging or running a less number of users in your test.
Run ThreadGroups consecutively(i.e one at a time)
If your test plan contains two thread groups i.e ThreadGroup-1 and ThreadGroup-2.
If above property is unchecked -then the active threads from both the thread group
will run parallel and
if checked - That means JMeter will start ThreadGroup-1 first, then ThreadGroup-2 and so on.
So by using this property you can instruct JMeter to run the Thread Groups serially.
Run tearDown ThreadGroups after shutdown of main threads
By default JMeter always run tear down thread group after completion of normal thread group. But if there is any failure in the above thread group and threads stopped due to some reason. Then this tear down thread group will not run. But if this property is checked then tear down thread group will always run.
