LUIS REST api returns 400 - Resource not found - azure-language-understanding

I've an app on LUIS which was working fine until I made few changes to the entities list. I published my app after the changes and LUIS returns 400 state. My other apps using same subscription key from Azure work fine. I tried creating a new app with the same data and the new app also returns 400.
The test panel inside the app also does not work. Any suggestions ?

Although I don't have any proposed solution, I rebuilt the list entity which was causing the error. Looks like the issue is due to some encoding while converting from excel to json. If anyone comes across a similar scenario, I would suggest to check your entities first.


How can I wrap an existing REST API into graphQL API using AWS appsync?

I am trying to convert my REST API into graphql using AWS app sync, the problem is I am unable to fine the right method or documentation on how to do it.
I have successfully created a schema, I am trying to give a resolver for it, but I am not sure what is the right way to do it.
The problem was the creation of a pipeline, I changed actions > update runtime > Unit Resolver (VTL only). and then selecting the HTTP request as a data source was open for me to use. the document does not seem to have this information, anyways if you play with it for some time, you can get it (quite frustrating, ngl).

News sample skill returns unauthorized error

I am trying to use the experimental skills provided by the bot framework. I downloaded the code for the news skill and created all azure resources. I got the bing key from here and placed it in my appsettings.json I also updated all my config values to my Luis app.
I am testing through emulator. When I run the code I go through the dialog successfully, it asks me for the topic I want to get news about and my country and then at the point where it has to get the news articles I get the following error.
Does anyone have any idea what am I missing? I tried the bing API through postman using the same key I have in my appsettings and it is working fine.
Should I do an additional step other than just download the code and update all the config values?
I don't know what is causing this error.
If you have created bing using new marketing portal.
Here are endpoints for Bing news using REST API.
Doc Location:

LUIS: Edit project downloaded from Azure

I have subscription on Azure and I dowloaded chat bot with my AppId and password. On page I trained new model and exported it to downloaded azure project (with flight booking). I replaced their cognitive model with my model from, but after that - azure project is always working with old data. I donĀ“t understand why, because their model is removed from my PC. What should I do to working with my own model? Thanks.
You code is based on the core-bot sample. First of all, make sure that your LUIS configuration is set up correctly in your .env file (or in App Settings if running from Azure). The recognizer is created in index.js and passed to MainDialog.js. From the core-bot sample code, I'm actually not seeing where it is importing the local code. I think that is maybe just to give you the model to import to your own LUIS app? If you have the proper LUIS keys and app ID, it should respond to whatever you have in there. My guess is maybe that you replaced the FlightBooking.json LUIS model file, but didn't actually point the bot to your LUIS app with the new intents.
I would suggest, though, that this isn't the best sample to use if you are trying to just tweak it. There are a lot of things here that are set up specifically for booking flights that don't really make sense if that's not what your bot is doing. Personally I like the Dispatch Bot sample better as a starting point (even if you are not using Dispatch CLI tool), though it has the intent actions within the bot file instead of separate dialogs. Maybe that will give you a better starting point though?

LUIS service is not visible in

I have a LUIS api app id and key defined in my current project when I try to find this service in LUIS.AI its not visible. But when I test using LUIS API 2.0 console swagger, i can see response as successful. But my question is, I want to train and build using LUIS.AI website. I want to see list of intents present in my luis service and improve it accordingly. Please help me out.
You're likely visiting the wrong LUIS URL for your authoring region. For example, if you author your apps in westeurope, you need to visit and not
If that still doesn't work, try using another browser. For me, strangely the app eventually disappeared from Chrome, but when I tried in Edge, it appears.

Youtube API v3 shows "Access Not Configured"

I created a Google application in the developers console, turned on "YouTube Data API v3", generated the server API key, and authorized my home and work IPs.
My website lists all videos from a Youtube channel, using the V3 API. It uses the official PHP library, passing it the server API key.
It all worked well yesterday from home, and today morning from work. Then, it suddently stoped working at 11am (GMT+1), with no action from my part, with this error:
[Google_Service_Exception] Error calling GET
(403) Access Not Configured. The API is not enabled for your project,
or there is a per-IP or per-Referer restriction configured on your
APIkey and the request does not match these restrictions. Please use
the Google Developers Console to update your configuration.
Note: i used less than 10 requests, out of the 50 millions allowed by day, i have a static public IP address, this part of the code was untouched.
What can i look for in order to fix that, please? I really don't know where to head for from now... Thank you.
Do all you have to with the API activations before you generate any keys!
Unactivating or reactivating API (like "Youtube Data") silently destroys your key validity. At least for the server one.
So the solution is, when you get the same error as me:
destroy your server key (delete it completely, do not only regenerate)
deactivate then reactivate all APIs you need
create a new server key
thank Google for the so clear error messages (optional)
Additionnaly when I opened the requested URL in browser I found that the API call returned
{"domain": "usageLimits"}
I tried the above solutions without success.
Creating a new project from scratch solved the issue
Thanks #Danra, you helped, but I add this answer because your comment is default hidden.
This solved for me....
i first followed #Ninj answer...still no change.
Then, After adding my domain urls to 'allowed referers' list,
i regenerated the key alone
it then worked like a charm !
i guess google parses allowed urls from the key string itself, not from updated settings
I got frustrated and created a new project with a new key and it worked like a charm.
Solution 1:
Create new project and enable Youtube Data v3 api and create credential.
Solution 2:
Check limit Quota in Youtube Data v3 -> Quota (in left pane) &
Increase the limits per day or request for Higher Quota
I also tried everything, but could only solve this when I created a new project, gave access to the APIs I needed, and added a new key.
I also got a "Bad Request" error and this solved it.
I also tried everything, but could only solve this when I created a new project, gave access to the APIs I needed, and added a new key.
