Failed to start dotTrace profiling on Windows Server 2012 R2 - installation

We are trying to run dotTrace on production server but it's failing. We tried after reboot also but didn't work.
OS: Windows Server 2012 R2
System type: 64 bit
This is IIS application and we are trying to attach w3wp.exe worker process to dotTrace.
We have NewRelic Status monitor on this machine.
Any suggestion?

I found the solutions in this article


If a windows server 2012 gets an OS upgrade to windows server 2019 will all the WAS and HTTP server instances running on it get effected?

If a windows server 2012 gets a OS(Operating System) upgrade to windows server 2019 will all the WAS (WebSphere Application Server ) and HTTP server instances running on it get effected ?
I am very new to servers so this question may actually sound stupid. But please bear with me.
Yes, all instances of WAS and IHS will be affected.

Is it possible and how to upgrade an existing GCE VM OS?

I have a GCE Virtual Machine with Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter OS and I need to upgrade to Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter OS. I have found suggestions on the internet but I didn't find a formal process to do this, only suggestions.
I only have tried doing the upgrade using the OS Installer in place, but after the restart step, the VM seems to crash because doesn't respond.
I have GCE VM Windows 2008 R2 DataCenter and I need to become in GCE VM Windows 2012 R2 DataCenter. The process that I tested seems to do the VM crash.
Is it possible and how to upgrade an existing GCE VM OS?
For Windows, this is not supported. There are a number of technical reasons, but the primary reason is licensing. Windows images are "Premium Images". Also, Google does not provide a method for "major" version upgrades. You need to create a new instance and copy/restore your data.

IIS 6.0 stopped unexpectedly

I'm running those web sites on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition SP2 .However,I'm having a IIS problem for a last 3 days.IIS stopped unexpectedly.
I can't find somehow a problem.Also,it doesn't appear any w3wp.exe process in the task manager.I'm running iisreset's not working.But,I restarted web server,it's working.
System: Windows Server 2003 EnterPrise Editon SP2 / IIS 6 and Plesk Panel 8.2
What's the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Is IIS stay up and running or does it crash after few minutes? You should look at eventviewer event logs to get additional info. Could be a bad ISAPI filter or CGI that's causing it to crash on load. Evenviewer should give some details on when and what crashed it.

WMIprvse process leaks memory on 2008 server R2

I have a Windows 2008 R2 server running on a VM machine.
My .NET service is running on this server periodically querying WMI, for example:
SELECT ProcessId FROM Win32_Service WHERE ...
After a day or two WMIprvse takes up to 500M memory and WMI queries start getting out of memory exceptions.
This article seems to be talking about this issue:
I've seen other articles saying that Microsoft is aware of the problem and not going to issue a fix until the next major release.
I'd appreciate any suggestions and insights on this.
Check out both the following KB articles,
KB981314 - The "Win32_Service" WMI class leaks memory in Windows
Server 2008 R2 and in Windows 7 -
KB977357 - A memory leak issue occurs in the Windows Management
Instrumentation service on a computer that is running Windows Server
2008 R2 or Windows 7 -
...but also worth noting we are on Windows 2008 R2 with SP1 (file versions higher than those provided by both hotfixes) and we are still seeing some slow memory leak issues possibly from either WMIAPSRV.exe and/or TRUSTEDINSTALLER.exe.
We are going to open a support call, if we find anything relevant will post the answer.
There is a hotfix available, but you have to request it by clicking on the link to request the hotfix at the top of the page.

Sql 2008 exceptionally slow in Vista 64

Our database server is a SQL 2008 server.
My colleagues all have XP service 2 installed with Sql 2008 Management studio and they have absolutely no performance issues.
I however am running Vista x64 (Ultimate) and when I open the 2008 Management studio it's impossibly slow. It takes almost 25 seconds to just connect to the database, so when I run certain portions of our code against the database I more often than not get timeouts.
Everything else on this machine is running like a dream! Is there an issue with SQL2008 on Vista x64 communicating with SQL2008 on a Windows 2003 Server?
Nevermind, I have my problem while asking the questions.
Vista has a TCP/IP auto tuning feature. By following this tutorial: I disabled it and now everything runs like a dream!
