liquibase example with google-cloud-datastore - go

I need some example where we can version control our db creation for google cloud datastore.
I can see example for the google cloud mysql but is there any documentation by google cloud to work with the google cloud datastore and liquibase.
Any help or example on how to setup liquibase with cloud datastore will be really appreciated

Even datastore does not offer a versioning system, maybe this could be created from the scratch using the export tool and some code in the back.
For example Visual Studio has a tool to make migrations between the structure of the database, this is aimed to Entity Framework that maps relational databases,
But the most important approach is the thing that NoSQL databases maybe doest have context in each change.


Oracle Cloud Infrastructure recommended service to migrate a solution running on ODI on-premises

I have an ETL project running on-premises using ODI.
This ETL is quite customized with python scripts to perform tasks such as download/uploading files to Sharepoint, reading and parsing Excel files etc...
If I would want to migrate this to OCI, what would be the best service(s) for it? Is it a simple migration or a redo using a new approach?
I see that we have Data Integration workspaces but it seems not to be able to handle this type of customization...
Not sure about Data Flows. I am definitely not familiar with all Oracle stack, so I need some help :)
Thank you

Synchronise Oracle database with Google Cloud

I am trying to get my Oracle DB content into GCP - BigQuery specifically, and then keep both in synch. I have not been able to find a standard way of doing this using GCP tools without using third-party software. Has anyone tried this? Any recommendations?

How to move OCI-classic to OCI

I have been using OCI-classic. And I'd like to move OCI-classic to OCI.
So I'd be greatly appreciated if you could tell me about below.
Support limitation of OCI-classic
Sample of migration from OCI-classic to OCI
If you can do, tell me the URL too.
There are different migration tools responsible for this, but at the same time, there are considerations you should make before migration to OCI, what kind of services you will migrate, compute,storage, and other services. It would help if you mapped before doing anything.
I highly recommended reading this documentation from Oracle to take a brief about the migration here
OCI-classic is a single tenant offering from Oracle Cloud with limited support. With the multitenant cloud premise available on OCI, it is best to move to OCI . There are lots of interconnected services on OCI which can help lift and shift but it also needs oracle devops help. I would suggest to reach out to Oracle support using SR and they can guide further based on your environment.

CloudFoundry UAA with Oracle DB

The supported databases listed in the UAA documentation seem to be MySQL, PostgresSQL and HSQL.
I noticed this pull request from 2013 which provided Oracle DB support for UAA - but am unable to find any documentation related to UAA with Oracle DB
Has anyone used UAA with an Oracle DB ?
We currently do not support Oracle. We picked three open source databases for this open source project to stick with and that way have somewhat manageable CI pipelines.
We would however consider contribution if there was a willingness to maintain it.

Is there a way for the Oracle Data Integrator to extract data from MongoDB

I'm trying to move snapshots of data from our MongoDB into our Oracle BI data store.
From the BI team I've been asked to make the data available for ODI, but I haven't been able to find an example of that being done.
Is it possible and what do I need to implement it?
If there is a more generic way of getting MongoDB data into Oracle then I'm happy to propose that as well.
MongoDB: 2.0.1
Oracle: 11.2g
This is something that will be queried once a day, maybe twice but at this stage the BI report granularity is daily
In ODI, under the Topology tab and Physical Architecture sub-tab, you can see all technologies that are supported out of the box. MongoDB is not one of them. There are also no Knowledge Modules available for importing/exporting from/to MongoDB.
ODI supports implementing your own technologies and your own Knowledge Modules.
This manual will get you started with developing your won Knowledge module, and in one of the other manuals i'm sure you can find an explanation on how to implement your own technologies. (Ctrl-F for "Data integrator")
If you're lucky, you might find someone else who has already implemented it. Your best places to look would be The Oracle Technology Network Forum, or a forum related to MongoDB.
Instead of creating a direct link, you could also take an easier workaround. Export the data from the MongoDB to a format that ODI supports, and MongoDB can extract to. CSV or XML maybe? Then load the data trough ODI into the oracle database. I think... that will be the best option, unless you have to do this frequently...
Look at the blog post below for an option;
