how to add a feature in Nitrogen opendaylight? - maven

I am trying to add some feature to my open daylight project (e.g. l2switch, dlux, rest,...).
I used to edit the features.xml and the pom.xml for add there features in Carbon release. I am currently using Nitrogen release, when adding these dependencies in my features pom.xml file, I am still unable to detect the features when I login to my karaf (using feature:install/list).
am I missing something else? when I try to add repositories,as I previously did in carbon-release. The feature.xml it automatically re-generated and all my editing is removed.
I am using Nitrogen release by defining and -DarchetypeVersion=1.4.0 when generating my maven artifact.

See the upstream configuration management tooling for running-code examples being used constantly in downstreams like OPNFV.
# Configuration of Karaf features to install
file { 'org.apache.karaf.features.cfg':
ensure => file,
path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg',
# Set user:group owners
owner => 'odl',
group => 'odl',
$features_csv = join($opendaylight::features, ',')
file_line { 'featuresBoot':
path => '/opt/opendaylight/etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg',
line => "featuresBoot=${features_csv}",
match => '^featuresBoot=.*$',
puppet-opendaylight, manifests/config.pp, stable/nitrogen
So basically you shouldn't be editing the XML directly, you should edit the configuration that generates the XML. I'm surprised that worked in Carbon.
I recommend directly using upstream configuration management tooling, like puppet-opendaylight or ansible-opendaylight, vs trying to figure out the configuration knobs yourself, duplicating effort. If you're doing a more complex deployment, look at the OPNFV installer scenarios (that build on these ODL tools) vs trying to solve that very hard problem yourself.


How to use current version in configurations in gradle

Situation: In my build.gradle file I have 2 separate configurations for pulling in specific dependencies.
One is called configJars where I pull down jars to unpack and get specific json files from.
My question is, is there a way to call out the versions that are already being resolved in the compile/transitive dependencies.
com.example:common:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT -> 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
I attempted to use "+" but this only pulls the latest version that is available in the repo which is not what I require.
configJars(group: "com.example", name: "common", version: "+")
+--- com.example:common:+ -> 3.2.18-SNAPSHOT
I need to use the version that is being used by a specific dependency that gets updated by a different team.
I ended up adding the library that was doing the update to my other libraries and removed the other libraries from the build file. SO they get pulled in transitively and explicitly exclude the libraries I don't need from the transitive pull.
I had to change the configuration to transitive = true and change all the dependency declarations to { transitive = false}.
A bit messy but it worked out.

Springdoc: got 404 when open swagger-ui.html

I got latest Spring Boot app and springdoc.swagger-ui on board.
My contains springdoc.swagger-ui.path=/swagger-ui-openapi.html
When I run application via Intellij IDEA http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui-openapi.html brings me to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
and Swagger UI page loads successfully.
But if I start the app via command line: "java -jar my-app.jar", I got 404 in browser and Error in logs 'Circular view path [error]' when trying to reach http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui-openapi.html
and it redirrects me to http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
javax.servlet.ServletException: Circular view path [error]: would dispatch back to the current handler URL [/error] again. Check your ViewResolver setup! (Hint: This may be the result of an unspecified view, due to default view name generation.)
However http://localhost:8080/v3/api-docs is reachable and schema is available at this address.
How can I fix this?
What worked in my case when your application is running behind a proxy, a load-balancer or in the cloud.
In your Spring Boot application make sure your application handles this header: X-Forwarded-For.
There are two ways to achieve this:
In your properties file add:
If this is not enough, Spring Framework provides a ForwardedHeaderFilter. You can register it as a Servlet Filter in your application by setting server.forward-headers-strategy is set to FRAMEWORK.
Since Spring Boot 2.2, this is the new property to handle reverse proxy headers:
In your properties file add
And you can add the following bean to your application:
ForwardedHeaderFilter forwardedHeaderFilter() {
return new ForwardedHeaderFilter();
If you already have static content on your root, and you don’t want it to be overridden by springdoc-openapi-ui configuration, you can just define a custom configuration of the swagger-ui, in order not to override the configuration of your files from in your context-root:
For example use in your properties file:
springdoc.swagger-ui.path= /swagger-ui/api-docs.html
For this problem, my conclusion is:
(1) Starting it in IDEA is fine
(2) Repackaging the jar with spring-boot-maven-plugin and starting it with 'java -jar' is fine as well.
(3) if I tried to starting with such as 'java -classpath ".:.conf" DemoApplication', it does not work.
So, for packaging, i use the spring-boot-maven-plugin.
You don't need swagger-annotations v1.6.1 dependency for springdoc-openapi;
By default, with springdoc you need no additonal settings of any ViewResolver.
You can have a look at some sample code:

