Is there a method for pull quotes? - themes

Is there an existing method for pull quotes with Pelican? When you're reading an article, and there are balloons with key sentence fragments or excerpts to highlight the area. Ideally, I want to write the text once, and just surround it with whatever delimeter is appropriate and have the template do its magic.

An outdated plugin is available at With a little tweaking - it works!


Supress cross reference hyperlink using exclamation mark

Prefixing the link with an ! suppresses the creation of a reference (e.g. :ref:`!no link` will be simply rendered as no link):
If you prefix the content with !, no reference/hyperlink will be created.
However, I can't think of any practical usage of this. Why should I first create a reference and then don't want to use it - it would be far easier to write plain text from the very beginning.
So - what is a typical use case of such a suppressed reference?
(Sphinx itself for instance doesn't use it in its docs.)
I can't think of any practical usage of this.
The use I can think of is before a build if you wanted to "turn of" hyperlink generation for one given cross-reference (that appears multiple times) how would you do it?
Well, the simplest way might be using some text editor's "find and replace", and arguably the least invasive way would be to add or remove a single character !. That way the length and structure of the cross-reference is kept in the source (and the title is still rendered in place). This could be convenient in several places, like a table where removing the whole cross-reference could misalign the source.
The most economical change possible would be turning this:
:ref:`a very long title <>`
into this:
:ref:`!a very long title <>`
The same could possibly be achieved programmatically using the Sphinx API, but a lot of Sphinx users are likely to prefer a text editing solution over a programmatic one.

use of roles in asciidoctor macros?

I'm trying to create a simple macro to render a text item in red in asciidoctor.
The following does not work:
:redtext: [red]#some important text in red that occurs a lot#
or for an even simpler example:
:redcross: [red]#✘#
I am not clear on the rules for what can and cannot be substituted by a macro. The asciidoctor manual has a blank space for macros at present ( The asciidoc manual ( isn't that clear either but may not apply to asciidoctor anyway.
A related unanswered question is Resuable markup fragments with Asciidoctor.
A related question to that suggests using includes which is overkill for this.
What are the limitations of macros?
What you have defined is not a macro, it's an attribute. (When you use it, it's called an attribute reference).
You can perform substitution eagerly in the definition of an attribute using the inline pass macro. In the target position, it accepts a comma-separated list of substitution names (or substitution letters).
In your case, you can write:
:redtext: pass:q[[red]#some important text in red that occurs a lot#]
The relevant part is:
See substitutions in an attribute entry for details.
I think includes work well enough. We have a single glossary.asciidoc file to contain all the re-usable snippets, for example:
[red]#some important text in red that occurs a lot#
In index.asciidoc you can add a little helper:
:g: glossary.asciidoc
Then wherever you need this snippet:

how to space multiple lines in github issues

I am copying a bunch of log output to a github issue and I want to indent it so that it is distinguishable as code/output from the rest of the issue.
How do I do this?
I tried:
but none seem to work? I really don't want to do every single line individually..
Wrap your code inside ```.
You can also specify language name after if your log file is analogus to any programming language's syntax.
You can refer Gihub Flavored Markdown for more info.

CodeRush QuickPair remove

I like CodeRush QuickPair feature.
Does anybody know how to remove quotes or braces with a shortcut?
For example:
Can I select
"some string"; // with quotes
and remove quotes with a shortcut and will get
some string; // without quotes
or select
(someArgument); // with braces
and remove braces and will get
someArgument; // without braces
If I'm understanding you correctly, CodeRush does not contain this functionality at present.
However it sounds like the kind of thing that could be created as a plugin quite quickly.
If you update your question to include some before and after examples, I'm confident I could create such a plugin for you.
Update: I have created a plugin to fulfil the first requirement. That of removing Quotes from around a string.
The source is published on github and you can download the VSIX here
Could you provide a little more context in your 2nd example? It does not appear to be syntactically correct C#.
I'm interested to see what sort of code you would perform this operation on. This is also necessary in order to make the plugin available in the correct context.

Inline Code in DokuWiki

I'm looking for a way to include code as part of a paragraph in DokuWiki like I can by adding backtick escapes in StackOverflow like _so_. Simply adding <code>bla</code> puts code on it's own line.
You probably want to use ''%%here is code%%''. This formats it in monospace ('') and prevents any interpretion of possible wiki markup (%%).
I was able to find an answer to my own question. Add quotes around the in-text code ''like this''. Simple, short, and works great.
