Asyncio: All tasks are executed at once despite small grouped-tasks - python-asyncio

I have created all the tasks in a for loop first.
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
tasks =[]
for i in range(100):
task = loop.create_task(...)
Instead of executing all 100 of them, I am trying to fire just a few, say just 1, at a time so I did something like below
await asyncio.wait([tasks[0]]) # just the very first one in the list
# also tried with `asyncio.gather` instead of `asyncio.wait`.
Expected behavior (at least to me)
Work with the very first task as I am only providing one task
Actual behavior
All 100 tasks are fired. How can I only fire just a few?

How can I only fire just a few?
I think the pattern you are looking for is using a queue and having a controlled number of consumers (workers). See for example


Can't seem to run a process in background of Sinatra app

I'm trying to display a number from an api, but I want my page to load faster. So, I'd like to get the number from the api every 5 minutes, and just load that number to my page. This is what I have.
get '/' do
x =
#number = x.number
:erb home
This works fine, but getting that number from the api takes a while so that means my page takes a while to load. I want to look up that number ahead of time and then every 5 minutes. I've tried using threads and processes, but I can't seem to figure it out. I'm still pretty new to programming.
Here's a pretty simple way to get data in a separate thread. Somewhere outside of the controller action, fire off the async loop:
Data = {}
numbers_api = do
Data[:number] = numbers_api.number
sleep 300 # 5 minutes
Then in your controller action, you can simply refer to the Data[:number], and you'll get the latest value.
However if you're deploying this you should use a gem like Resque or Sidekiq; it will track failures and is probably optimized more

how can I run ruby script for n-occurrences every X-minutes

I am looking at which nicely allows me to schedule and chain events.
But I want the events to stop after, say, the 10th occurrence or after the 24 days.
How do I do this?
My case would be:
run a script which creates the recurring jobs based on intervals and then stops after a given date or occurrence.
This is what I have done.
def run_schedule(url, count, method, interval)
puts "running scheduler"
scheduler =
scheduler.every interval do
attack_loop(url, count, method)
I am testing my site and want the attack_loop to be scheduled in memory to run against the interval.
But it appears it never hits the binding.pry line.
Normally these schedulers are running via cron jobs. Then the problem with your requirement is cron job doesn't know whether you hit the 10th occurrence or the 24 days as it doesnt keep a track. One possible solution would be to create a separate table to update the cron job details.
I'm thinking a table like,
- id
- occurrence_count
- created_date
- updated_date
_ scheduler_type
So, now when you run a script, you can create or update the details. (You can search the script by scheduler_type, that way
you can check the number of occurrences
with created date, you can calculate the 24 days
Good day, you can specify the number of times a job should run:
If you need a more elaborate stop condition, you could do:
scheduler.every interval do |job|
if > some_max_date
attack_loop(url, count, method)
But it appears it never hits the binding.pry line.
What has it to do with your issue title? Are you mixing issues?

Job with multiple tasks on different servers

I need to have a Job with multiple tasks, being run on different machines, one after another (not simultaneously), and while the current job is running, another same job can arrive to the queue, but should not be started until the previous one has finished. So I came up with this 'solution' which might not be the best but it gets the job done :). I just have one problem.
I figured out I would need a JobQueue (either MongoDb or Redis) with the following structure:
hostname: 'host where to execute the task',
task: 'current task number',
[task_id:1, commands:'run these ecommands', hostname:'aaa'],
[task_id:2,commands:'another command', hostname:'bbb']
search for the jobs with same hostname, and running==FALSE
execute the task that is set in that job
upon finish, host sets running=FALSE, checks if there are any other tasks to perform and increases task number + sets the hostname to the next machine from the next task
Because jobs can accumulate, imagine situation when jobs are queued for one host like this: A,B,A
Since I have to run all the jobs for the specified machine how do I not start the 3rd A (first A is still running)?
_id : ObjectId("xxxx"), // unique, generated by MongoDB, indexed, sortable
hostname: 'host where to execute the task',
task: 'current task number',
[task_id:1, commands:'run these ecommands', hostname:'aaa'],
[task_id:2,commands:'another command', hostname:'bbb']
The question is how would the next available "worker" know whether it's safe for it to start the next job on a particular host.
You probably need to have some sort of a sortable (indexed) field to indicate the arrival order of the jobs. If you are using MongoDB, then you can let it generate _id which will already be unique, indexed and in time-order since its first four bytes are timestamp.
You can now query to see if there is a job to run for a particular host like so:
// pseudo code - shell syntax, not actual code
var jobToRun = db.queue.findOne({hostname:<myHostName>},{},{sort:{_id:1}});
if (jobToRun.running == FALSE) {
myJob = db.queue.findAndModify({query:{_id:jobToRun._id, running:FALSE},update:{$set:{running:TRUE}}});
if (myJob == null) print("Someone else already grabbed it");
else {
/* now we know that we updated this and we can run it */
} else { /* sleep and try again */ }
What this does is checks for the oldest/earliest job for specific host. It then looks to see if that job is running. If yes then do nothing (sleep and try again?) otherwise try to "lock" it up by doing findAndModify on _id and running FALSE and setting running to TRUE. If that document is returned, it means this process succeeded with the update and can now start the work. Since two threads can be both trying to do this at the same time, if you get back null it means that this document already was changed to be running by another thread and we wait and start again.
I would advise using a timestamp somewhere to indicate when a job started "running" so that if a worker dies without completing a task it can be "found" - otherwise it will be "blocking" all the jobs behind it for the same host.
What I described works for a queue where you would remove the job when it was finished rather than setting running back to FALSE - if you set running to FALSE so that other "tasks" can be done, then you will probably also be updating the tasks array to indicate what's been done.

