Retrieving parent page grid with javascript - oracle-apex-5.1

I have a parent page that opens a modal dialog page. Modal dialog page has jabvascript in the header that retrieves grid information from parent page using the following javascript:
var ig$ = apex.region("pg_2_ig_grid").widget(),
view = ig$.interactiveGrid("getCurrentView");
apex.region("pg_2_ig_grid") returns null so I get an error. Not sure why this is happening. I also tried adding javascript to shared components but getting the same error. How can I access a grid on page 2 from modal dialog page 3?

I have not tested it, but try to put "parent" at the beginning of each javascript statement that should do something on the parent page. "parent.apex.region..."


How to load different views in one div that situated in home page on button click using ajax,jquery,codeigniter

I have a page like home now what I want is if I click a button or link like a menu a corresponding view must load in that div in the home page. On every button click the views are must change inside the div without refreshing the entire page.
I know this can be done with ajax and jquery.
on click event of button call a javascript method, collect information which affect different views, send ajax request in a controller with post data, according to data, load a view like
$res = $this->load->view('myview1')
Remember, ajax request should not be of "json" type.
Ajax request will send a string, take this string in a javascript var.
now in javascript

Joomla modal popup target url does not get session value

I have a problem regarding modal popup and session.
I have two component name test and test1 respectively.
In test there is a form in view in which i put "Anchor" tag with "modal" class. has also class name "class1".
When i clicked on Anchor tag it call click function(on click "class1") in which i put ajax code for set data using "Session".
// Ajax code here for set data using session
with above function it also called modal popup. here targer url is seted which is the view of 2nd component which is "test1".
Here in test1 there is a view.html , we are getting session data here and displaying in view.
Problem is that , here in 2nd component , in view i am getting session data but i need to click on button two time , only after i getting data properly.
When i click on it give me a old session data. and when i click on it second time it will give me a proper data.
What is the solution for above problem. if anyone know please let me know.
Session data is altered only after we click on Anchor tag.
Both thing is done on Anchor click , one is for set data in session and second is for modal popup. in popup i am getting data which set in session.
when is the session data is being altered?
Is it altered by ajax call too?
In this case, javascript, is unsynchronous. It doesn't wait for something to happen in order to fire the next line of code. In that case there are several techniques you may find to do so.

Ajax Load Div based on URI (Instead of onClick)

I am converting an old web application. In the legacy version, there is a page which displays some default content when the user navigates to it. There is a link within that page which reloads the page but with a querystring showform=yes which causes a form to be displayed instead of the content.
In the old version, the page was like this: - for the main page with the content - called when the user
clicked the button to show the form.
In the new version of the web app, that same page is set up with ajax, in that there is a div which contains the default content when someone visits There is a button, which, when clicked (from within that page), some ajax is invoked which swaps out the content and displays the form. There is no change in the URI/querystring.
Here is my question - In the legacy version of the web app, there are some other pages which link the user directly to the page with the form ( e.g. so they don't need to click the button once the arrive at directory.asp.
Is there a what I can mimimc this behavior based on how I have that page set up now e.g. displaying the form via ajax in a div?)
Initially I thought that perhaps ajax can be triggered based on the presence of a querystring or an anchor in the URI e.g. /directory#form but I am not sure if that is possible.
I would prefer a solution that is not dependent on jQuery, but will consider it if there are no other options.
Thanks in advance for looking, and please let me know if I can further clarify.
yes you can trigger AJAX call on the basis of a boolean variable which you can set through the query string.
The default value for the boolean variable is false which forces the user to click on the button to refresh the form section.
But when the comes back on the same page the query string will set the boolean variable to true whereby the javascript function containing the AJAX code is invoked from your JSP/ASP or HTML.

jQuery-ui problem with modal dialog from ajax

I have the following setup:
index.html with <div id="container"></div> using anchor method I load different html content into this container.
My content contains div for modal dialog "dialog-form" and I initialise it with the custom function from the javascript included in index.html on successful ajax load using the callback $.get("callback.php",query, function(data){
initPos(); // here we run javascript to initialise modal dialog
Everything is ok until user click other menu (we load different content) and after that again clicks menu with this modal dialog, so page loads again, we call script again (everything is ok yet), dialog opens, information from the dialog is submitted to server and on sucessful sumbit I want to close the dialog with ('#dialog-form').dialog('close');it worked first time, but no longer works because we initialised this dialog twice and using Firebug I can see two different instances of ui dialog with the same name in the
div class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-draggable ui-resizable"
How to clean this up when the user selects different menu item?
What is the right way to do deal with this? Is there any way to close multiple dialogs with the same name?
Figured it out.
To remove this DIVs from body - before initPos() in ajax callback insert function InitializeDialog()
function InitializeDialog() {
In general
When your Jquery UI dialog is returned along with <script> tag in response to ajax call. On this situation you have to remove dialog div as said above and then make a ajax call.
Hope this helps!

Telerik RadWindow without NavigateURL?

I want a modal popup effect to display dynamic content on a single page. I'm working with Telerik controls. Telerik has a control called RadWindow which is more or less a modal window.
It looks like the only content that is to be displayed in RadWindow is the content of a page that is specified in NavigateURL. That is a problem for me because what I want to display is the dynamic content that I show on the same page.
Is it possible to display content that is on the same page using RadWindow?
The RadWindow is an iframe. It has to have a separate page to render, unless you use the clientside radalert and radconfirm methods--you can pass in HTML for an alert or confirm dialog that doesn't require a separate page. That doesn't sound like what you want. Consider using the RadToolTip or the AjaxToolkit ModalPopupExtender instead.
RadDock does what RadWindow does. Only, it takes input from the current page instead of from an external URL.
For some time, RadWindow can display content from the main page as well. Here is a link to the demo:
