I am trying to download dependencies serenity-core 1.9.3 having dependency on asciidoctor-java-integration 0.4 which in turn having dependency on JRuby Complete 1.7.4. My problem is JRuby Complete 1.7.4 is not available in company repository. So it is giving error 403.
Is there any way to configure pom to take available version of JRuby Complete or set pom to download from central maven repository if not available in company repository.
I've got a deployment module with its own pom.xml. I use the module to deploy a 'module' and its version.
Modules are built by bamboo and pushed into the local repository of the agent (we haven't got nexus or artifactory yet so currently using the local repo).
When it's time to deploy, I would want to pass the module name and something to fetch me the latest version in the repo.
In ivy, I can use latest.integration or latest.release. However, I am not sure why maven does not allow it or at least not anymore.
So the plan is to use the LATEST version if we don't explicitly request any version.
How would we do this?
Actually, using LATEST as version would fetch the latest one.
According to https://github.com/Netbreeze-GmbH/boilerpipe the maven dependency for boiler pipe is
But this dependency is not available via Maven.
Closest I found is http://search.maven.org/#search%7Cgav%7C1%7Cg%3A%22de.l3s.boilerpipe%22%20AND%20a%3A%22boilerpipe%22 this dependency is version 1.1.0 . How I can add dependency 1.2.2?
Update :
I found the dependency at this location : https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.syncthemall/boilerpipe/1.2.2
The simply answer here is: You can't cause it does not exist in Maven Central. The location you gave https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.syncthemall/boilerpipe/1.2.2 is not Maven Central. This gives a location on Github repository (source repository) which hasn't deployed yet the version 1.2.2 to Maven Central...
What you might need to do is to clone the GitHub repo and build it locally and install it yourself..or best would be using a repository manager and deploy it locally in your corporate network...
You can build project with mvn clean install. That will install the artifact to your local repository. Then you can use it.
If you need it globally best you can do is to deploy the artifact (you build) to a custom maven repository. Or ask maintainers to deploy it to central repository.
I am having trouble importing dependencies for my Grails project into the company Nexus repository. The Grails plugin I would like to use is events-push (https://github.com/smaldini/grails-events-push). The latest released version of the plugin is 1.0.M7. It uses a very old version of Atmosphere library. The GutHub repository contains a more up-to-date version of events-push plugin, 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. I built the Grails plugin from the local clone of the repository and got it to work in my dev environment.
To deploy it on the intranet (in the production environment) I need to import all the plugin dependencies into the company Nexus repository. This is where I run into trouble. The project depends on a SNAPSHOT version of events-push plugin, which in turn depends on SNAPSHOT version of other Grails plugins and Java libraries (according to dependency report).
Nexus supports two types of repositories, Release and Snapshot. I can add artifacts to a Release repository (through the browser UI or in a batch mode using curl), but the artifact must not be a snapshot. I can change the repository to be a Snapshot repository, but then I lose the ability to add artifact to it through the browser or curl command.
How do I make these SNAPSHOT artifacts available to the Grails project through Maven?
Change them to a release version and deploy them to the release repository.
Is SVNKit 1.8.x available in a public Maven Repository?
I have a Maven plug-in that has a dependency using SVNKit 1.7.8 and I have now switched my SVN Clients to Subversion 1.8, so my plug-in doesn't work any more. I can't find version 1.8.x of SVNKit as a Maven deployment.
The alternative questions is: How would I package the SVNKit 1.8.5 downlaod into my Nexus Server?
It looks like from version 1.8.6 svnkit are now putting artifacts in their own maven repo as described in
http://svnkit.com/download.php (scroll down to Maven Repository)
I can't see this flowing into mavenrepository anymore (maven repository has 1.8.5), but this may have been due the their repository being offline until about a week ago.
We use an internal Nexus, so we just added the tmatesoft repository as a mirror and we now have the latest.
Hopefully this eventually flows into Central as that is where most people look first.
Based on a search on Maven Central it does not look like SVNKit 1.8.5 has already been on Maven central. Write an email on the SVNKit mailing lists and make a request to deploy it on Central
I have a Sonatype Nexus OSS install, and I have artifacts on it. However, when using "LATEST" for the version in the pom.xml, I get an unresolved dependency error. Is there something I have to enable to allow the LATEST keyword? I've looked everywhere
The Maven client does not true support dynamic revisions. The closest thing it supports are snapshot revisions, where a revision like 1.0-SNAPSHOT, is resolved to the latest time-stamped artifact.
I think you may be confusing the Maven POM with the REST API used by Nexus. This the ability to specify a "LATEST" version: