How to use current version in configurations in gradle - gradle

Situation: In my build.gradle file I have 2 separate configurations for pulling in specific dependencies.
One is called configJars where I pull down jars to unpack and get specific json files from.
My question is, is there a way to call out the versions that are already being resolved in the compile/transitive dependencies.
com.example:common:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT -> 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT
I attempted to use "+" but this only pulls the latest version that is available in the repo which is not what I require.
configJars(group: "com.example", name: "common", version: "+")
+--- com.example:common:+ -> 3.2.18-SNAPSHOT
I need to use the version that is being used by a specific dependency that gets updated by a different team.

I ended up adding the library that was doing the update to my other libraries and removed the other libraries from the build file. SO they get pulled in transitively and explicitly exclude the libraries I don't need from the transitive pull.
I had to change the configuration to transitive = true and change all the dependency declarations to { transitive = false}.
A bit messy but it worked out.


How to update a go dependency with different module name than src path?

The location:
The mod file:
The module name:
The tag: v7.10.2
What LoTR incantation of go get to I have to run to get a little dependency update action?
This will update to latest minor.patch version of v7:
go get
or if you want a specific version to update/downgrade to:
go get
Adding the -u flag will additionally update the dependencies of
go get -u
The argument list passed to go get should generally be a list of package paths or patterns, not just a module path.
For example, you might invoke:
go get -d
in order to obtain the latest version of package …/libbeat/beat and also download any transitive dependencies needed for that package.
(You can pass just a module path, and that should also update the version of the dependency module overall, but it will not download source code or module checksums for transitive dependencies that may be needed in order to build the updated package. go get does not in general know which transitive dependencies will be relevant to the commands that you plan to invoke after it, and it does not do extra work to speculatively identify relevant dependencies.)

Gradle dependency on module of another project failing

I realize there are a lot of posts online regarding Gradle setup. That being said, I have researched heavily and not found exactly what I'm looking for, or I'm using incorrect terms to do so. I'm using Gradle version 3.3.
So I've got multiple Gradle projects, each of which is maintained separately. There is no master Gradle project. Each projects has its own modules, build, and settings file. The structure of this is as so:
What I'm attempting to do is make B dependent on A's modules. Let's assume one of the modules in B is dependent on a1. In B's settings, I've done the following: = 'B'
rootProject.setProjectDir(new File(".")
include 'a1'
project(':a1').setProjectDir(new File(settingsDir.getParentFile(), "/A/a1"))
The way I'm storing version numbers is through each project's build.gradle file in the ext closure. I then access them through the project. Here's how B's build file looks:
ext {
freemarkerVersion = '2.3.19'
dependencies {
compile project(':a1')
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version:'freemarkerVersion')
What I'm seeing is B is able to resolve its dependencies and is attempting to compile project a1, but it is using B's version numbers instead of A's. I verified this by putting a common dependency in both projects with different version numbers. The dependency showed up using B's version. I also changed the version number in B and further confirmed this. So if I could get any help for using project-appropriate versions in each of their own build.gradle files, that would be great!
EDIT: Updated post, figured out previous problem was from relative path not resolving.
Not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm posting the solution I came up with, as I had no other answers knocking down my door.
The first thing I did was moved all of my version properties to an external file, instead of in an ext closure in the project's build.gradle file. Doing this, the project will load the properties file by default when compiled from its own context. It will of course be overridden from the user.home file, so keep this in mind. Example
a_freemarkerVersion = 2.3.19
When using one project's modules from another project, you'll need a way to separately link the two so Gradle can resolve the dependency's properties. I achieved this by defining a method to load in the desired project's properties file. This method looks like so:
def addConfig(String parent, String filename) {
Properties props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(new File(project.projectDir.getParent(), "/${parent}/${filename}")))
props.each { prop ->
project.ext.set(prop.key, prop.value)
addConfig("A", "")
All this method does is goes up one directory, goes into the project specified, and retrieves its file and loads these variables into the current project's properties. With that being said, there's one thing to note here: if you define the same variable in both, one of them will be overridden. To avoid this, I just prefixed all variables with the project name and then an underscore. This will guarantee they'll never conflict with one another.
I accessed the variables in all projects with this syntax:
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.freemarker', name: 'freemarker', version: "${a_freemarkerVersion}"
The rest of the setup is the same as I defined in my initial post. Just make sure to include the dependent module, specify its project directory, and compile that project from within the project's dependencies.

