Problems with library(lambda), currying and SWI Prolog - prolog

So I run into some troubles while (ab?)using
I do a "use_module(library(lambda))."
in the first lines of a file that
I consult via ["a.prolog"].
Then I get an "undefined procedure ()/3"
and some gibberish afterwards.
The same happens for any order of use_modules.
It happens whether I load a.prolog via
[...], consult or as a script from the cmdline.
I reduced the script to the currying-example from Rosseta code
:- initialization(main, main).
main :-
N = 5, F = \X^Y^(Y is X+N), maplist(F, [1,2,3], L),
It doesn't work.
It works, however, if I a manually load 'lambda'
at the swipl-prompt and immeditately consult
a.prolog. Then the goal N=5,.... works just fine.
If I, however, first consult a.prolog; then manually
use_module and then run the query, I get the error.
Reconsulting doesn't help onwards.
Somehow, the first command at the prompt needs to
be use_module.
Or do I get the loading mechanism completely wrong?
If so, please apologize; but I would love get a
hint how to solve this.

This is a common error when first using modules.
Please have a look at this line:
This is just a fact, saying "use_module(library(lambbda)) holds".
What you want instead is a directive.
A directive is a term with primary functor (:-)/1. That is, you want:
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
EDIT: For the particular case of library(lambda), I would like to add that there is a page with a lot of useful information about it that is a bit hard to find:
"Hiord" stands for higher order.


Logical task. Why is my code giving the wrong result?

Unfortunately, I cannot give the full text of the problem for some reason. Therefore, I will try to describe the main point.
There was a murder at the hotel in room 4. 6 visitors are suspected who came to visit someone in one of the 6 hotel rooms at different intervals (These are all facts).
Then all the suspects were interviewed, some evidence was considered and information was received from the receptionist (These are the rules).
You need to find out who was where at what time. Well, and therefore who is the killer.
my problem
I am not getting the correct result.
When calling
guest(brown, R, T).
i get false (brawn must be a killer)
and basically when i call the function
then I get a very large number of lists. And the rules are not followed in them. Why is that?
result lists screenshoot
In short, I have a suspicion that these rules work somehow separately. But I could be wrong, because in the prologue I am a complete zero. What's my mistake?
P.S. If necessary, I can try to write the full text of the assignment. The only problem is that the text is in a different language from an old book that was scanned..
The reason why your query fails is the following program fragment. I obtained it by systematically generalizing away goal after goal by adding a * in front. Because this fragment fails, also your original program will fail. I am sure it will be evident to you how to interpret this:
:- op(950, fy, *). % auxiliary definition
:- initialization(guest(brown, _R, _T)). % your failing query
evidence(taylor,R,_):- *not(R=5).
evidence(white,R,_):- *not(R=5).
evidence(smith,R,_):- *not(R=1), *not(R=3), *not(R=6), *not(R=5).
evidence(green,R,_):- *not(R=3), *not(R=6).
Just a remark, instead of not(A=B) rather use dif(A,B). It's the 21st century...

Read the whole fact from external file

According to the below when try to assert the fact I have type error callable expected , I think the insertion o facts line by line happens successfully.But,the asserta does not work well.Despite that,I tried to convert to string using ( string_codes(?String, ?Codes) ) or insert as line of code but it does not success
writef('What is your Name'),nl,
writef('What is your country'),nl,
writef('What is your education'),nl,
string_codes(S, X),
You are trying to write and then read back Prolog terms. For this you should use the combination write_term/3 and read_term/3.
Since read/1 requires you to add a dot to the end of the input term, I have added the option fullstop/1 to write_term/3. The working code then looks as follows:
:- dynamic(usereduc/2).
writef('What is your Name'),nl,
writef('What is your country'),nl,
writef('What is your education'),nl,
write_term(Out,usercountry(Name,Country), [fullstop(true)]),nl(Out),
write_term(Out,usereduc(Name,Education), [fullstop(true)])
read_term(In, X, []),
readfactsFromfile(X),asserta(X), !
readfactsFromfile(end_of_file):- !.
Notice that I have added the following additional improvements to your code:
* The declaration of usereduc/2 as a dynamic predicate. If this is left out Prolog complains that the predicate does not exists, since it is asserted at run time.
* Removed unwanted determinism using the cut ! at two spots.
* Use of setup_call_cleanup/3 to ensure that opened streams get closed even if the operations performed on the stream are buggy.
Notice that the code is still non-deterministic, giving you the same result twice. This is due to the code asserting the same terms twice.
Hope this helps!
This is a good example where code-injection can be exploited in Prolog without proper care.
My name is 'a,b).\n:- initialization(dobadthings). %'. So output.txt will look like
:- initialization(dobadthings). %whatevercountry).
The built-in predicate read/1 accepts full Prolog syntax.
Unfortunately, the analogon to read/1 is not write/1, nor writeq/1 (which is close) but rather:
write_term(T, [quoted(true)]).
Additional options like variable_names/1 may help in a specific situation where variable names should be retained.
Another (potential) problem is the usage of the idiosyncratic writef/1 which seems to be unique to SWI and does some specific interpretation of certain characters. In any case, not a good idea to use. A simple write/1 would be of same value.

Defining predicates in SICStus Prolog / SWI-Prolog REPL

I am reading,
but I am having trouble running the following predicate:
SICStus 4.0.1 (x86-win32-nt-4): Tue May 15 21:17:49 WEST 2007
| ?- woman(mia).
! Existence error in user:woman/1
! procedure user:woman/1 does not exist
! goal: user:woman(mia)
| ?-
If, on the other hand, I write it to a file and run consult the file, it seems to work fine...
Am I only allowed to define predicates in a file having later to consult them? Can't I just do it in the editor itself?
It's a little annoying to make predicates in the repl. You could do
| ?- ['user'].
ie consult user input, or
| ?- assertz(woman(mia)).
assert it. Both awkward IMO -- there might be a better way, though, I just don't know it. In general it is easier to use a script.
You should enter woman(mia). into a file to assert it as a fact. If you write it into the interpreter, it's taken as a query, not a fact.
From the SWI Prolog FAQ:
Terms that you enter at the toplevel are processes as queries, while
terms that appear in a file that is loaded into Prolog is processed as
a set of rules and facts. If a text reads as below, this is a rule.
carnivore(X) :- animal(X), eats_meat(X).
Trying to enter this at the toplevel results in the error below. Why?
Because a rule is a term :-(Head, Body), and because the toplevel
interprets terms as queries. There is no predicate with the name :-
and two arguments.
?- carnivore(X) :- animal(X), eats_meat(X). ERROR: Undefined
procedure: (:-)/2 ERROR: Rules must be loaded from a file ERROR:
See FAQ at
Isn't this stupid? Well, no. Suppose we have a term
eats_meat(rataplan). If this appears in a file, it states the fact
that rataplan eats meat. If it appears at the toplevel, it asks Prolog
to try proving whether rataplan eats meat.
If a text reads
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
This is a directive. Directives are similar to queries, but instead of
asking the toplevel to do something, they ask the compiler to do
something. Like rules and facts, such terms belong in files.
Instead of writing to a file you can also use assert in the toplevel (as explained later in the FAQ as well).

Undefined Procedure in SWI-Prolog does not work

I am just starting to use Prolog, and already I've run into problem with a seemingly simple example. Here is my .pl file:
hacker(P) :- mountaindew(P), doesntsleep(P).
hacker(P) :- writesgoodcode(P).
Then, after I load the program into swipl, I test it with this line at the prompt
I thought it would display true, but I get this error:
?- hacker(jeff).
ERROR: hacker/1: Undefined procedure: mountaindew/1
Exception: (7) hacker(jeff) ?
This program works fine, but this doesn't solve my problems:
hacker(P) :- writesgoodcode(P).
$ swipl -s
% compiled 0.00 sec, 1,112 bytes
?- hacker(jeff).
Can anyone explain why my original program doesn't work? From my understanding, Prolog should "skip" the first statement since it doesn't have enough information, and check the next line. It does have enough info for that second line, and thus it should evaluate true. Any help or a point in the right direction would be great. Thanks.
As the error message says, you have an undefined procedure mountaindew/1. To make your code return true, your options are:
Define this predicate
Declare that this predicate is dynamic: dynamic(mountaindew/1)
Declare that all unknown predicates should fail (not recommended): set_prolog_flag(unknown, fail)
you could also change the order of the predicates (cannot be done always ofc)
but mostly what Kaarel said.
in the end there is not really a point in writing something that will always fail, even if you are still developing the code
This works but as I am a beginner I can't say why. The word "uninstantiated" may apply. Despite not knowing why it works, I think it's helpful to show one way that works.
hacker(P) :- mountaindew(P), doesntsleep(P).
hacker(P) :- writesgoodcode(P).

How to verify if a rule exists in a prolog file clause database

I'm working on a college assignment where I must verify if a certain clause (as a fact or as a rule) exists in the current clause database.
The idea is to use a rule whose head is verify(+name, +arguments). This rule should be true if in the database exists another rule whose head is name(arguments)
Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Using call/1 is not a good idea because call/1 actually calls the goal, but you just want to find out if the fact/rule exists, and you don't want to wait after a long calculation that the call might trigger, and you don't want to have something printed on the screen if the called rule in turn calls e.g. writeln/1. In addition, you would want verify/2 to succeed even if the call failed (but the fact/rule is otherwise there).
As a solution, SWI-Prolog offers callable/1
True if Term is bound to an atom or a compound term,
so it can be handed without type-error to call/1, functor/3 and =../2.
Here are two version of verify/2, one using call/1 and the other using callable/1.
verify1(Name, Arguments) :-
Term =.. [Name | Arguments],
verify2(Name, Arguments) :-
Term =.. [Name | Arguments],
father(abraham, isaac) :-
father(abraham, adam) :-
Are you familiar with the concept of unification? What you have to do is: just call a predicate that looks like the one you're trying to find.
So, say in your database is:
Now you want to call something like:
Your predicate body will then have to contain a mechanism of calling father(abraham,isaac). which should then return true. Calling father(abraham,adam) should fail.
You will need two predicates for this: =../2 and call/2. If you are using SWI-Prolog, call help(=..). and help(call) from the interpreter's command line to access the documentation.
I hope I didn't spoil the assignment for you. You still have to find out what to do with partially instantiated predicates (so, say something like verify(father,[abraham,X]). on your own, but it shouldn't be hard from here.
Good luck.
