I have a test with jms subscriber and publisher to queue
After loadtest through cli i see duplicated transactions in report, total number of executed sampler isn't like the expected hence load is 2x
Pic from summary report
Thread group has a specified life time and loop count 1, action after sampler error - continue
What could be cause?
Thread group has enabled flag Same user on each iteration and Number of threads 1620
Sampler's parent is throughput controller with throughput 0.00238 and flag Per User
It looks like you're using Transaction Controllers which generate virtual artificial Sample Results.
Transaction Controller is used to measure cumulative execution time of its children execution by generating an extra sample result.
You can exclude the "children" by generating HTML Reporting Dashboard and exporting only transaction controllers you're interested in
or just exclude all sample results with -0, -1 etc. postfixes by setting the jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter property to ^((?!-).)*(-success|-failure)?$
More information: Reporting Configuration
When I execute my jmeter script with below mentioned scenario then I get java.lang.RuntimeException in the logs and 2nd iteration/loop count APIs are not executed.
As you can see only for 1 thread APIs are visible in view result tree.
In this you can see that no APIs are executed for 2nd thread.
Runtime exception is coming.
Thread Properties
Number of threads : 1
Ramp-up period : 1
Loop Count : 2
Thread Group Used : Normal Thread Group
Controller Used : Parallel
Data is parameterized using 1 csv file only.
I also used "Transaction Controller" to verify but in that I didn't faced any issues and the threads were executing for the mentioned loop count. Is it normal in case of parallel controllers?
As per "Limitations" chapter of the Parallel Controller documentation
Parallel Controller does not support work with Transaction Controller so if used you can get an unexpected results. If you decide to use these controllers together familiarize yourself with already known problems that described in roadmap
So my expectation is that you need to remove either Transaction or Parallel controller from your test plan.
Parallel Controller is for "exotic" scenarios like handling AJAX requests when a single JMeter's thread (virtual user) kicks off one or more sub-threads
If in the reality your "Scan_API" requests are sequential - you need to remove the Transaction Controller and implement concurrency on Thread Group level
If in the reality all the "Scan_API" requests are executed at the same moment, i.e. when one user "scans" something 13 concurrent requests are fired - then you need to remove the Transaction Controller because you don't really need it, the total execution time of the "scan" would be the time of the longest request so Parallel Controller in "parent sampler" mode will return you the slowest request execution time and that would be the value you're looking for.
More information: How to Use the Parallel Controller in JMeter
I need to run a load test of 25 threads, what will be the most efficient configuration to use? (ramp-up period....). I ran the load test with the below configuration and some of the threads failed but pass if I just ran the script individually.
Your configuration will mean that:
JMeter start with 1 thread and add another thread each 4 seconds
Once started each thread will begin to execute Samplers upside down (or according to the logic controllers)
When the thread executes the last sampler it will be shut down
When the last thread executes the last sampler the test ends
Depending on the number of samplers and application response time you may or may not achieve 25 users concurrency, you might want to check the actual number of concurrent users using Active Threads Over Time listener
If you want to make sure to have 25 online users set "Loop Count" to Infinite and "Specify Thread Lifetime" duration to be more than your ramp-up period. See JMeter Test Results: Why the Actual Users Number is Lower than Expected article for more details.
With regards to the failures - we cannot state anything meaningful without seeing request and response details, make sure to save them using i.e. View Results Tree listener and inspect response body for the failed requests
Need to count samples generated in thread level. I am using 8 thread groups and each thread group contains multiple transaction controller and each transaction controller contains multiple requests. Problem is here that I am able to get the samples to count for each transaction controller but not for thread level.
I am using 8 ultimate thread group in my test plan for load test executing for 1hr.
You could consider adding __threadNum() function somewhere to your Sampler's name
The function will be evaluated in the runtime and resolved into current thread (virtual user) number.
This way you will be able to see how many Samplers did this or that thread execute in a listener of your choice, i.e. in Aggregate Report
Check out Apache JMeter Functions - An Introduction article for more information on JMeter Functions concept.
I have a single thread group which has 3 requests and have set the Number of Threads(users) = 2.
I would like all the requests to be executed in sequential order for each user before it repeats these steps for the next user and so on.
Output expected:
HTTP Request 1_Thread 1
HTTP Request 2_Thread 1
HTTP Request 3_Thread 1
HTTP Request 1_Thread 2
HTTP Request 2_Thread 2
HTTP Request 3_Thread 2
However, the output results vary differently for each run and are not in the order I expect. How can this be corrected?
I have tried following but with no luck in achieving my output
1. Enable/disable "Run Thread Groups consecutively
2. Running the test in non-GUI mode
I have attached a screenshot as an image as I am not able to embed into this message yet.
Appreciate if anyone can help me with this query
Output Screenshot
For execution of Sampler Request by only Single Thread at a time use Critical Section Controller.
For more info about Critical Section Controller Critical Section Controller
The Critical Section Controller ensures that its children elements (samplers/controllers, etc.) will be executed by only one thread as a named lock will be taken before executing children of controller.
Critical Section Controller takes locks only within one JVM, so if using Distributed testing ensure your use case does not rely on all threads of all JVMs blocking.
Practical Example:
Place all your request under Critical Section Controller
Run the test for any number of Threads you want
Observe the Result in View Results Tree
Note : If you want to run it sequentially from 1 thread to N, make sure you provide Ramp Up Period properly.
I have multiple thread groups in my jmeter test plan, each thread group represents a use case of my application.
I am also using webdriver for these scenarios.
So I am trying to find out what is the average time that each use is taking. which is basically the thread group avg time.
Any thoughts how I can do this.
You can add a Transaction Controller at the top level for your Thread Group(s) and make all Samplers children of this Transaction Controller.
This way you will have cumulative information in JMeter Listeners
or in the HTML Reporting Dashboard