run report through form - oracle

what is the wrong in this?
i am trying to run 11g report through 11g form but iam getting this message.
the report is working correctly from report builder.
this is the button in form
and this is the connect code.
p_id paramlist;
p_id :=get_parameter_list('tmpdata');
if not id_null(p_id) then
end if;

The crash no longer occurs when Reports Server tracing is switched off. This may be due to the size of the trace file and that there was insufficient disk space / memory/cpu available to create it.
The problem does not reproduce when using rwrun / because rwrun does not run the request via the Reports Server, and therefore no tracing takes place.
It should be noted that Reports Server tracing can have a major impact on performance. It is recommended that Reports Server tracing is only enabled when diagnostic information is required to troubleshoot a problem with a report, an error or a crash. Report Server tracing should not be enabled by default, especially in a production environment.
Running a Report via rwrun Performs Much Faster Than Using rwservlet or rwclient
Switch off Reports Server tracing by commenting out the xml tag
relating to tracing in the Reports Server conf file.
Change <trace traceOpts="trace_all"/>
to <!--trace traceOpts="trace_all"/-->
Stop and start the Reports Server for the change to take effect.
Reports Server Configuration File :
The configuration settings for the Reports Server component of Oracle
Reports Services are stored in the XML file rwserver.conf and
rwbuilder.conf, located in the directory : ORACLE_HOME\reports\conf


Syncthing Usage Report - Data syncing?

I have configured synching usage report locally and I am able to access web UI locally. Now I need to sync my syncing data to usage report database. 1-Is there any way to auto sync syncthing data to usage report database? 2-If no, then How i can fill report table ?
We can set the reporting URL in the Syncthing config, and it’ll report in every 12 hours or thereabout.
Reference available here

Load Test - Error - Could not read result repository: Unknown request id in results:185

I have setup a load test rig with a Client (VS 2013 Update 5), Test Controller and 5 Test Agents. For testing the working of this environment, I have configured load test to run just for 5 users (Step based).
At the end of load test, the Visual Studio is displaying the error message
"Could not read result repository: Unknown request id in results:185"
I have checked if the agents are running out of CPU, RAM etc. Even I have enabled logs on Test Controller, Agents but found no clue or error message.
However I found that the error is occurring due to missing records in the table WebLoadTestRequestMap of LoadTest2010 database.
I have set the value none to the option Timing Details Storage and found that this issue is not occurring. When I set this value to All Individual Details, the error is occurring again.
I don't know what's causing this error. Can anyone help me fixing this error?

How do i take Logs for windows application?

I am working on an application in Windows 7 environment and the application is not stable yet I wanted to see the crash logs , Please help me to get log files.
Reporting Services writes event messages to the Windows application
log. You can use the message information written to the application
log to find out about events that are generated by the report server
applications running on the local system.
Reporting Services provides three event sources:
Report Server (Report Server Windows service)
Report Manager
Scheduling and Delivery Processor
You can use Log4Net to log errors or alternatively just write your errors to a text file.
Here is a link on how to use log4net Link

Publishing SQL Data Tools 2012 project: Forces into Single User Mode

I have a CLR Project that I'm trying to publish using Visual Studio. I had to change the project to a SQL Data Tools project, and now it's not publishing. Each time I try, I get a timeout error. When I take it step-by-step, I find this line of code hangs on my server.
FROM [master].[dbo].[sysdatabases]
WHERE [name] = N'fwDrawings')
Basically, I know it's trying to force the server into single user mode when I try to publish this up. It's just to my staging server and not to a production server, but this is still a problem. I can't keep kicking everyone off the server and try and switch it to single user mode every time I want to update the CLR while I'm testing it's functionality. And I don't want to wait for a maintenance cycle or down-time to promote it up to production. Is there a way around this?
Presumably you have READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT turned on for your database.
If this is the case, you need to change your Database project settings to match. Check "Read committed snapshot" transaction isolation, within the Operational tab in Database Settings for the project.
For me, this prevented the publish timing out, i.e. I can now publish successfully.
For a safer way to deploy to a server that's in use, try using a schema comparison instead.

how to check up/down status of oracle reports server?

To check the status of database servers, I use tnsping utility.
Is there any similar utility for checking reports server?
Without access to the ReportServer admin console, that can be tough. But a call to /reports/rwservlet/showjobs?server= might do the trick for you. If you get a response, it confirms the server is up and running, and it'll show you any jobs that are running.
I've also implemented a procedure in the past that periodically runs a minimal report using utl_http and looks for a reasonable response. Then emails if it timesout or gets an HTTP error or report server error.
I would agree with Jim Hudson, the Oracle Application Server Control is the easiest method to monitor your Oracle Report server(s).
However you can gain some information about the status from running the following command:
