How does Kafka Streams multithread/parallelize aggregation operations? - apache-kafka-streams

I tried a little experiment, and I'm wondering how to explain what I'm seeing. The purpose
of the experiment was to try to understand how Kafka Streams is doing multithreading. I
created and populated an input Topic with three partitions. Then I created a Streams graph
that included the following, and configured it to run with three threads.
kstream = kstream.mapValues(tsdb_object -> {
System.out.println( "mapValues: Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
return tsdb_object;
// Add operator to print results to stdout:
Printed<Long, TsdbObject> printed = Printed.toSysOut();
KGroupedStream<Long, TsdbObject> kstream_grouped_by_key = kstream.groupByKey(Serialized.with(Serdes.Long(), TsdbObject.getSerde()));
KTable<Long, TsdbObject> summation =
kstream_grouped_by_key.reduce((tsdb_object1, tsdb_object2) -> {
System.out.println("reducer: Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getId());
return tsdb_object1;
I figured that the first print statement would print out messages with three different
thread id's, and that's what happened. However, I figured that the second print
statement, being issued in the middle of an aggregation (reducer) operation, would
print out messages listing only one thread id, under the assumption that the reduction
would NOT be multithreaded. This turned out not to be true: the second print
produced messages listing three different thread id's.
Can someone please explain briefly how the aggregation (reducer) is running in
three different threads? Are they running in parallel?

Yes, the aggregation is execute with 3 threads as well, and each thread does the aggregation for about 1/3 of all keys.
Why would you assume that the aggregation is not multithreaded? Note, that it's an aggregation per key, thus the result for each key is independent of the result of all others keys. This allows to parallelize the computation.


Asyncio: All tasks are executed at once despite small grouped-tasks

I have created all the tasks in a for loop first.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks =[]
for i in range(100):
task = loop.create_task(...)
Instead of executing all 100 of them, I am trying to fire just a few, say just 1, at a time so I did something like below
await asyncio.wait([tasks[0]]) # just the very first one in the list
# also tried with `asyncio.gather` instead of `asyncio.wait`.
Expected behavior (at least to me)
Work with the very first task as I am only providing one task
Actual behavior
All 100 tasks are fired. How can I only fire just a few?
How can I only fire just a few?
I think the pattern you are looking for is using a queue and having a controlled number of consumers (workers). See for example