Howto know that I do not block Ruby eventmachine with a mongodb operation

I am working on a eventmachine based application that periodically polls for changes of MongoDB stored documents.
A simplified code snippet could look like:
require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'em-mongo'
require 'bson' {
#db ='localhost').db('foo_development')
#posts = #db.collection('posts')
#comments = #db.collection('comments')
def handle_changed_posts
EM.next_tick do
cursor = #posts.find(state: 'changed')
resp = cursor.defer_as_a
resp.callback do |documents|
handle_comments{|h| h["comment_id"]}.map(&:to_s) unless documents.length == 0
resp.errback do |err|
raise *err
def handle_comments comment_ids
meta_product_ids.each do |id|
cursor = #comments.find({_id: BSON::ObjectId(id)})
resp = cursor.defer_as_a
resp.callback do |documents|
magic_value = documents.first['weight'].to_i * documents.first['importance'].to_i
resp.errback do |err|
raise *err
EM.add_periodic_timer(1) do
puts "alive: #{}"
EM.add_periodic_timer(5) do
So every 5 seconds EM iterates over all posts, and selects the changed ones. For each changed post it stores the comment_id in an array. When done that array is passed to a handle_comments which loads every comment and does some calculation.
Now I have some difficulties in understanding:
I know, that this load_posts->load_comments->calculate cycle takes 3 seconds in a Rails console with 20000 posts, so it will not be much faster in EM. I schedule the handle_changed_posts method every 5 seconds which is fine unless the number of posts raises and the calculation takes longer than the 5 seconds after which the same run is scheduled again. In that case I'd have a problem soon. How to avoid that?
I trust em-mongo but I do not trust my EM knowledge. To monitor EM is still running I puts a timestamp every second. This seems to be working fine but gets a bit bumpy every 5 seconds when my calculation runs. Is that a sign, that I block the loop?
Is there any general way to find out if I block the loop?
Should I nice my eventmachine process with -19 to give it top OS prio always?
I have been reluctant to answer here since I've got no mongo experience so far, but considering no one is answering and some of the stuff here is general EM stuff I may be able to help:
schedule next scan on first scan's end (resp.callback and resp.errback in handle_changed_posts seem like good candidates to chain next scan), either with add_timer or with next_tick
probably, try handling your mongo trips more often so they handle smaller chunks of data, any cpu cycle hog inside your reactor would make your reactor loop too busy to accept events such as periodic timer ticks
no simple way, no. One idea would be to measure diff of to next_tick{}, do benchmark and then trace possible culprits when the diff crosses a threshold. Simulating slow queries (Simulate slow query in mongodb? ?) and many parallel connections is a good idea
I honestly don't know, I've never encountered people who do that, I expect it depends on other things running on that server
To expand upon bbozo's answer, specifically in relation to your second question, there is no time when you run code that you do not block the loop. In my experience, when we talk about 'non-blocking' code what we really mean is 'code that doesn't block very long'. Typically, these are very short periods of time (less than a millisecond), but they still block while executing.
Further, the only thing next_tick really does is to say 'do this, but not right now'. What you really want to do, as bbozo mentioned, is split up your processing over multiple ticks such that each iteration blocks for as little time as possible.
To use your own benchmarks, if 20,000 records takes about 3 seconds to process, 4,000 records should take about 0.6 seconds. This would be short enough to not usually affect your 1 second heartbeat. You could split it up even farther to reduce the amount of blockage and make the reactor run smoother, but it really depends on how much concurrency you need from the reactor.

Ruby and Rails Async

I need to perform long-running operation in ruby/rails asynchronously.
Googling around one of the options I find is Sidekiq.
class WeeklyReportWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(user, product, year =, week =
report =, product, year, week)
# call WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product')
Everything works great! But there is a problem.
If I keep calling this async method every few seconds, but the actual time heavy operation performs is one minute things won't work.
Let me put it in example.
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
Now my heavy operation will be performed 5 times. Optimally it should have performed only once or twice depending on whether execution of first operaton started before 5th async call was made.
Do you have tips how to solve it?
Here's a naive approach. I'm a resque user, maybe sidekiq has something better to offer.
def perform(user, product, year =, week =
# first, make a name for lock key. For example, include all arguments
# there, so that another perform with the same arguments won't do any work
# while the first one is still running
lock_key_name = make_lock_key_name(user, product, year, week)
Sidekiq.redis do |redis| # sidekiq uses redis, let us leverage that
res = redis.incr lock_key_name
return if res != 1 # protection from race condition. Since incr is atomic,
# the very first one will set value to 1. All subsequent
# incrs will return greater values.
# if incr returned not 1, then another copy of this
# operation is already running, so we quit.
# finally, perform your business logic here
report =, product, year, week)
redis.del lock_key_name # drop lock key, so that operation may run again.
I am not sure I understood your scenario well, but how about looking at this gem:
So instead of doing:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.perform_async('user', 'product') }
You can do:
5.times { WeeklyReportWorker.delay.perform('user', 'product') }
Out of the box, this will make the worker process the second job after the first job, but only if you use the default settings (because by default the worker process is only one).
The gem offers possibilities to:
Put jobs on a queue;
Have different queues for different jobs if that is required;
Have more than one workers to process a queue (for example, you can start 4 workers on a 4-CPU machine for higher efficiency);
Schedule jobs to run at exact times, or after set amount of time after queueing the job. (Or, by default, schedule for immediate background execution).
I hope it can help you as you did to me.
