Logical task. Why is my code giving the wrong result? - prolog

Unfortunately, I cannot give the full text of the problem for some reason. Therefore, I will try to describe the main point.
There was a murder at the hotel in room 4. 6 visitors are suspected who came to visit someone in one of the 6 hotel rooms at different intervals (These are all facts).
Then all the suspects were interviewed, some evidence was considered and information was received from the receptionist (These are the rules).
You need to find out who was where at what time. Well, and therefore who is the killer.
my problem
I am not getting the correct result.
When calling
guest(brown, R, T).
i get false (brawn must be a killer)
and basically when i call the function
then I get a very large number of lists. And the rules are not followed in them. Why is that?
result lists screenshoot
In short, I have a suspicion that these rules work somehow separately. But I could be wrong, because in the prologue I am a complete zero. What's my mistake?
P.S. If necessary, I can try to write the full text of the assignment. The only problem is that the text is in a different language from an old book that was scanned..

The reason why your query fails is the following program fragment. I obtained it by systematically generalizing away goal after goal by adding a * in front. Because this fragment fails, also your original program will fail. I am sure it will be evident to you how to interpret this:
:- op(950, fy, *). % auxiliary definition
:- initialization(guest(brown, _R, _T)). % your failing query
evidence(taylor,R,_):- *not(R=5).
evidence(white,R,_):- *not(R=5).
evidence(smith,R,_):- *not(R=1), *not(R=3), *not(R=6), *not(R=5).
evidence(green,R,_):- *not(R=3), *not(R=6).
Just a remark, instead of not(A=B) rather use dif(A,B). It's the 21st century...


Graph implementation (does graph include all vertices?)

Trying to implement following predicate, which takes on input
list of lists - one list = one tested graph T (as edges)
graph G itself (as edges)
and tests whether T includes all of the vertices of G. If it does(true) should return it. Basically it's list filtering.
What I have so far is:
covb([H|R],G) :-
isItCov(G,H), covb(R,G).
isItCov([V-W|R],H) :-
vertex(V,[_|G]):- vertex(V,G).
For covb([[a-c,c-b,c-d]],[a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]) works fine(true). For covb([[a-c]],[a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]) works fine too (false). I got an issue while I call it with multiple lists like covb([[a-c,c-b,c-d],[a-c]],[a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]). which should work only for the first one.
I actually got two questions -
Why does it work for one list only?
I want to return items of lists of lists which passed the condition and returned true (that's the filtering part). How should I do that?
First of all, your program has a number of singleton variable warnings. Do not ignore singleton variable warnings. They can hide real bugs. Also, since more experienced Prolog users here know that programs with singleton variable warnings are not even worth running, they will (a) just see the warnings and decide that they are no longer interested in trying to help you, or (b) fix the warnings on their side, but then by definition they will be working on a program that is no longer the program you posted!
Now for your questions.
Why does it work for one list only?
It's really not clear what you are asking here, or just above with "covb([[a-c,c-b,c-d],[a-c]],[a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]). which should work only for the first one."
This query does fail:
?- covb([[a-c,c-b,c-d],[a-c]],[a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]).
This comes down to testing each of the two lists:
?- isItCov([a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c], [a-c,c-b,c-d]).
true .
?- isItCov([a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c], [a-c]).
The first list does cover the graph, while the second doesn't. Overall, your definition of covb/2 is written to succeed if all lists cover the graph. This is not the case, so your covb/2 query fails.
Was this what you wanted to know?
I want to return items of lists of lists which passed the condition and returned true (that's the filtering part). How should I do that?
You could see if your Prolog's documentation has something for the word "filter". On SWI-Prolog you can do this:
?- apropos(filter).
This will point you to the include/3 predicate, which seems to do what you want:
?- include(isItCov([a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c]), [[a-c,c-b,c-d],[a-c]], Covers).
Covers = [[a-c, c-b, c-d]].
If you want to write a filter predicate for your concrete application, it might look something like this:
graph_covers(_Graph, [], []).
graph_covers(Graph, [Nodes|NodesRest], Covers) :-
( isItCov(Graph, Nodes)
-> Covers = [Nodes|CoversRest]
; Covers = CoversRest ),
graph_covers(Graph, NodesRest, CoversRest).
This is similar to your predicate, it just adds an extra argument to collect those node lists for which isItCov/2 succeeded. If it did not succeed, it continues with a list not containing that current node list.
?- graph_covers([a-b,a-c,a-d,c-d,b-c], [[a-c,c-b,c-d],[a-c]], Covers).
Covers = [[a-c, c-b, c-d]] ;