How to measure execution time of Vulkan pipeline

I wish to be able to measure time elapsed in milliseconds, on the GPU, of running the entire graphics pipeline. The goal: To be able to save benchmarks before/after optimizing the code (next step would be mipmapping textures) to see improvements. This was really simple in OpenGL, but I'm new to Vulkan, and could use some help.
I have browsed related existing answers (here and here), but they aren't really of much help. And I cannot find code samples anywhere, so I dare ask here.
Through documentation pages I have found a couple of functions that I think I should be using, so I have in place something like this:
1: Creating query pool
void CreateQueryPool()
VkQueryPoolCreateInfo createInfo{};
createInfo.pNext = nullptr; // Optional
createInfo.flags = 0; // Reserved for future use, must be 0!
createInfo.queryType = VK_QUERY_TYPE_TIMESTAMP;
createInfo.queryCount = mCommandBuffers.size() * 2; // REVIEW
VkResult result = vkCreateQueryPool(mDevice, &createInfo, nullptr, &mTimeQueryPool);
if (result != VK_SUCCESS)
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create time query pool!");
I had the idea of queryCount = mCommandBuffers.size() * 2 to have space for a separate query timestamp before and after rendering, but I have no clue whether this assumption is correct or not.
2: Recording command buffers
// recording command buffer i:
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i);
// render pass ...
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i);
vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults(/* many parameters here */);
I'm looking for a couple of clarifications:
What is the concequence of writing to the same query index? Do I need two separate query pools - one for before render time and one for after render time?
How should I handle synchronization? I assume having a separate query for each command buffer.
For the destination buffer containing the query result, is it good enough to store somewhere with "host visible bit", or do I need staging memory for "device visible only"? I'm a bit lost on this one as well.
I have not been able to find any online examples of how to measure render time, but I just assume it's such a common task that surely there must be an example out there somewhere.
So, thanks to #karlschultz, I managed to get something working. So in case other people will be looking for the same answer, I decided to post my findings here. For the Vulkan experts out there: Please let me know if I make obvious mistakes, and I will correct them here!
Query Pool Creation
I fill out a VkQueryPoolCreateInfo struct as described in my question, and let its queryCount field equal twice the number of command buffers, to store space for a query before and after rendering.
Important here is to reset all entries in the query pool before using the queries, and to reset a query after writing to it. This necessitates a few changes:
1) Asking graphics queue if timestamps are supported
When picking the graphics queue family, the struct VkQueueFamilyProperties has a field timestampValidBits which must be greater than 0, otherwise the queue family cannot be used for timestamp queries!
2) Determining the timestamp period
The physical device contains a special value which indicates the number of nanoseconds it takes for a timestamp query to be incremented by 1. This is necessary to interpret the query result as e.g. nanoseconds or milliseconds. That value is a float, and can be retrieved by calling vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties and looking at the field VkPhysicalDeviceProperties.limits.timestampPeriod.
3) Asking for query reset support
During logical device creation, one must fill out a struct and add it to the pNext chain to enable the host query reset feature:
VkDeviceCreateInfo createInfo{};
VkPhysicalDeviceHostQueryResetFeatures resetFeatures;
resetFeatures.pNext = nullptr;
resetFeatures.hostQueryReset = VK_TRUE;
createInfo.pNext = &resetFeatures;
4) Recording command buffers
Timestamp queries should be outside the scope of the render pass, as seen below. It is not possible to measure running time of a single shader (e.g. fragment shader), only the entire pipeline or whatever is outside the scope of the render pass, due to (potential) temporal overlap of pipeline stages.
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i * 2);
vkCmdBeginRenderPass(/* ... */);
// render here...
vkCmdWriteTimestamp(mCommandBuffers[i], VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_BOTTOM_OF_PIPE_BIT, mTimeQueryPool, i * 2 + 1);
5) Retrieving query result
We have two methods for this: vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults and vkGetQueryPoolResults. I chose to go with the latter since is greatly simplifies the setup and does not require synchronization with GPU buffers.
Given that I have a swapchain index (in my scenario same is command buffer index!), I have a setup like this:
void FetchRenderTimeResults(uint32_t swapchainIndex)
uint64_t buffer[2];
VkResult result = vkGetQueryPoolResults(mDevice, mTimeQueryPool, swapchainIndex * 2, 2, sizeof(uint64_t) * 2, buffer, sizeof(uint64_t),
if (result == VK_NOT_READY)
else if (result == VK_SUCCESS)
mTimeQueryResults[swapchainIndex] = buffer[1] - buffer[0];
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to receive query results!");
// Queries must be reset after each individual use.
vkResetQueryPool(mDevice, mTimeQueryPool, swapchainIndex * 2, 2);
The variable mTimeQueryResults refers to an std::vector<uint64_t> which contains a result for each swapchain. I use it to calculate an average rendering time each second by using the timestamp period determined in step 2).
And one must not forget to cleanup to query pool by calling vkDestroyQueryPool.
There are a lot of details omitted, and for a total Vulkan noob like me this setup was frightening and took several days to figure out. Hopefully this will spare someone else the headache.
More info in documentation.
Writing to the same query index is bad because you are overwriting your "before" timestamp with the "after" timestamp at the same query index. You might want to change the last parameter in your write timestamp calls to i * 2 for the "before" call and to i * 2 + 1 for the "after". You are already allocating 2 timestamps for each command buffer, but only using half of them. This scheme ends up producing a pair of before/after timestamps for each command buffer i.
I don't have any experience using vkCmdCopyQueryPoolResults(). If you can idle your queue, then after idle, call vkGetQueryPoolResults() which will probably be much easier for what you are doing here. It copies the query results back into host memory and you don't have to mess with synchronizing writes to another buffer and then mapping/reading it back.

