Boilerpipe dependency not found - maven

According to the maven dependency for boiler pipe is
But this dependency is not available via Maven.
Closest I found is this dependency is version 1.1.0 . How I can add dependency 1.2.2?
Update :
I found the dependency at this location :

The simply answer here is: You can't cause it does not exist in Maven Central. The location you gave is not Maven Central. This gives a location on Github repository (source repository) which hasn't deployed yet the version 1.2.2 to Maven Central...
What you might need to do is to clone the GitHub repo and build it locally and install it yourself..or best would be using a repository manager and deploy it locally in your corporate network...

You can build project with mvn clean install. That will install the artifact to your local repository. Then you can use it.
If you need it globally best you can do is to deploy the artifact (you build) to a custom maven repository. Or ask maintainers to deploy it to central repository.


How to update maven package after commit/pull-request

I am using a package, resently there was a commit in their repo, but the version had not been changed in Readme(description) of package in git hub, how can I update the package using maven?
I tried to run mvn release:update-versions, but I get this error
Then I run mvn release:update-versions -X
This is my pom.xml
The git repo is not equal the maven lib. You download maven libraries from the offical maven repository. The maintainer of the library needs to upload his artifact to the central repository when he builds a new release after that you can use this.
To see which version is usable you can use a maven search website like
The dependency org.dhatim:fastexcel has a version 0.9.4 (same as the github release).
So it seems the developer already uploaded it but did not correct his Readme in the repository. So you can just use 0.9.4 in your pom.xml.
So always check the maven search site and if something is missing you can always add an issue to github to ask the developer uploading it.
There are also this more or less recommended possibilites to get library as a workaround:
Checkout and build the project by your self and add the jar file to:
something like nexus as own repository hosting (a organization normally has a maven proxy which could be used)
add it to the pom.xml as system scope dependency where the jar must be located on your system
use mvn install on the fastexcel project and change the version in your pom.xml to 0-SNAPSHOT

Patch versioning in Maven

We have an application which has a patched version released. Now we want to deploy this patched version with some classifier stating that it is a patch version and not a normal release.
So I was trying to test the plugin locally by installing it in the local maven repository and then building the project.
I used a command similar to this to install in the local repository.
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=path/to/the/warfile -DartifactId=web-app -Dversion=default-version -Dpackaging=war -DlocalRepositoryPath=path/to/local/repo -Dclassifier=patch-version
Once the war file is installed in the local repo, I included a dependency in the pom file like this
Now when I build the project using mvn clean package, the patched version war file is not picked up from the local repository. Instead it is downloading the default version i.e default-version from the project repository.
I want my project to use the patched version to build the project. Can someone point me to a correct usage or some other better way to do this.

Maven cannot find richfaces 3.3.x in Central repo

I am trying to follow this tutorial:
I am hitting a roadblock with the maven commands.
First the org.richfaces.cdk version 3.3.3.Final was not found in the central repository, so I had to manually install version 4.2.2.Final to my local repository by downloading the file maven-richfaces-resources-plugin-4.2.2.Final.jar
I then had to manually install the org.richfaces.cdk plugin to my local respository.
Next, to run the command in section 4.1. I had to change archetype:create to archetype:generate. Running this command showed that maven couldn't find META-INF/archetype.xml in the jar file. I am stuck at this point. Any pointers?
Per this thread, that version of richfaces is in the JBoss Maven Repo, not Central
In general, Software Vendors maintain their own Maven repos and do not push out every release to Central. SpringSource, Atlassian, and Oracle ( come to mind.
Archetypes are dependencies just like project dependencies / plugins, so you will likely need to add the JBoss repository to your pom.xml or settings.xml in order for the archetype to work. See the above link for how to do that.
I figured it out! noahz's answer helped but wasn't the complete solution. I am still going to accept his answer. After substituting the Atlassion repo for the Jboss maven repo in settings.xml, I was still seeing the 'BUILD FAILURE' error saying it couldn't find the richfaces artifact. Maven was still looking in the central repo not in the Atlassian repo. So after a bit of research found that the central repo could be overriden with a tag. Follow this link:
Build is now successful.

Maven repository for PayPal java API

I migrate a eclipse based project to maven based one.
I need version 1.4.4 or later (because the original jar file we were using was version 1.4.4). But in public repositories I find only version 1.0.0.
EDIT: We solved this problem while ago by set-uping private repo. Seems that PayPal have finally uploaded their API jars in the official maven repo.
The Maven way of solving this kind of problem is to set up your own Maven repository (e.g. Sonatype Nexus). Then you can upload the artifacts you need.
The "quick and dirty" solution would be to copy the required Jar file into a folder and include this file as dependency by using the scope "system" (see Maven documentation)

Unconventional dependency name in maven

I have a few dependencies like this. For example : jdic
In my pom.xml, I defined a dependency
And I have a remote repository (internal server): eg http://repo/thirdparty/
And jdic can be found in http://repo/thirdparty/jdic/jar/jdic.jar
As you notice, the naming is not conventional groupId:artifactId:version, instead its just jdic.jar
so when I run maven compile
mvn clean compile
maven tells me that it cannot resolve dependencies.
I'm aware that we can just download those jars to the local repository .m2/repository and run
mvn compile (ie without clean)
and it the jar will not be a problem. But is there any other way that I can make it retrieve from the remote despite its unconventional name and lack of metadata/pom info for those dependencies?
I already have a mirror to this internal repository that overrides the central
You could install the jdic in your internal/mirror repository with the version (jdic-0.8.6.jar).
If you are using a repository manager and you uploaded the jar to it, it would automagically create a pom for it as well as ensure the dependency was created with version, as per maven convention.
A remote Maven repository is NOT any web server putting files in any way you want. There are lots of convention to follow. One of them is the way to represent the version (which is one essential element of an artifact). With your "remote repository" it is clear that there is no way Maven can find the artifact.
Setup a real Maven remote repository to host such files. You can have a look in Nexus and Artifactory.
