How to create new core 2.0 project? - visual-studio

I've just reinstalled VS 2017 15.6.2 using web installer and tried to create new
empty core 2.0 project.
But when i open it i got error:
Project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing.
My version of SDK is 2.1.101, which was installed with visual studio.
I selected web and .net core development features during install, what am i missing?
I tried to create empty core console app and everything works fine.
this error is related to folder structure
C:\Novatek.Monitoring.WebUI // no errors
C:\Svn\Monitoring\trunk\Novatek.Monitoring.WebUI // Project file is incomplete. Expected imports are missing.

Try follow this tutorial:
Remember to check your dotnet-core version with 'dotnet --version'

You can follow this simple and basic steps :) This link will help get started in creating your first dynamic ASP.NET Core MVC Web App connected to MS SQL Server.


unable to find package Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.browser-wasm

I am getting an "unable to find package Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.browser-wasm" error when trying to Build an AspNetCore 5.0.0 Blazor Wasm app using VS Community 2019 v16.8.3. I haven't tried to Build this app since early December, but it worked then. I get the same error when I try to Build older backup copies of the app too.
I have in recent days created a new AspNetCore 3.2.1 Blazor Wasm app using the same VS. It Builds and runs successfully.
A search for this error indicates this package is not meant for direct consumption and I can't find anything else that's helpful.
Any idea how to get out of this?
The solution #rdmptn wrote as a comment worked for me. After upgrading VS I needed to add to my list of Package Sources in the NuGet Package Manager options then rebuild the solution.

visual studio 2017 publish error

Using WebDeploy to publish to an Azure Web Site fails with error:
Error The target "GetCopyToPublishDirectoryItems" does not exist in the project.
Visual Studio 2017 RC - latest download
I created an empty ASP .net Core web project with 4.61 .net version
I created an empty Library with 4.61 .net version
I added the library as a dependency of the web project
I rebuilt the project
I published with web deploy - and got the error
I am using Windows 10
The same happened on a friend computer.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Looks like this is a known issue with a fix forthcoming. The following Github issue page has several workarounds:

Unable to create ASP.NET MVC 3 Razor project with MonoDevelop on Ubuntu

Normally I develop with Visual Studio but yesterday I installed the new Ubuntu (I believe it is 14.04) hoping to try MonoDevelop (installed from Ubuntu repository version 4.x) and create some project in ASP.NET MVC3 (Razor). Unfortunately I got this error on project creation:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException:Could not find file “/usr/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet.Mvc/Templates/Common/Index.cshtml”.
File name:’/usr/lib/monodevelop/AddIns/MonoDevelop.AspNet.Mvc/Templates/Common/Index.cshtml’
There are some posts on SO which recommend to install the latest version from github (5.x), so I did so.
However now, the previously available option to create a new project in ASP.NET MVC3 (Razor) is gone.
Has anyone run into the same problem and found a workaround?
Am I missing something?

Starting a ASP.NET MVC3 project in MonoDevelop? Steps to do so?

I'm using MonoDevelop on the Mac with the latest Mono version installed.
What steps do I need to take to start using MVC3 in a project with RAZOR syntax (.cshtml files)?
I've read but it doesn't spell it out. How do I create my first .cshtml file? How do I tell my application to point to Index.cshtml, and not the default Index.aspx file when creating an MVC (2) project in MonoDevelop?
I started a new MVC2 project in Mono. I started a new MVC3 project in VS 2010. I copied all the required DLLs over from the MVC3 to the MVC2 project in Mono. Now I build and get a "The compiler has appeared to crash" in Mono.
I thought there was MVC3 support? What am I doing wrong here?
I'm not sure how deep you're diving into Mono or what enviroment you're using, but here are three pretty useful blog articles about using MVC and Mono:
Get MVC3 Razor Running on Mono
Setting up Mono 2.8 with Asp.Net 4.0 and MVC2 on Ubuntu with MySql
Installing OpenSuse 11.2 with Mono 2.6.1 and Apache Using Text Mode Configuration – Porting to Mono
The second link has a downloadable MVC application that has already been setup to run with a version of Mono and uses MySql with the membership provider scheme scripted into it.
I hope these links help you, and good luck with your project.
If you are getting the "Compiler has appeared to crash" when trying to cut over to MVC3, you should set your project to .NET 4. You can do this by right clicking on the project->Options->Build->General and selecting Mono / .NET 4.
This gentleman seems to have had some success in getting MVC3 running in monodevelop on a mac.
I managed to get MVC3 and razor to work in xamarin studio on MacOS by following the solution here:
Monodevelop MVC3 razor - what is the trick to get it to work?

VS 2010 Setup Project Requires .NET 4.0, but it is already installed

I have a VS 10 project using .Net 4.0 and I use lots of stuff that do require 4.0. I created a VS Setup project added the primary output from my project and built it. I then installed it and everything worked fine. A few days later I am ready to do a new build so I rebuild my project and then the setup project. Now when I run the msi it tells me that .Net Framework 4.0 is required.... I figured I screwed it up so I just create a new setup project, and that works fine. But again a few days later (restarted VS in there probably and maybe even the computer) I rebuild and get the error telling me that .Net 4.0 is required. I did it a few times just to verify and it consistently happens and I cannot figure out why.
The project I am building and installing has a windows service that is set as the startup project. I will switch that to a console app object for local testing purposes and build and test the project (not the setup project). This is the only thing I can think of that may be impacting the build, but again, I cannot figure out why.
Any help is appreciated.
This error message is thrown when the Launch Conditions in the Setup Project aren't met.
Go to View > Editor > Launch Conditions
Change the .Net Framework version value to
match the version your setup project
is compiled into. By default, the 2010 setup and deployment project condition is set to .NET 4.0 Client Profile.
