Is it possible and how to upgrade an existing GCE VM OS? - windows

I have a GCE Virtual Machine with Windows 2008 R2 Datacenter OS and I need to upgrade to Windows 2012 R2 Datacenter OS. I have found suggestions on the internet but I didn't find a formal process to do this, only suggestions.
I only have tried doing the upgrade using the OS Installer in place, but after the restart step, the VM seems to crash because doesn't respond.
I have GCE VM Windows 2008 R2 DataCenter and I need to become in GCE VM Windows 2012 R2 DataCenter. The process that I tested seems to do the VM crash.

Is it possible and how to upgrade an existing GCE VM OS?
For Windows, this is not supported. There are a number of technical reasons, but the primary reason is licensing. Windows images are "Premium Images". Also, Google does not provide a method for "major" version upgrades. You need to create a new instance and copy/restore your data.


Hyper-V not working in Windows 2012R2 Datacenter

since yesterday I had my Windows 2012R2 Datacenter server correctly running Hyper-V machines.
After a windows update I'm not able to start any of the VMs and get a message that say Hypervisor not in execution.
If I check from services I don't see the service but from server manager the hyperv role seems to be running.
From windows features list i don't see anymore the Hyper-v (i wanted to uninstall and reinstall it).
Any suggestion?
It is unlikely that Windows updates have deleted any services.
You should still be able to see the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service even if it is stopped or running/broken.
If not, I suggest that you re-install the Hyper-V role.

Windows XP on Amazon AWS

Is it possible to create a Windows XP instance on aws? Even if it means creating my own AMI, then I'm happy to do so.
I'm looking to offer training and there is a few reasons we require Windows XP, which cannot be avoided.
No, there is not. Only Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012. There is no support for consumer desktop Windows operating systems.
Yes, you can, but not directly. The usual scenario is to run XP virtualised, with it's own network adapter, under a hypervisor. It is being done.

Product Install/Execute testing on Windows variants in Azure VM (or EC2)?

The Background
Today I was reflecting on the pain install/OS testing. As we approach a new release of our windows software, we have to verify:
That it installs without issue
That it runs, given a reasonable fulfillment of dependencies
That our assumptions as to what is available on an "updated" machine are correct
On a range of architectures (32/64 bit, etc)
On a range of operating system versions (Windows XP, Windows Vista, 7, 8, etc.)
Our sad (but usual and cost effective) approach is to spin up some old boxes here on site. We either try to stuff an OS install into a VM system, or are forced to wipe the box and do a native install just to get to a "clean" install of the app. Depending on the functional approach, reverting snapshots may or may not be available.
The Idea
I realized that Windows Azure was making it very easy to spin up virtual machines these days and "pay for what you use". Mostly this appears to be focused on web hosting (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 8 are the only windows variants available in the "VM OS Selection" dialog). See this page for an overview.
But what if I could spin up other kinds of Windows OS images purely for testing?
I have an MSDN subscription, and access to a set of OSes that we should support. Couldn't I push these up somehow and have snapshottable, on-demand test hosts?
The Questions
Is this feasible right now with Windows Azure? (I can do this for Server 2008 and Server 8 now, it would seem...can i do this with other OS images?)
If so, how? (Can i upload a .vhd to storage in some manner as to have it show in the "my images" section?)
If not, is there a good alternative? (I get the sense you could do this with Amazon EC2? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is this better to try and do onsite with VM software entirely?)
In the best case, I want "fresh" (recently patched) images for a set of supported Windows OSes that I can spin up on demand, pay for what I use, and then shut down again. Does this exist?
Thanks for your time and consideration...
P.S. Not entirely sure if this should be here or on serverfault...please advise.
1.Is this feasible right now with Windows Azure? (I can do this for Server 2008 and Server 8 now, it would seem...can i do this with other
OS images?)
The Windows Server is 2012, not 8. But anyway. So no. The currently supported Windows family OS'es are:
* Windows Server 2008 SP2 x64,
* Windows Server 2008 R2,
* Windows Server 2012
Note that all of them are just the 64bit versions! Frankly, I don't think Windows client OS'es will ever be supported (like XP, 7, 8)
2.If so, how? (Can i upload a .vhd to storage in some manner as to have it show in the "my images" section?)
No. so no way.
3.If not, is there a good alternative? (I get the sense you could do this with Amazon EC2? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Is this better
to try and do onsite with VM software entirely?)
Can't answer this question completely, but a quick search says that currently in Amazon EC2 you can run:
Amazon EC2 running Microsoft Windows ServerĀ® (available in 2003 R2,
2008 or 2008 R2 editions)
So far with Windows OSes.
In summary: Only Server Windows OS can be run in an Azure and Amazon.
A hint: you can't install Hyper-V on Windows server in either Azure nor Amazon (you can't virtualize what is already virtualized).

Is it possible to roll my own Amazon Machine Image with a pre-Windows 2003 OS?

I've been researching EC2 over at Amazon Web Services and the website notes:
"You are also empowered to use our
bundling tools to upload your own
operating systems."
Now I've been trying to find out if the only Windows version that is supported is Windows Server 2003 or if I would be able to virtualize an older version of Windows and mash it into an AMI?
Is that possible?
Has anyone achieved it?
EC2 only allows you to bundle your own open source *nix operating systems. They won't let you run your own copy of Windows because of licensing issues.
only if you load a *nix platform with vmware then load windows onto a vm

Hyper V to Virtual PC

I am currently using Windows Server 2008 Standard and have several Hyper V machines. These are development VM's and I want to now switch back Vista x64 because I am missing Aero.
I know Windows Server 2008 can have aero but the host performance is very very bad when I run VM in Hyper V.
I want to export my Hyper V machines so that I can use it in Virtual PC. Anyone know an easy way?
If you have built them as Hyper-V machines, I don't think you can go back. There are serious differences in the HAL for Virtual PC and Hyper-V. You can move a VPC to Hyper-V permanantly by removing the VPC add-ins ans adding the Hyper-V integration drivers/services and re-detecting the hardware.
A VPC can run in Hyper-V just fine, don't add the machine drivers for Hyper-V and you can go back to VPC with no problem.
VPC to Hyper-V is one way.
Hyper-V is designed to be used on the server, obviously. Whereas VirtualPC is designed for the end user. Hyper-V will give you more control, and the ability to create and restore snapshots. However, it does not have a direct console interface to the VM, you would use a browser to access the console. I would go Hyper-V, but it really depends on what you're using your VMs for. Luckily, they share the same format for virtual disks, so you can try it out with your existing VMs.
You should review Windows 2008 R2 SP1 upgrade with RemoteFX, it comes with a new video driver for VM's that allow 3D, extended desktops and more. It will help resolve some of the issues you are seeing today.
Both the Host server and VM need to be running SP1 of Windows 2008 R2.
