Spring Boot management.trace.include configuration by example - spring-boot

Spring Boot here. What are the possible values that one can specify for the management.trace.include property in application.properties, what are this property's default values, and where is all of this documented (pro tip: it's not!)?

For Spring Boot 2.1.0 it is:
To see its values, see (enum constansts are processed by Spring - AUTHORIZATION_HEADER becomes authorization-header):
Default value can be found here:

Twas: org.springframework.boot.actuate.trace.TraceProperties.Include


Alternative way for setting default for #Value-annotated field in Spring Boot

I have a Spring Boot application written in Kotlin and I would prefer to set the default of a #Value-annotated field like below:
private var loggingExceptions: Array<String> = emptyArray()
Is there anything wrong with doing it this way? Most of the resources I found on the web recommend to set the default in the annotation itself. Is there any advantage of doing it that way?

Custom application property to be supplied to spring boot app through cmd line

I was wondering if we can supply a custom attribute (a key to be in application.properties file), I know for sure that -Dserver.port=8080 works, and overrides the property value, but server.port is a spring boot's expected property value.
How about something other than that, for example a jdbc connection string or service name? does -Ddb.service.name=dbservice work?
Yes, any property can be set via system property. You can use -D or -- notation. There are also a variety of property sources Spring Boot uses:

Meaning of ${xxx:yyy} on Spring Boot application.properties

I see following in Spring Boot application.properties file. What is it doing here:
spring.datasource.password = ${DB_PASSWD:password}
It means try resolving DB_PASSWD property. If found, use it's value. If not, use the default provided value password. In short:
The property value is looked up from property sources registered in Spring context, see Environment.getProperty() and #PropertySource.

Variables in property files in spring boot

Can I use a propertie inside a application.properties?
You might use property placeholders:
The values in application.properties are filtered through the existing Environment when they are used so you can refer back to previously defined values (e.g. from System properties).
For your case:
See also:
Spring Boot - Placeholders in properties

How to deal with defaultRolePrefix="ROLE_" in Spring Security update from 3.2.7 to 4.0.2.RELEASE

My Spring Boot application works on Spring Security 3.2.7.RELEASE.
Now, I'd like to update it to 4.0.2.RELEASE.
After hours of debug I have found that Spring Security 4.0.2.RELEASE uses defaultRolePrefix="ROLE_"
org.springframework.security.access.expression.SecurityExpressionRoot.hasAnyAuthorityName(String prefix, String... roles) method
In my application I use roles without this prefix and accordingly I get AccessDeniedException.
How to configure Spring Boot in order to use SecurityExpressionRoot.defaultRolePrefix="" ?
I found the solution how to fix it. I need to change hasRole to hasAuthority, for example:
In the other hand you can remove role prefix ass described here. In this cas you are free to use other annotations.
