Is it possible to surround a link with quotes in Asciidoctor? - asciidoc

I'm trying to surround a link with quotes when using Asciidoctor and I can't get it to work. It either includes the quotes in the link:["Title"]
Or it renders the raw text:
Does anyone know the syntax so it can render like the followin (HTML version)?

This is a case where the link: macro prefix is needed.
You can think of the link: macro prefix as a way to force a link. It's kind of like an unconstrained link. It has stronger precedence than the http: prefix.

If you put smart quotes around the link, then the link: macro prefix is not needed.


Is there a method for pull quotes?

Is there an existing method for pull quotes with Pelican? When you're reading an article, and there are balloons with key sentence fragments or excerpts to highlight the area. Ideally, I want to write the text once, and just surround it with whatever delimeter is appropriate and have the template do its magic.
An outdated plugin is available at With a little tweaking - it works!

What do you call variables that have double curly braces in laravel

I'm trying to find out a name for code that is surrounded by double curly braces in Laravel.
Do they even have a name. Are they known as double curly braces in all languages.
The reason I want to know is that I still do not quite understand the scope of them. I know a lot of languages use them, but what is their name?
For instance; if I want to know why double curly brace variables don't work in a Laravel #include; how do I find out?
Another example is that I cannot add a tag on stack exchange for double-curly-braces because it does not exist.
Searching Google brings up nothing.
Searching stack exchange is the same.
I call them "blade template variables."
Behind the scene of {{ $foo }} is <?php echo e($foo); ?>. I accidentally found out when I'm searching a particular variable in my project using PhpStorm and it shows me the compiled view files of Laravel w/c resides in storage/framework/views.

CodeRush QuickPair remove

I like CodeRush QuickPair feature.
Does anybody know how to remove quotes or braces with a shortcut?
For example:
Can I select
"some string"; // with quotes
and remove quotes with a shortcut and will get
some string; // without quotes
or select
(someArgument); // with braces
and remove braces and will get
someArgument; // without braces
If I'm understanding you correctly, CodeRush does not contain this functionality at present.
However it sounds like the kind of thing that could be created as a plugin quite quickly.
If you update your question to include some before and after examples, I'm confident I could create such a plugin for you.
Update: I have created a plugin to fulfil the first requirement. That of removing Quotes from around a string.
The source is published on github and you can download the VSIX here
Could you provide a little more context in your 2nd example? It does not appear to be syntactically correct C#.
I'm interested to see what sort of code you would perform this operation on. This is also necessary in order to make the plugin available in the correct context.

How do you write a link containing a closing bracket in markdown syntax?

Markdown syntax for a link is pretty simple:
But what if the link itself contains a closing bracket?
which is obviously broken.
Putting the url in quotes does not work
Sometimes you need to encode ) with %29.
E.g.: This was the only method I could find to get a correct Markdown preview in the Atom Editor.
You can try to escape the character:
You can also encode the characters
The most reliable way I've found to do this is to use reference-style links instead of inline links.
Here is the wikipedia article on [Syntax][1]
renders correctly as
Here is the wikipedia article on Syntax
I've found that with some sites, percent-escaping the parentheses will break URLs, especially anchors. For example, at least in my version of Firefox, this Android documentation link doesn't take me directly to the method with percent encoding.
But this one with a reference-style link does.
For example, at least in my version of Firefox, this Android documentation link
doesn't take me directly to the method [with percent encoding](,%20java.lang.String%29).
But this one with a [reference-style link][2] does.
I have found that using < around > the url seems to solve the problem.
In the two internal systems we use that use markdown.
Your mileage may vary with other systems.
Quoting w3Schools:
URLs can only be sent over the Internet using the ASCII character-set.
So, you need to encode any special characters that is not a ASCII character into its respective ASCII character.
In your case, the characters for brackets or parenthesis are
open bracket ( - %28
closing bracket ) - %29
You can use this website to get the encoded url of any website link.
You don't have to scape it at all.
On GitHub, I've just done the following without any problems:
Actually, even here you can use it directly, as you can see here.

Inline Code in DokuWiki

I'm looking for a way to include code as part of a paragraph in DokuWiki like I can by adding backtick escapes in StackOverflow like _so_. Simply adding <code>bla</code> puts code on it's own line.
You probably want to use ''%%here is code%%''. This formats it in monospace ('') and prevents any interpretion of possible wiki markup (%%).
I was able to find an answer to my own question. Add quotes around the in-text code ''like this''. Simple, short, and works great.
