Generate Classes from multiple webservices using maven - maven

I have a POM where I am using JAXB2 plugin to generate code from mulitple webservices (wsdl).
<!-- maven-jaxb2-plugin -->
The generated class files are all included in all the Packages. Therefore
It appears that namespaces are not handled correctly as the classes for wsdl1,2,3 are combined in all the 3 packages.
How to ensure that these packages include the specific classes specified in the wsdl?

Those asterisk on each side of your <url> and <generatePackage> attributes are wild card characters.
See this example from
You need the JAXB API to be able to annotate your classes.
However, starting with Java 6 that API is included in the
Java SE platform so there is no need to declare a dependency.
If we e.g. execute on JDK 1.7, we should compile for Java 7 to get
the same (or higher) JAXB API version as used during the xjc execution.
<!-- The package of your generated sources -->
I would definitely take the * and ** of the beginning of those lines. I found the answer to your question pretty quickly by going to


Unit tests are getting executed twice when performing mvn install

Unit tests are getting executed twice.
When i am removing goal report and phase prepare-package from maven plugins in pom, test are getting executed once but then coverage are not getting generated in the console.
But when i am adding goal report and phase prepare-package from maven plugins in pom,i am getting coverage in the console but unit tests are getting executed twice.
I need to have goal report and phase prepare-package in my pom in order to get coverage but need to run test cases only once. What is the way to to get the test case executed only once with coverage as well.
<!-- Configure maven-compiler-plugin to use the desired Java version -->
<!-- Use build-helper-maven-plugin to add Scala source and test source
directories -->
<!-- Use scala-maven-plugin for Scala support -->
<!-- Need to specify this explicitly, otherwise plugin won't be called
when doing e.g. mvn compile -->
<!-- disable surefire -->
<goal>report</goal> <!-- or integration-check -->
<phase>prepare-package</phase> <!-- or any other phase -->
<!-- enable scalatest -->
<filereports>WDF TestSuite.txt</filereports>
<!-- The scalatest-maven-plugin seems broken for the spanScaleFactor,
so pass it via system property, instead -->
<!-- <spanScaleFactor>${scalatest.span.scale.factor}</spanScaleFactor> -->
</plugins>enter code here
You need to do 2 things:
Add following line in 'scoverage-maven-plugin' plugin's 'configuration' section.
Set following property in your root pom.xml
<!-- Add other properties here... -->
<!-- skipTests is set to 'true' here to avoid duplicate runs of all test cases. It's set to false in scoverage-maven-plugin below. -->

Maven-dependency-plugin (unpack-dependencies) ignores configuration

The following problem occurred:
There is a dependency in the project. The dependency contains .js and .css files (essentially they will be used as resources). I need to extract and put these files in a certain place. I thought to use maven-dependency-plugin for this, but it does not use the configuration I specified (use defaults). Please tell me where I could be wrong.
You are declaring your plugin execution inside a <pluginManagement> section. This section is great for putting configuration in one place and reusing it later, but it won't execute your plugin.
Try this:
<groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <!-- your example contained a typo. -->
<overwriteIfNewer>true</overwriteIfNewer> <!-- Typo in your POM here as well -->

Maven-replacer-plugin is not invoked with maven-war-plugin

I am trying to replace string %APP_NAME% with enviroment variable in using maven. I have following configuration:
<!-- First step is to disable the default-war build step. -->
<!-- Second step is to create an exploded war. Done in prepare-package -->
<!-- Last step is to make sure that the war is built in the package
phase -->
<!-- <compilerArgument>-Xlint:all</compilerArgument> -->
When i invoke:
mvn clean package
mvn clean install
the replacer plugin is not called. Can anyone can please explain why and what can I do to let it work? Or if replacer is not compatible with future war plugin can anyone explain me any other way to replace some string in before building war? I saw also ant plugin but with same config it is not called too.. Example below..
<replace dir="${basedir}/src/main/resources">
<include name="**/" />
<replacefilter token="%APP_NAME%" value="${env.BRANCH_NAME}"/>
The plugin is defined in a <pluginManagement> block:
Find the <build><plugins> block for the POM where replacer needs to run, and add the following:
Plugin Management is rather like a template for what should happen when the plugin is invoked. If the plugin is not referenced in the <build><plugins> block, nothing will happen.

Concordion with Maven, using different folder for integration tests

I am trying to run integration tests (written in Concordion) using Maven 3.2.5. I have done the following.
Created a maven project using quickstart archetype.
Put my source code in src/main/java, unit test in src/test/java and integration
tests in src/spec/java.
Used maven-antrun-plugin to put integration test *.class in target/integrationtest-classes
Use maven-surefire-plugin to run the unit test cases.
Use maven-failsafe-plugin to run the integration test cases.
Finally run everything using "mvn clean install"
The problem is, while the unit test cases are running, the integration test cases are not. When I run the integration test cases from Eclipse, by running them as JUnit they run alright. However, when I run them from Maven, somehow only the unit test cases run. Can someone please help.
I am attaching my pom.xml here.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Integration test. -->
<!-- Compile and run using jdk 1.7 -->
<!-- Run the main class of Java. -->
<!-- The artefacts of integration tests need to move to a different folder
than the output of unit tests. -->
<echo message="Creating Directory ${integrationOutputDirectory}" />
<mkdir dir="${integrationOutputDirectory}" />
<!-- Move the .class of the .java files in integration tests. <mkdir
dir="${itest.testOutputDirectory}" /> <move todir="${itest.testOutputDirectory}">
<fileset dir="${}"> <include name="**/*.class"
/> <present targetdir="${spec.testSourceDirectory}"> <mapper type="glob"
from="*.class" to="*.java" /> </present> </fileset> </move> -->
<!-- Surefire is designed to run the unit tests. If any of the tests
break the whole build breaks. -->
<!-- Failsafe is designed to run integration tests. -->
<!-- Copy integration tests. -->

Multiple WSDLs Configurations With Maven JAXWS

I need to include more than one WSDL in my Maven JAXWS configuration and I need to specify different output directories for them since some of the method names in wsdlA conflict with method names in wsdlB. I'm using org.jvnet.jax-ws-commons and I need bindings to apply only to wsdlA, not wsdlB.
This is what I have at the moment:
<!-- Configure Output -->
<!-- Configure WSDL Location -->
<!-- Configure Binding Location -->
<!-- Make Output Verbose -->
<!-- mvn jaxws:wsimport -->
<!-- WSDL A -->
<packageName>com.mycee.project.model.wsdla</packageName> <staleFile>${}/jaxws/stale/wsdl.a.done</staleFile>
<!-- WSDL B -->
<!-- Common Config -->
When running mvn clean jaxws:wsimport, I get the following notification with no java code being generated:
[INFO] --- jaxws-maven-plugin:2.2:wsimport (default-cli) #
[INFO] No WSDLs are found to process, Specify
atleast one of the following parameters: wsdlFiles, wsdlDirectory or wsdlUrls.
The first thing is not to configure the configuration within the pluginManagement block. In this case it's better to define the version of the plugin only in the pluginManagement block. Furthermore to fulfill your requirement you need to have two executions like this:
have an execution element for each wsdl and put the configuration within it. You can keep common configuration elements outside the execution element. e.g.:
<!-- Configure Output -->
<!-- Configure Binding Location -->
<!-- Make Output Verbose -->
Also, don't put generated code in /main/src/java as it won't get cleaned.
