Autohotkey: Remove window border - window

I would like to display just some text with a background. Despite my attempts, there is a lot of empty space around the text.
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -Border -SysMenu -Caption
Gui, Add, Text, , Some text
Gui, Show, AutoSize
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000, A
WinSet, Style, -0x40000, A
WinSet, ExStyle, -0x00000200, A
If, instead of AutoSize, I manually set the size, the text is cut.

If you add a border to the text, i.e.,
Gui Add, Text, Border, Some text
you'll see it is indeed the window itself with the extra space and not the text control. By default, if no margin is given to a GUI before a control is added it chooses one that is proportional to the font. So, just set the margin to zero before you add the text control:
Gui Margin, 0, 0
Gui Add, Text,, Some text

This is close to what you are looking for but not the same. This code will change the BG Color to transparent leaving only the text. Figured it would be worth showing off here for future users.
This example is using the CustomColor as a color to turn into the transparent field.
CustomColor = EEAA99
Gui, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow
Gui, Font, s32
Gui, Add, Text, , Some text
Gui, Color, %CustomColor%
WinSet, TransColor, %CustomColor% 1000
Gui, Show, AutoSize,NoActivate


Visual Studio 2019 Vertical Tabs Background Color

Anybody knows how to set the background for the vertical tabs?
I love that feature, but with my favourite theme you can't see squat...
...its gray on gray
I have the same problem. I wasn't able to find a way to change the background color, but at least I found a way to change the foreground color, so that at least the tabs become visible.
I have installed Color Theme Editor for VS 2019. It comes with many themes, which you can make a copy of, then edit the copy. In the color theme editor you must search for Document Well - Tab, then scroll to Unselected. Changing the background color here unfortunately only affects horizontal tabs, but changing the foreground do affects both horizontal and vertical tabs.
Here is a screenshot of the extension in action:
Don't forget to click on the "Save and apply theme" in the upper left corner of the extension page.

How to create a GUI in the bottom right corner of the screen?

I want to create a transparent timer in the bottom right corner of the screen. The Gui - Syntax & Usage documents only show commands for the leftmost and topmost margin (xm, ym; x0, y0), so I don't know how to set it up properly.
Here is my code:
#Singleinstance, Force
Gui, Color, white
Gui, Font, S9, Tahoma
Gui, Add, Text, BackgroundTrans vT, 00:00:00
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
WinSet, TransColor, white
Gui, Show
SetTimer, Update, 1000
GuiControl,, T, % A_Hour ":" A_Min
Something like this?
; 50 is number of pixels from the right of the screen
; 25 is number of pixels from bottom of the screen
Gui, Show, x%xval% y%yval%

How to change terminal font color in PyCharm?

I want to set my terminal color scheme, such that I will have black text on light background (white or light yellow for example).
I changed "Console Colors" settings, such as Background, Standard output, and System output, under Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Colors, but I keep running into the same problem.
If I change Background color to let's say white. It also changes text (Standard output and my user input to the same color). I can't figure out, which setting controls the color of the font, which appears in the terminal window. In fact, it appears that font color is the same as background color, which is confusing to me. I would expect to be able to independently control background color, and font color, which to me represents "Foreground".
Changing colour in
Preferences->Editor->Color Scheme->Console Colors->Standard Output
should change the terminal font's colour.
I suppose it happened on Windows. If yes then it is affected/controlled by Windows registry. Try one of the following method:
Open Windows cmd and from drop down menu selects defaults. Then change the Text and Background colors to match your choice in PyCharm. The problem occurs if you have different color settings in Windows cmd instead of default.
Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console key from Windows registry.
More information available on this link
To configure color and font scheme for consoles
Make sure you are working with an editable scheme.
Open the IDE Settings, and under Colors&Fonts, scroll through the list of components, and select the ones related to consoles:
Console Colors
Console Fonts
In the right-hand pane, click the desired component in the list, and change color settings and font type:
See Image of how to do it

change font color in evernote mac with automator

Can any one give some hints for a script that on a keystroke changes the font color in Evernote? I need to let's say, change the color beforehand. Like am writing and press a hotkey and then on, text is red... another keystroke black again. If I use the color picker I have to change colors after I wrote them.

AutoHotKey (AHK) How to make a gui that doesn't take over

I'm trying to make a script that when I'm typing, I can press a button and a frameless window will pop up, i can select one of the options with the 1-3 keys, and it will take that text and put it where i was typing. How would I do this? I'm so far gotten a Gui to pop up, but when i press one of the keys, it doesn't send the text to where i was typing before.
Are there any tags that need to be added to the GUI code to make it so it doesn't take over as the active window, but will still take input on which button i press with?
if (num >= 1) {
Gui, Add, Button, w200 gbutton1, &1. %var1%
Gui, Color, EEAA99
Gui, Add, Text, BackgroundTrans
Gui +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop +ToolWindow -Caption
WinSet, TransColor, EEAA99
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center
You can show a GUI without activating it if you do not want the GUI to take focus.
Gui, Show, AutoSize Center NoActivate
I figured it out. :)
I just put "WinGetTitle, title, a" at the top before the GUI pops up, and "WinActivate [title]" after each command so it closes the gui and goes back to the window.
