Using React-Native run in Xcode counter an error - xcode

I get new version of react-native and when I initialize a new project and run it in Xcode I have the error:(react-native 0.9 IOS run error).
Please help me!
Unknown option:

It is an error generated when you transpiling with babel. Make sure the Node version is latest. Clear npm cache with $ sudo npm cache clean and start a new project using RN again.


Can't properly install hardhat using Powershell! Persistent Error HH12: Trying to use a non-local installation of Hardhat, which is not supported

Below is a short list of my setup until I stumble upon the HH12 Hardhat Error that I keep getting:
mkdir wave (Name of my directory)
cd wave
npm init -y
npm install —save-dev hardhat
npx hardhat
Choose sample project
6a. Hardhat project root (Select)
6b. Add .gitignore
Say yes to everything
install the remaining dependencies: npm install --save-dev #nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai #nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers
npx hardhat accounts (to see all the different accounts)...
...And then it fails here! An HH12 Hardhat Error Message: "Hardhat is not installed or installed globally. You tried to run Hardhat from a global installation or not installing it at all. This is not supported. Please install Hardhat locally using npm or Yarn, and try again." ( [BTW, these 2 lines are the ONLY docs on this error on Hardhat!].
Any suggestions?
I have tried the following possible 'fixes' to sidestep this error but to no avail:
Updating most current version of node
Restarting my PC (About 17 X now as of this writing)
Using GitBash (Instead of Powershell)
Asking mods in Hardhat Discord (None) and other Discords
Opening the Hardhat docs (And the Tutorials!!) for answers... None!
StackExchange - There's literally only 1 other person who ALSO had this problem here! But the answers here are not the solution. (Have DMd that person but no reply as of yet).
So can anyone out there help?
I believe I finally figured out the solution (at least what worked for me):
I dropped back 2 directory levels from where I was for my root project and started again there.
I updated my Node version to 16.

Nativescript Error: Executing webpack failed with exit code 1

I've done a fresh install of Nativescript on a new iMac (running Big Sur) following the instructions carefully (from
It was working fine after the install yesterday, but today I cannot run apps in ios simulator (or in an Android virtual device).
The ns doctor command in terminal gives me this initially:
No issues were detected.
✔ Your ANDROID_HOME environment variable is set and points to correct directory.
✔ Your adb from the Android SDK is correctly installed.
✔ The Android SDK is installed.
✔ A compatible Android SDK for compilation is found.
✔ Javac is installed and is configured properly.
✔ The Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed and is configured properly.
✔ Xcode is installed and is configured properly.
✔ xcodeproj is installed and is configured properly.
✔ CocoaPods are installed.
✔ CocoaPods update is not required.
✔ CocoaPods are configured properly.
✔ Your current CocoaPods version is newer than 1.0.0.
✔ Python installed and configured correctly.
✔ The Python 'six' package is found.
✔ Xcode version 12.5.1 satisfies minimum required version 10.
✔ Getting NativeScript components versions information...
✔ Component nativescript has 8.0.2 version and is up to date.
However, when I create a new app (ns create) and then try to run in (ns run ios), I get this error: Executing webpack failed with exit code 1.
The error messages start with this: TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolved' of undefined.
The same thing is also happening when I try to run it on Android.
After trying to run it on both ios and Android, ns doctor adds these lines:
✔ Component #nativescript/core has 8.0.8 version and is up to date.
✔ Component #nativescript/ios has 8.0.0 version and is up to date.
✔ Component #nativescript/android has 8.0.0 version and is up to date.
So it seems like the platforms are being added properly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The full error message is:
Searching for devices...
Preparing project...
webpack is watching the files...
if (entry.resolved !== undefined) return entry.resolved;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'resolved' of undefined
at getResolvedTimestamp (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/FileSystemInfo.js:817:12)
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/FileSystemInfo.js:1167:21
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/AsyncQueue.js:352:5
at Hook.eval [as callAsync] (eval at create (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/HookCodeFactory.js:33:10), <anonymous>:6:1)
at Hook.CALL_ASYNC_DELEGATE [as _callAsync] (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/node_modules/tapable/lib/Hook.js:18:14)
at AsyncQueue._handleResult (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/AsyncQueue.js:322:21)
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/AsyncQueue.js:305:11
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/FileSystemInfo.js:3098:21
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/FileSystemInfo.js:3010:22
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/neo-async/async.js:2830:7
at done (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/neo-async/async.js:2925:13)
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/FileSystemInfo.js:2994:23
at Array.<anonymous> (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/webpack/lib/util/fs.js:311:21)
at runCallbacks (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/enhanced-resolve/lib/CachedInputFileSystem.js:27:15)
at /Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/enhanced-resolve/lib/CachedInputFileSystem.js:200:4
at callback (/Users/student/Desktop/testApp/node_modules/graceful-fs/polyfills.js:299:20)
Executing webpack failed with exit code 1.
Thank you for reporting this, we have confirmed a breaking change in the latest webpack release:
You can switch your package.json to use the rc as follows to resolve this right now:
"devDependencies": {
"#nativescript/webpack": "rc"
Then ns clean and you should be able to run your app now.
We also published another beta tag pinning webpack to 5.50.0 so doing ns clean without making any other dependency change in your own package.json should also work now.

why can't create new app in react native

I'm beginner in react-native and I doing steps in a website of react-native
and the app is working right,
but after doing some update
npm i react#latest --save
npm i react-native#latest --save
react-native upgrade
after that, I can't create any project by
react-native init projectName
I get this error
image link
This is actually a problem on Windows with the latest version of react native (0.56)
GitHub Issue
Try using version 0.55.4 by typing react-native init --version="0.55.4" projectName
Not every version of react-native is compatible with every version of react. In the screenshot you sent, it says you need react#16.4.1 for react-native#0.56.0. Try doing npm i react#16.4.1 --save and then try react-native init projectName again.

Xcode / React Native - "Transform Error - unknown plugin 'module-resolver' "

I am running a build on Xcode for my React Native project and for some reason, when running the build in debug mode, this error appears:
'TransformError: [my directory] : Unknown plugin "module-resolver" ' inside my babelrc file.
I tried to npm install the module-resolver to see if that would get rid of the error however the simulator still has as red screen with that same TransformError.
Any help/guidance on this would be really helpful.
You must install the 'babel-plugin-module-resolver'.
You should run:
npm install babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev

React Native _weakMap2 error

I just updated to React Native 0.21, but I am getting an error when I require Parse:
var Parse = require('parse/react-native').Parse;
The error I get is:
undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'new _weakMap2.default()')
I don't believe it has to do with Parse though, as searching the directory, the 'weakMap2' reference is only found inside the react-proxy package.
Has anyone else experienced this error or found a workaround? Thanks!
This should be fixed in react-proxy#1.1.7.
(Don’t use 2.x, it’s not related to React Native at all currently!)
You can run npm install react-proxy#1.1.7 so NPM updates it locally. If you are using npm#2.x, you would need to run npm install react-proxy#1.1.7 inside node_modules/react-native/node_modules/react-transform-hmr or something like this—check where it is installed and make sure it’s 1.x but up to date.
Don't really know the issue but running Parse JS SDK as version 1.6.14 works for me. Have the same error as you when running latest 1.7.1. Hard to trace the error.
npm i parse#1.6.14 --save
I forced react-proxy to version 2.0.1 and the error is now gone for me.