Vaadin 8 - widgetset

I added Vaadin google maps addon to my Spring boot project. If I want to display map on site, then I get error:
Widgetset 'com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet' does not contain an
implementation for com.vaadin.tapio.googlemaps.GoogleMap. Check the
connector's #Connect mapping, the widgetset's GWT module description
file and re-compile your widgetset. In case you have downloaded a
vaadin add-on package, you might want to refer to add on instructions
If I add #Widgetset("com.vaadin.v7.Vaadin7WidgetSet") annotation to UI class, then I get this error:
Failed to load the widgetset:
And I have a question: How should a widgetset look like, how to build it? I was looking for examples and tutorials but I still can't do this.
I read that in early Vaadin versions, I should do a manual compilation widget, but in version 8 compiling is automated.
Maybe this is important information, but I use gradle not maven.
Please help me, because I am trying to fix it for a week.
As soon as you include add-ons in your Vaadin project, you need to compile the widgetset and the widgetset needs to include the add-on widgetsets.
I have the following src/main/resources/widgetsets/AppWidgetset.gwt.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Vaadin//DTD Vaadin 7//EN" "">
<inherits name="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet"/>
<!-- include widgetsets of external add-ons here -->
<inherits name="org.vaadin.hene.popupbutton.widgetset.PopupbuttonWidgetset"/>
This includes the Vaadin PopupButton add-on. Of course you need to adapt it to include your desired add-ons. My gradle build looks like:
configurations {
dependencies {
task compileWidgetSet(type: JavaExec) {
// execution of Vaadin GWT compiler
classpath configurations.vaadinAddOns
classpath configurations.widgetSetCompilation
classpath file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/widgetsets")
main = ''
args '-war', "${projectDir}/src/main/resources/VAADIN/widgetsets"
args '-strict'
args '-logLevel', 'WARN'
args 'AppWidgetset'
jvmArgs '-Xmx1024M'
doLast {
// clean up unnecessary stuff
// for the up-to-date check of gradle
clean.dependsOn cleanCompileWidgetSet
processResources.dependsOn compileWidgetSet
// on-the-fly theme compilation is disabled in Vaadin production mode, so we do the compilation ourselves
task compileThemes {
def themesFolder = file("${projectDir}/src/main/resources/VAADIN/themes")
new FileNameFinder().getFileNames(themesFolder.toString(), '**/styles.scss').each { path ->
def themeFolder = file(path).getParentFile()
def fileIn = new File(themeFolder, 'styles.scss')
def fileOut = new File("${buildDir}/resources/main/VAADIN/themes/${themeFolder.getName()}/styles.css")
dependsOn tasks.create("compileTheme${themeFolder.getName().capitalize()}", JavaExec) {
classpath configurations.themeCompilation
main = 'com.vaadin.sass.SassCompiler'
args fileIn, fileOut
processResources.dependsOn compileThemes
And finally the annotation:
public class MyUI extends UI {
This is a lot of manual stuff. You can omit the theme compilation if you do not run in Vaadin production mode for now. I am almost sure that there is a Vaadin gradle plugin out there that simplifies the widgetset and theme compilation but when I was looking for it it didn't match my requirements.
Btw: Vaadin 7 widgetset is not appropriate for Vaadin 8 :)
I sounds like your project is missing build setup for Vaadin extensions requiring client side extensions (aka custom widgetset). This happens often with new Spring users as don't currently support adding third party Maven plugins. Addin vaadin-maven-plugin and doing full build should fix the issue.
To see a Spring Boot project with vaadin-maven-plugin configured, I suggest to use the viritin-spring-archetype and see the generated project (and especially the pom.xml generated by the project). You can also manually copy the relevant parts from the official plain servlet project template (generated by the default archetype or IDE plugins).
When using Gradle the fix is similar in nature. If you created the project using, you can just add the gradle-vaadin-plugin to your project, by adding follow snippet to your build.gradle file, e.g. after buildScript section:
plugins {
id 'com.devsoap.plugin.vaadin' version '1.3.1'
You will also need to declare dependencies with client side extensions as follows (use google maps coordinates instead):

source code for kafka_2.9.2,version

How do i compile the source code for the following dependency.
Also where can i get the source code for the same dependency? Please provide me a link. I want to compile the source code after adding few logs.
Also i have a question like, when i am adding this dependency in my code,i am getting many other dependency jars as well such as:
I understand there requirement but i dont get these jars in lib folder of kafka_2.9.2-, when i unzip it!!
Any idea where am i doing wrong!!
The easiest way to get the source code should be to fork the git repository:
Have a look at the README file -- it explains how to compile Kafka.

eye.candy.sixties not found?

When I try to run my report, I'm getting this exception:
Chart theme 'eye.candy.sixties' not found.
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Chart theme 'eye.candy.sixties' not found.
Sure enough, I couldn't find the theme defined anywhere in jasper-4.0.2.jar. What library do I need to get the default ireport chart themes?
I had this problem with charts using the 'aegean' theme in a web application.
I copied the jasperreports-chart-themes-4.x.x.jar eg
into my WEB-INF/lib and the charts worked.
You would have to build a project and a jar with the themes manually. There doesn't seem to be an easy library you could just include.