Depth First Search Prolog

I'm trying to solve a water, jug problem (one 7L, one 4L, get 5L in the 7L jug) using dept first search. However something keeps going wrong whenever I try to get a new state back from one of my actions.
Prolog Code
I can't figure out what is going wrong, this is what the output looks like after trace:
enter image description here
Thanks in advance for any help!
You should copy and paste your code into your question; we cannot copy and paste it from your images, which makes it more work to help you, which in turn makes it less likely that we will help.
Some problems I noticed anyway:
Your first rule for go_to_goal/3 does not talk about the relation between ClosedList and Path. You will compute the path but will never be able to communicate it to the caller. (Then again, you also ignore Path in solve/0...) If your Prolog system gives you "singleton variable" warnings, you should never ignore them!
You are using the == operator wrong. The goal State == (5, X) states that at the end you are looking for a pair where the first component is 5 (this part is fine) and the second component is an unbound variable. In fact, after your computations, the second component of the pair will be bound to some arithmetic term. This comparison will always fail. You should use the = (unification) operator instead. == is only used rarely, in particular situations.
If you put a term like X+Y-7 into the head of a rule, it will not be evaluated to a number. If you want it to be evaluated to a number, you must use is/2 in the body of your rules.
Your most immediate problem, however, is the following (visible from the trace you posted): The second clause of go_to_goal/3 tries to call action/2 with a pair (0, 0) as the first argument. This always fails because the first argument of every clause of action/2 is a term state(X, Y). If you change this to state(0, 0) in go_to_goal/3, you should be able to make a little bit of progress.

Prolog beginner. How to take list as parameter and pass it on

I am a total beginner at Prolog. I am struggling with creating a rule, which takes a list as parameter and passes the list onto another rule. Here is my code:
combine([], '').
combine([L|List], Total) :-
combine(List, CombinedRest),
atom_concat(L, CombinedRest, Total).
findHeadline([W|Words], Combined) :-
combine(Words, Combined).
findHeadline2([Words], Combined) :-
combine(Words, Combined).
findHeadline works as expected, but findHeadline2 does not. Here is the output:
1 ?- findHeadline([billig, enkeltmand], Combination).
Combination = enkeltmand.
2 ?- findHeadline2([billig, enkeltmand], Combination).
The output I was expecting from findHeadline was:
Combination = billigenkeltmand.
How can it be that this does not work?
I tried to utilize trace in SWI-prolog, but it gave me no clue whatsoever, as the findHeadline rule just exits immediately and does not call the combine rule at all.
It is not very clear what it is exactly that you are after. If you just want to concatenate a list of atoms to get one atom, use atomic_list_concat/2 available in SWI-Prolog:
?- atomic_list_concat([foo, bar, baz], C).
C = foobarbaz.
At the moment, your findHeadline2/2 reads:
"Take a list containing exactly one element, and combine/2 that element."
This is not what you are after, I have the feeling.
Your findHeadline/2, on the other hand, says:
"Take a list of at least one element, and combine/2 all elements except the first".
This is important: never ever ignore compilation warnings. You get code that does something, but you can be almost certain that it does not do what you want it to do, which is bad, or that if someone else reads your code, they will be confused, which is also bad.

In Prolog (SWI), how to build a knowledge base of user supplied pairs and assert to be equal

I am very new to Prolog and trying to learn.
For my program, I would like to have the user provide pairs of strings which are "types of".
For example, user provides at command line the strings "john" and "man". These atoms would be made to be equal, i.e. john(man).
At next prompt, then user provides "man" and "tall", again program asserts these are valid, man(tall).
Then the user could query the program and ask "Is john tall?". Or in Prolog: john(tall) becomes true by transitive property.
I have been able to parse the strings from the user's input and assign them to variables Subject and Object.
I tried a clause (where Subject and Object are different strings):
attribute(Subject, Object) :-
assert(term_to_atom(_ , Subject),
term_to_atom(_ , Object)).
I want to assert the facts that Subject and Object are valid pair. If the user asserts it, then they belong to together. How do I force this equality of the pairs?
What's the best way to go about this?
Questions of this sort have been asked a lot recently (I guess your professors all share notes or something) so a browse through recent history might have been productive for you. This one comes to mind, for instance.
Your code is pretty wide of the mark. This is what you're trying to do:
attribute(Subject, Object) :-
Fact =.. [Object, Subject],
Using it works like this:
?- attribute(man, tall).
?- tall(X).
X = man.
So, here's what you should notice about this code:
We're using =../2, the "univ" operator, to build structures from lists. This is the only way to create a fact from some atoms.
I've swapped subject and object, because doing it the other way is almost certainly not what you want.
The predicate you want is assertz/1 or asserta/1, not assert/2. The a and z on the end just tells Prolog whether you want the fact at the beginning or end of the database.
Based on looking at your code, I think you have a lot of baggage you need to shed to become productive with Prolog.
Prolog predicates do not return values. So assert(term_to_atom(... wasn't even on the right track, because you seemed to think that term_to_atom would "return" a value and it would get substituted into the assert call like in a functional or imperative language. Prolog just plain works completely differently from that.
I'm not sure why you have an empty variable in your term_to_atom predicates. I think you did that to satisfy the predicate's arity, but this predicate is pretty useless unless you have one ground term and one variable.
There is an assert/2, but it doesn't do what you want. It should be clear why assert normally only takes one argument.
Prolog facts should look like property(subject...). It is not easy to construct facts and then query them, which is what you'd have to do using man(tall). What you want to say is that there is a property, being tall, and man satisfies it.
I would strongly recommend you back up and go through some basic Prolog tutorials at this point. If you try to press forward you're only going to get more lost.
Edit: In response to your comment, I'm not sure how general you want to go. In the basic case where you're dealing with a 4-item list with [is,a] in the middle, this is sufficient:
build_fact([Subject,is,a,Object], is_a(Subject, Object)).
If you want to isolate the first and last and create the fact, you have to use univ again:
build_fact([Subject|Rest], Fact) :-
append(PredicateAtoms, [Object], Rest),
atomic_list_concat(PredicateAtoms, '_', Predicate),
Fact =.. [Predicate, Subject, Object].
Not sure if you want to live with the articles ("a", "the") that will wind up on the end though:
?- build_fact([john,could,be,a,man], Fact).
Fact = could_be_a(john, man)
Don't do variable fact heads. Prolog works best when the set of term names is fixed. Instead, make a generic place for storing properties using predefined, static term name, e.g.:
is_a(john, man).
property(man, tall).
property(john, thin).
(think SQL tables in a normal form). Then you can use simple assertz/1 to update the database:
add_property(X, Y) :- assertz(property(X, Y)).