What is the difference between the configuration.files and configuration.copy methods in Gradle?

In Gradle User Guide Chapter 23. Dependency Management , an example show the difference between Configuration.copy and Configuration.files method :
task copyVsFiles << {
configurations.sealife.copyRecursive { dep -> == 'orca' }
.each { file -> println }
configurations.sealife.files { dep -> == 'orca' }
.each { file -> println }
Output of gradle -q copyVsFiles
> gradle -q copyVsFiles
the below explanation confused me. I still don't know the difference. Can anyone help me with this ?
The answer to your question is in the paragraph just after example 23.24 in the Gradle API documentation Chapter 23 Section 24.
Note how the configurations.files method returns version 2 of the seal jar.
In the example above, orca has a dependency on seal-1.0 whereas shark
has a dependency onseal-2.0. The original configuration has therefore
a version conflict which is resolved to the newer seal-2.0 version.
The files method therefore returns seal-2.0 as a transitive dependency
of orca. The copied configuration only has orca as a dependency and
therefore there is no version conflict and seal-1.0 is returned as a
transitive dependency.
To really understand why this happens spend some time looking at the Configuration method in the Gradle docs.
Files does the following:
Resolves this configuration. This locates and downloads the files
which make up this configuration. But only the resulting set of files
belonging to the subset of dependencies specified by the
dependencySpec is returned.
Copy does the following:
Creates a copy of this configuration that only contains the
dependencies directly in this configuration (without contributions
from superconfigurations). The new configuration will be in the
UNRESOLVED state, but will retain all other attributes of this
configuration except superconfigurations. Configuration.getHierarchy()
for the copy will not include any superconfigurations.
How does this apply to the documentation example? Configuration.files resolves the configuration which, as shown by the output in the example, handles the version conflict introduced by shark which depends on seal-2.0.jar. Configuration.copy creates a copy of the configuration and is not yet resolved meaning it does not yet have a version conflict.

How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx

afterburner.fx for JavaFX 8 is a minimalistic (3 classes) JavaFX MVP framework based on Convention over Configuration and Dependency Injection created by Adam Bien.
afterburner.fx use Maven 3.
I would like to use it with Gradle.
How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx ?
In the build.gradle File add dependencies
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.airhacks', name:'afterburner.fx', version: afterburnerfxVersion
In the build.gradle File add the additional Resources (.fxml , .css , .properties)
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties"])
and (re-)add all the standard Resources (in the resources folder)
Update for Gradle Version 6.8.1 : if you run gradlew with --warning-mode all there is a deprecated Message:
Copying or archiving duplicate paths with the default duplicates strategy has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0.
add this line:
// from
// and
// Java Plugin Task processResources(type: Copy)
processResources.duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE // allow duplicates
Thanks, this helped me a lot. I added the short form of it to dependencies:
compile 'com.airhacks:afterburner.fx:1.6.0'
Additionally I added a second line to include the files from the resources folder and not only from /java. I also added **/*.png to include png files because new Image("filename.png") wasn't working anymore.
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/resources").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
I don't know why the above two lines broke the default behavior - seems like I have to add every new file type to the above lines. :/ If anyone has a better solution please tell me.

Defining cross project versions for gradle build

I have a several projects in a flat structure with dependencies between them.
Currently in each one a have a definition similar to this defining the versions used within the build script:
ext {
versions = [
scala: '2.11.1',
scalatra: '2.3.0',
jetty: '9.1.5.v20140505',
scalaTest: '2.3.0',
junit: '4.8.1',
and later usage:
compile group:'org.scala-lang' , name:'scala-library',version: versions.scala
As I have this defined in each build.gradle what I would rather want is to define the versions in one place and read in all files in the current build.
Writing to a global value will not be sufficient here as the combination of build files involved in a build may change (e.g. when testing a specific component only none of the components depending on it will be defined)
Put this map into its own .gradle file and include into your projects with apply from: '../dependencies.gradle'. Similar to what Gradle has in its own codebase