Redis pipeline, dealing with cache misses

I'm trying to figure out the best way to implement Redis pipelining. We use redis as a cache on top of MySQL to store user data, product listings, etc.
I'm using this as a starting point:
My question is, assuming you have an array of ids properly sorted. You loop through the redis pipeline like this:
$redis = new Redis();
// Opens up the pipeline
$pipe = $redis->multi(Redis::PIPELINE);
// Loops through the data and performs actions
foreach ($users as $user_id => $username)
// Increment the number of times the user record has been accessed
$pipe->incr('accessed:' . $user_id);
// Pulls the user record
$pipe->get('user:' . $user_id);
// Executes all of the commands in one shot
$users = $pipe->exec();
What happens when $pipe->get('user:' . $user_id); is not available, because it hasn't been requested before or has been evicted by Redis, etc? Assuming it's result # 13 from 50, how do we a) find out that we weren't able to retrieve that object and b) keep the array of users properly sorted?
Thank you
I will answer the question referring to Redis protocol. How it works in particular language is more or less the same in that case.
First of all, let's check how Redis pipeline works:
It is just a way to send multiple commands to server, execute them and get multiple replies. There is nothing special, you just get an array with replies for each command in the pipeline.
Why pipelines are much faster is because roundtrip time for each command is saved, i.e. for 100 commands there is only one round-trip time instead of 100. In addition, Redis executes every command synchronously. Executing 100 commands needs potentially fighting 100 times, for Redis to pick that singular command, pipeline is treated as one long command, thus requiring only once to wait being picked synchronously.
You can read more about pipelining here: One more note, because each pipelined batch runs uninterruptible (in terms of Redis) it makes sense to send these commands in overviewable chunks, i.e. don't send 100k commands in a single pipeline, that might block Redis for a long period of time, split them into chunks of 1k or 10k commands.
In your case you run in the loop the following fragment:
// Increment the number of times the user record has been accessed
$pipe->incr('accessed:' . $user_id);
// Pulls the user record
$pipe->get('user:' . $user_id);
The question is what is put into pipeline? Let's say you'd update data for u1, u2, u3, u4 as user ids. Thus the pipeline with Redis commands will look like:
INCR accessed:u1
GET user:u1
INCR accessed:u2
GET user:u2
INCR accessed:u3
GET user:u3
INCR accessed:u4
GET user:u4
Let's say:
u1 was accessed 100 times before,
u2 was accessed 5 times before,
u3 was not accessed before and
u4 and accompanying data does not exist.
The result will be in that case an array of Redis replies having:
u1 string data stored at user:u1
u2 string data stored at user:u2
u3 string data stored at user:u3
As you can see, Redis will treat missing INCR values as being 0 and execute incr(0). Finally, there is nothing being sorted by Redis and the results will come in the oder as requested.
The language binding, e.g. Redis driver, will just parse for you that protocol and give the view to parsed data. Without keeping the oder of commands it'll be impossible for Redis driver to work correctly and for you as programmer to deduce smth. Just keep in mind, that request is not duplicated in the reply i.e. you will not receive key for u1 or u2 when doing GET, but just the data for that key. Thus your implementation must remember that on position 1 (zero based index) comes the result of GET for u1.

Storm 0.10.0 reuse a topology design?