list intersection, Prolog

ok, so there's basically 3 tasks this program must carry out:
Parse a sentence given in the form of a list, in this case (and throughout the example) the sentence will be [the,traitorous,tostig_godwinson,was,slain]. (its history, don't ask!) so this would look like:
use the parsed sentence to extract the subject, verb and object, and output as a list, e.g. [tostig_godwinson,was,slain] using the current example. I had this working too until I attempted number 3.
use the target list and compare it against a knowledge base to basically answer the question you asked in the 1st place (see code below) so using this question and the knowledge base the program would print out 'the_battle_of_stamford_bridge' as this is the sentence in the knowledge base with the most matches to the list in question
so here's where i am so far:
history('battle_of_Winwaed',[penda, king_of_mercia,was,slain,killed,oswui,king_of_bernicians, took_place, '15_November_1655']).
history('battle_of_Stamford_Bridge',[tostig_godwinson,herald_hardrada,was,slain, took_place, '25_September_1066']).
history('battle_of_Boroughbridge',[edwardII,defeated,earl_of_lancaster,execution, took_place, '16_march_1322']).
history('battle_of_Wakefield',[richard_of_york, took_place,
history('battle_of_Adwalton_Moor',[earl_of_newcastle,defeats,fairfax, took_place, '30_June_1643',battle,bradford,bloody]).
history('battle_of_Marston_Moor',[prince_rupert,marquis_of_newcastle,defeats,fairfax,oliver_cromwell,ironsides, took_place,
'2_June_1644', bloody]).
micro_watson:- write('micro_watson: Please ask me a question:'), read(X),
sentence(Sentence,sentence(Noun_Phrase, Verb_Phrase),Subject,Object,Verb):-
nl, write(sentence(Noun_Phrase,Verb_Phrase)),
np(Sentence,Parse,Rem):- np2(Sentence,Parse,Rem).
np2([H|T],np2(adj(H),Rest),Rem):- adj(H),np2(T,Rest,Rem).
pp(T, Rest,_).
np(T, Rest,_).
As i said i had number 2 working until i tried number 3, now it just prints the parsed sentence out and then give me a 'Error: out of local stack message' any help is greatly appreciated! So at the top is the knowledge base with which we are comparing out list to find the best match, these are called (albeit incorrectly at this stage) by the best_match method, which executes immediately after the sentence method which parses the sentence and extract the key words. Also i apologise if the code is terribly laid out!
I assume the person who posted this is never coming back, I wanted to remind myself some prolog, so here it is.
There are two major issues with this code, apart from the fact that there are still some logical problems in some predicates.
Problem 1:
You ignored singleton warnings, and they usually are something not to be ignored. The best match predicate should look like this:
The other warning was about the Sentence variable in the sentence predicate, so it goes like this:
Problem 2:
I assume you divided the np logic into np and np2 to avoid infinite loops, but then forgot to apply this division just where it was necessary. The longest np clause should be:
If you really wanted to allow more complicated np there, which I doubt, you can do it like this:
This way you will not end up calling np with the same arguments over and over again, because you make sure that the sentence checked is shorter each time.
Minor issues:
(How the program works, after the infinite loop problem has been fixed)
The last vp is repeated
I am not sure about your grammar, and e.g. why "defeated" is a noun...
Just to check that the program works I used the sentence [edwardIV,defeated,henryVI,on,palm_Sunday].
I changed "defeated" to a verb, and also changed the last vp clause to:
pp(Rest1, Rest,_).
For the example sentence I got battle_of_Boroughbridge and battle_of_Towton as results.
