End user platform for Twilio Studio? - user-interface

Is there a UI component to allow back and forth messaging using Twilio Studio? Sort of like the OpenVBX app was? A way to initiate calls and texts from a Twilio number without integrating into an existing system like a CRM?
I'm working with a small local campaign and want to have a way for a few volunteers to login somewhere and respond to messages, calls, and voicemails using the campaign numbers. I know OpenVBX accomplishes this, and I can stand up an instance of that, but was wondering if there was a newer better mechanism with Studio since OpenVBX is all but abandoned.

Jarod from Twilio here. Studio is a great place to define an automated interaction, but for organizing volunteers I would suggest looking at The Rapid Response Kit by Twilio. This allows volunteers to login and respond to messages and calls.
The Code: https://github.com/Twilio-org/rapid-response-kit
Blog Post to get started: https://www.twilio.com/blog/2014/12/non-coders-guide-running-twilio-org-rapid-response-kit.html
Hope this helps!


Calling an external API from MS Teams chat

Can anyone offer guidance on how to call an external API from within MS Teams chat/posts initiated by an #mention or #hastag? The service I want to build would use the mention/hastag to call an API and return various types of meta data that would then be added to the chat, post, etc. Wondering if Flow or Yo Teams is the best way to go.
The best approach for this would be to create a bot, which gets a name that can be '#' mentioned (e.g. if you bot is called MyBot, you could mention #MyBot in a Teams channel, and it will get notified). Once it receives the notification, the bot can do anything you need it to do.
If you have development skills available (yourself or someone on your team), have a look at the Teams Bot development documentation to get started. If not, Power Virtual Agents could suit your needs (it's like a "drag and drop" bot creator.

Microsoft Teams: Is at all possible to create a app/connector/bot for broadcasting?

Trying to parse through the Microsoft Documentation of this is a bit of a challenge.
Our use case is that we want the app to receive broadcasts from an external service. On that broadcast we want it to send a personalized message to every person in the team/org.
Is that at all possible? Doing this in Workplace and Slack was fairly straight forward but i'm going nowhere fast with Teams. Connectors seem weird and user-based, not team based, requiring you to set up a config page for it? Bots seem centered around AI interactions and on demand features and general apps? Not sure.
So yea the question is, is it possible. If so i would appreciate to know where to look for how to do this.
Yes, this is definitely possible. If you're wanting to send to a Team (i.e. a Channel within a Team) you can use either a bot or a webhook. If you want to send to individuals or to group chats, then you'd be looking to use a bot.
For webhooks, see Post external requests to Teams with incoming webhooks. For bots you can start here, and in that case you'd want to look into something called "Pro-active messaging", where the bot is sending a message on it's own, rather in response to a user's initial message.
The Pro-active messaging can be a bit tricky, so if you do want to go that approach (1 to 1 messaging), let me know in the comments and I give you some more guidance. However, I'd suggest rather looking at messaging the Team, and creating/using a relevant channel, rather than sending every user a 1-1 message.

Slack API : Ability to view all recently added users to Slack Channel

I am working on a POC to proof out the ability to get a list of all the new users who have been added to a specific Slack Channel. From my initial review of the Slack API I am not seeing anything that showcases this ability, I was curious to see if anyone had worked on something similar or could point me to resources that would be a viable solution.
I believe there is no ready-made API method available, that will give you that specific information. However, Slack is very flexible and you can use the existing building blocks to easily add additional features as needed.
E.g. To get the requested information you can develop a small Slack app that listens to the member_joined_channel and member_left_channel events to keep track of when members joined a channel.
If you need a historical record of membership in a channel, you could use the Slack API's groups.history method, page through results, and build a membership log by looking for events of type member_joined_channel and member_left_channel through time.

Microsoft Flow integration

I read an article about Microsoft Flow. I was wondering if it is possible to trigger events using this in an external website.
For instance, supposing a post is made on Yammer for some approval flow based application. If an authorized user comments saying "Approved", this must trigger an action in my external website.
Is this feasible using Flow?
You can also make your own custom connectors if your website has a RESTful API. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/flow/register-custom-api
There is an event for Yammer in Microsoft flow. I have something set up similar for my company and Twitter. When our company is mentioned it sends a message off to our social director.
I have several such flows for things like Yelp, Twitter, Facebook.
You need your Yammer account.
The events that you can trigger from and then include a trigger word or phrase are:
Get All messages
Get Messages in a group
Get Messages from my Following Feed
Post Message
Once you have that trigger its simple enough to look for the key word within a condition step.
Chances are good there is already a template for this in Microsoft Flow. Just look at the ones for Yelp, Facebook, etc. and modify for your needs
Just as AJAX mentioned, you can apply your own Custom Connector for a case like this. A Connector is the "plugin" used with a Flow, such as Yammer.
It's a bit late since November 28th (practically a 30-day late response here), but PowerApps allows you to create your own Custom Connector applying Microsoft's API. You'd be able to plug into your website (GET, POST, etc) directly with this when you create a trigger (the condition met true) that would launch an action. If you created your own API, Microsoft would have to validate if it's met standards pertaining to security.
By applying PowerApps, you'd be able to create your own actions and triggers. From this, you can integrate your own web based process' based on documentation that was observed: https://powerapps.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/brand-new-custom-api-experience-in-powerapps/. From here, you'd be able to customize it was needed.
JSON is required for some circumstances, however Postman would be a great IDE to consider as it also applies a pre-approved API by Micrsoft.

How do you create an sms survey application?

I am a newbie sms application developer. I am looking for pointer on how i could develop an interactive survey based sms application. I want to push questions having check boxes, input boxes, radio buttons etc and receive the inputs back at the server.
Any pointers on how this can be achieved and what app services/technologies can be used for achieving the same would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
SMS protocol does not support any kind of interactive elements.
You probably want to push in a SMS message containing a link to a mobile site hosting the survey and the interaction happens in the mobile web browser.
Alternatively you can only send 140 character free form questions. However if you send in several questions the users won't answer as typing in many SMS messages is cumbersome.
So your idea of doing it purely on SMS is not feasible. Just create a mobile web site using some CMS with good mobile support and form creation wizards.
E.g http://webandmobile.mfabrik.com/
Disclaimer: I am one of authors
I've been using www.txtlocal.co.uk for quite a while and i'm very satisfied being able to send sms texts through their api. This is commercial service but really worth it's price.
You can use it with all languanges including PHP, ASP, C#.NET, VB.NET, VBA, JAVA, Bulk XML and others.
Simply have a look at code examples: http://www.txtlocal.co.uk/developers/code/
Moreover you can build your own software to process text responses from your clients and even buy your own telephone number.