Can the following design be accomplished in Storm?
Lets take the wordcount example that is present in the following
I am changing the word generator spout to a file reader spout
The design for this Word Count Topology is
1. Spout to read file and create sentences line by line
2. Bolt to split sentences to words
3. Bolt to add unique words and give a word and its corresponding count
So in a way the topology is describing the flow a file needs to take to count the unique words it has.
If I have two files file 1 and file 2 one should be able to call the same topology and create two instance of this topology to run the same word count.
In order to track if the word count has indeed finished the instances of word count topology should have a completed status once the file has been processed.
In the current design of Storm, I find that the Topology is the actual instance so it is like a task.
One needs to make two different calls with different Topology names like
for file 1
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("WordCountTopology1", conf,builder.createTopology());
for file 2
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("WordCountTopology2", conf,builder.createTopology());
not to mention the same upload of the jar using the storm client
storm jar stormwordcount-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar "server" "filepath1"
storm jar stormwordcount-1.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar "server" "filepath2"
The other issue is the topologies don't complete once the file is processed. They are alive all the time before we issue a kill on the topology
storm kill "WordCountTopology"
I understand that in a streaming world where the messages are coming from a message queue like Kafka there is no end of message but how is that relevant in the file world where the entities/messages are fixed.
Is there an API that does the following?
//creates the topology, this is done one time using the storm to upload the respective jars
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("WordCountTopology", conf,builder.createTopology());
Once uploaded the application code just instantiates the topology with the agruments
//creates an instance of the topology and give a status tracker
JobTracker tracker = StormSubmitter.runTopology("WordCountTopology", conf, args);
//Can query the Storm for the current job if its complete or not
JobStatus status = StormSubmitter.getTopologyStatus(conf, tracker);
For reusing the same topology twice, you have two possibilities:
1) Use a constructor parameter for your file spout and instantiate the same topology with twice with different parameters:
private StormTopology createMyTopology(String filename) {
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("File Spout", new FileSpout(filename));
// add further spouts and bolts etc.
return builder.createTopology();
public static void main(String[] args) {
String file1 = "/path/to/file1";
String file2 = "/path/to/file2";
Config c = new Config();
if(useFile1) {
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("T1", c, createMyTopology(file1));
} else {
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("T1", c, createMyTopology(file2));
2) As an alternative, you could configure your file spout in open() method.
public class FileSpout extends IRichSpout {
public void open(Map conf, ...) {
String filenmae = (String)conf.get("FILENAME");
// ...
// other methods omitted
public static void main(String[] args) {
String file1 = "/path/to/file1";
String file2 = "/path/to/file2";
Config c = new Config();
if(useFile1) {
c.put("FILENAME", file1);
} else {
c.put("FILENAME", file2);
// assembly topology...
StormSubmitter.submitTopology("T", c, builder.createTopology());
For you second question: there is no API in Storm that terminates a topology automatically. You could use TopologyInfo and monitor the number of emitted tuples of the spout. If it does not change for some time, you can assume that the whole file got read and then kill the topology.
Config cfg = new Config();
Client client = NimbusClient.getConfiguredClient(cfg).getClient();
TopologyInfo info = client.getTopologyInfo("topologyName");
// get emitted tuples...
The word count topology mentioned in the post doesn't do justice for the might and power of Storm. Since Storm is a Stream processor, it requires a stream; period. By definition files are files it is static. I empathize with the Storm developers on how can a simple hello world be given to the adoption on how to show case the topology concepts and a non stream technology like file was taken. So to the newbies who are learning Storm which I was at that time, it was a difficult to understand how to develop using the example. The example is just a way to show how Storm concepts work, not a real word application of how files would come or needs to be processed.
So here is the take on how one of the solution could be.
Since topologies run all the time, they can compute the word count for as long as one wants i,e within a file or across all files for any periods of time.
In order to allow for different files to come in, we would need a streaming spout. So naturally you would need a Kafka Message Broker or similar to receive files in a stream. Depending on the size of the file and the restriction that message brokers put namely Kafka which has a 1 MB file restriction, we could pick to send the file itself as the payload or the reference of the file in which case you would need a distributed file system to store the file namely a Hadoop DFS or a NAS.
We then read these files using a Kafka Spout as opposed to FileSpout.
We now have the following issues
1. Word Count Across Files
2. Word Count per File
3. Running Status on the word count till it is processed
4. When do we know if a file is processed or complete
Word Count Across Files
Using the example provided, this is the use case the example targets so if we continue to stream the files and in each file we read the lines, split the word and send to other bolts, the bolts would count the words independent of which file it came from.
File1 A quick brown fox jumped ...
File2 Once upon a time a fox ...
Field Grouping
fox (not needed as it came in file 1)
Word Count Per File
In order to do this, we would now need to put the fields grouping of words to be appended with the fileId. So now the example needs to change to include a fileId for each word it splits.
File1 A quick brown fox jumped ...
File2 Once upon a time a fox ...
So the fields grouping on word would be (canceling the noise words)
Running Status on the word count till it is processed
Since all these counts are in memory of the bolt and we don't know the EoF there is no way to get the status unless someone peaks into the bolt or we send the counts periodically to another data store where we can query it. This is exactly what we need to do, which is at periodic intervals we need to persist the in-memory bolt counts to a data store like hbase, elastic, mongo db etc
When do we know if a file is processed or complete
Perhaps this is the toughest question to answer in the streaming world, basically the stream processor doesn't know the steam is finished as from its perspective the streams are files coming in and it needs to split each file into words and count in corresponding bolts. So they don't know what has happened before or after it reached each actor.
This entire thing needs to be done by the app developer.
One way to do this is when each file is read we count the total words and send a message
File 1 : Total Words : 1000
File 2 : Total Words : 2000
Now when we do the word count and find different words per file File1_* the count of individual words and the total words should match before we say a file is complete. All these are custom logic we would need to write before we can say its complete.
So in essential Storm provides the framework to do stream processing in a variety of ways. Its the application developers job to develop with the design that it has and implement their own logic depending on the use case. It doesn't provide application use cases out of the box or a good reference implementation which I think we need to build as its not a commercial product and depends on community to champion.

Big task or multiple small tasks with Sidekiq

I'm writting a worker to add lot's of users into a group. I'm wondering if it's better to run a big task who had all users, or batch like 100 users or one by one per task.
For the moment here is my code
class AddUsersToGroupWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_options :queue => :group_utility
def perform(store_id, group_id, user_ids_to_add)
store = Store.find store_id
group = Group.find group_id
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound => e
Airbrake.notify e
users_to_process = store.users.where(id: user_ids_to_add)
.where.not(id: group.user_ids)
group.users += users_to_process do |user_to_process_id|
UpdateLastUpdatesForUserWorker.perform_async, user_to_process_id
Maybe it's better to have something like this in my method :
def add_users
users_to_process = store.users.where(id: user_ids_to_add)
.where.not(id: group.user_ids) do |user_to_process_id|
AddUserToGroupWorker.perform_async group_id, user_to_process_id
UpdateLastUpdatesForUserWorker.perform_async, user_to_process_id
But so many find request. What do you think ?
I have a sidekig pro licence if needed (for batch for example).
Here are my thoughts.
1. Do a single SQL query instead of N queries
This line: group.users += users_to_process is likely to produce N SQL queries (where N is users_to_process.count). I assume that you have many-to-many connection between users and groups (with user_groups join table/model), so you should use some Mass inserting data technique:
users_to_process_ids = store.users.where(id: user_ids_to_add)
.where.not(id: group.user_ids)
sql_values ={|i| "(#{i.to_i}, #{}, NOW(), NOW())"}
INSERT INTO groups_users (user_id, group_id, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES #{sql_values.join(",")}
Yes, it's raw SQL. And it's fast.
2. User pluck(:id) instead of map(&:id)
pluck is much quicker, because:
It will select only 'id' column, so less data is transferred from DB
More importantly, it won't create ActiveRecord object for each raw
Doing SQL is cheap. Creating Ruby objects is really expensive.
3. Use horizontal parallelization instead of vertical parallelization
What I mean here, is if you need to do sequential tasks A -> B -> C for a dozen of records, there are two major ways to split the work:
Vertical segmentation. AWorker does A(1), A(2), A(3); BWorker does B(1), etc.; CWorker does all C(i) jobs;
Horizontal segmentation. UniversalWorker does A(1)+B(1)+C(1).
Use the latter (horizontal) way.
It's a statement from experience, not from some theoretical point of view (where both ways are feasible).
Why you should do that?
When you use vertical segmentation, you will likely get errors when you pass job from one worker down to another. Like such kind of errors. You will pull your hair out if you bump into such errors, because they aren't persistent and easily reproducible. Sometimes they happen and sometimes they aren't. Is it possible to write a code which will pass the work down the chain without errors? Sure, it is. But it's better to keep it simple.
Imagine that your server is at rest. And then suddenly new jobs arrive. Your B and C workers will just waste the RAM, while your A workers do the job. And then your A and C will waste the RAM, while B's are at work. And so on. If you make horizontal segmentation, your resource drain will even itself out.
Applying that advice to your specific case: for starters, don't call perform_async in another async task.
4. Process in batches
Answering your original question – yes, do process in batches. Creating and managing async task takes some resources by itself, so there's no need to create too many of them.
TL;DR So in the end, your code could look something like this:
# model code
def add_users
users_to_process_ids = store.users.where(id: user_ids_to_add)
.where.not(id: group.user_ids)
# With 100,000 users performance of this query should be acceptable
# to make it in a synchronous fasion
sql_values ={|i| "(#{i.to_i}, #{}, NOW(), NOW())"}
INSERT INTO groups_users (user_id, group_id, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES #{sql_values.join(",")}
users_to_process_ids.each_slice(BATCH_SIZE) do |batch|
AddUserToGroupWorker.perform_async group_id, batch
# add_user_to_group_worker.rb
def perform(group_id, user_ids_to_add)
group = Group.find group_id
# Do some heavy load with a batch as a whole
# ...
# ...
# If nothing here is left, call UpdateLastUpdatesForUserWorker from the model instead
user_ids_to_add.each do |id|
# do it synchronously – we already parallelized the job
# by splitting it in slices in the model above, user_to_process_id
There's no silver bullet. It depends on your goals and your application. General questions to ask yourself:
How much user ids could you pass to a worker? Is it possible to pass 100? What about 1000000?
How long your workers can work? Should it have any restrictions about working time? Can they stuck?
For a big applications it's necessary to split passed arguments to smaller chunks, to avoid creating long-running jobs. Creating a lot of small jobs allows you to scale easily - you can always add more workers.
Also it might be a good idea to define kind of timeout for workers, to stop processing of stuck workers.
