Why use spring beans instead of object initialization - spring

I am trying to understand the idea of spring beans and why I should use them. If I create a bean and use it to print something out like this.
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring.xml");
Account acc = (Account)context.getBean("account");
Why not just create an object of that class like this
Account acc2 = new Account();
I have been watching some video's and did some reading but I did not get an answer why it is better.

Usually what you inject is business logic or services which typically is what changes in a system.
You are trying to inject a domain object Account these objects are not subject to change so it is okay to create the object via new. Perhaps, this is what it is confusing you.
The idea, is to let the container handle the instantiation of your logic or services that change regularly so you can swap them easily without having to open the client classes, because these might be already in production, tested and a developer could potentially introduce new bugs and break things. One way to avoid this is to follow a principle called Open-Closed principle. Then you code to abstractions so you can easily inject concrete implementations via dependency injection.
Imagine the following escenario. For a bookstore, you have different implementations of how to save a book into a database e.g. using JDBC BookServiceJDBCImpl, or using an ORM BookServiceHibernateImpl etc..
// Create & get the Spring container, where you configure your implementations
// e.g. bookServiceJDBC, or bookServiceHibernate
ApplicationContext container = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("spring-config.xml");
// the container loads the appropriate bean say bookServiceHibernate
BookService bookService = (BookService) container.getBean("bookService");
//Create a new book this is a domain object usually you use new
Book newBook = new Book("1234", "Spring in Action","Rod Johnson");
//Now save the book using the implementation defined in the
This is how part of the container file may look like, in here you define the concrete implementation:
<bean id="bookService" class="service.BookServiceHibernateImpl"/>
By letting the container handle this you could inject different implementations without having to touch the client class or even knowing which implementation will be passed.
Check this Dependency Injection blog post it explains a way to achieve it using Spring.
Bare in mind that in Spring you can use java annotations or xml, and that there are different ways to inject dependencies e.g. via get/set, constructors etc this is just an illustrative example of the general DI concept. The design is up to the developer.

Another reason why you would use beans is to aid testing.
We also extract the RestTemplate into a #Bean to make it easier to
test (it can be mocked more easily that way). Link


How does Dependency Injection work in this case?

In a Spring Boot Web Application layout, I have defined a Service Interface named ApplicationUserService. An implementation called ApplicationUserServiceImpl implements all the methods present in ApplicationUserService.
Now, I have a Controller called ApplicationUserController that calls all the methods of ApplicationUserServiceImpl under different #GetMapping annotations.
As suggested by my instructor, I have defined a Dependency Injection as follows:
public class ApplicationUserController {
private final ApplicationUserService applicationUserService; //This variable will work as an object now.
public ApplicationUserController(ApplicationUserService applicationUserService) {
this.applicationUserService = applicationUserService;
I am new to Spring Boot and I tried understanding Dependency Injection in plain English and I understood how it works. I understood that the basic idea is to separate the dependency from the usage. But I am totally confused about how this works in my case.
My Questions:
Here ApplicationUserService is an Interface and it's implementation has various methods defined. In the code above, applicationUserService now has access to every method from ApplicationUserServiceImpl. How did that happen?
I want to know how the Object creation works here.
Could you tell me the difference between not using DI and using DI in this case?
The interface layer is used for abstraction of the code it will be really helpfull when you want to provide different implementations for it. When you create a instance you are simply creating a ApplicationUserServiceImpl and assigning it into a reference variable of ApplicationUserService this concept is called upcasting. Even though you have created the object of child class/implementation class you can only access the property or methods defined in parent class/interface class. Please refer this for more info
in this example when a applicationusercontroller object is created. The spring engine(or ioc container) will create a object of ApplicationUserServiceImpl (since there is a single implementation of the interface ) and returns to controller object as a constructor orgument which you assign to the refrence variable also refer the concept called IOC(Invertion of control)
as explained in the previous answer the spring will take care of object creation (object lifecycle)rather than you explsitly doing it. it will make the objects loosely coupled. In this the controll of creating the instances is with spring .
The non DI way of doing this is
private ApplicationUserService applicationUserService = new ApplicationUserServiceImpl()
Hope I have answered your questions
this analogy may make you understand better consider an example, wherein you have the ability to cook. According to the IoC principle(principal which is the basis of DI), you can invert the control, so instead of you cooking food, you can just directly order from outside, wherein you receive food at your doorstep. Thus the process of food delivered to you at your doorstep is called the Inversion of Control.
You do not have to cook yourself, instead, you can order the food and let a delivery executive, deliver the food for you. In this way, you do not have to take care of the additional responsibilities and just focus on the main work.
Now, that you know the principle behind Dependency Injection, let me take you through the types of Dependency Injection

Autowire two Neo4j GraphRepository in Spring

I'm new to using Spring with Neo4j and I have a question about #Autowire for a GraphRepository.
Most examples I've seen use one #Autowire per Controller, but I have two Nodes I need to modify at the same time when a particular method is called in the controller. Should I simply #Autowire the repositories for both nodes (eg per the code below)? Is there any impact if I do this in a second controller with the same repositories as well (so if I had a ChatSessionController which also #Autowired ChatMessageService and ChatSessionService)?
public class ChatMessageController {
private ChatMessageService chatMessageService;
private ChatSessionService chatSessionService;
#RequestMapping(value = "/message/add/{chatSessionId}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void addMessage(#RequestBody ChatMessagePack chatMessagePack,
#PathVariable("chatSessionId") Long chatSessionId) {
ChatMessage chatMessage = new ChatMessage(chatMessagePack);
// TODO: Make some modifications to the ChatSession as well
Any help would be much appreciated! I've been googling and looking through Stackoverflow to understand this better but I haven't found anything yet. Any pointers in the right directions would be great.
Another underlying question is, should I be (and can I?) modifying other Nodes in a GraphRepository that handles a particular node? Eg Should my GraphRepository be able to modify my GraphRespository?
I'm not convinced that this is a SO question, it's not really a Neo4J or Spring question either, it is more about the architecture of your application. However assuming that you understand the negatives of class fan out, and how to use the #Transactional annotation to achieve what you want then the answer to your question is that it is just fine to have many Repositories (Neo4J or otherwise, autowired or otherwise) in your class and in as many classes as you want.
Neo4J transactions default to Isolation level READ_COMMITTED and if you need anything else, you need to add the guards/locks yourself. Nested transactions are consideredd tobe the same transaction. The Spring #Transactional annotation relies on proxies that you should be aware of as they have implications when calling methods from within the same class.
I would go through this tuotorial over at Spring Data and get your head around how real world vs domain vs node models differ, there will be cases where one repository impacts another node type but I would think it is often transparent to you (i.e adding relationships). You can do what you like in each repository (the generic nature of them is largely confined to all of the built in CRUD and queries derived from finder-method names (see documentation ) using the #Query annotation, and some queries have side effects, but largely you should avoid it.
As you start adding multiple repositories to multiple controllers I think that your code will begin to smell bad and that you should consider encapsulating this business logic off on its own somewhere, neatly unit tested. I also wouldn't tie myself to one controller per data object, it would be fine to have a single ChatController with a POST/chat/ to create a new session and POST /chat/{sessionId} to add a message. Intersting questions on Programmers:
How accurate is "Business logic should be in a service, not in a model?"
Best Practices for MVC Architecture
MVC Architecture — How many Controllers do I need?

Object created in Spring

I would like to know, whether this is a valid practice to use "new" in spring to create a Object?
You can either use xml->bean to create a object using xml file or use annotations to create a object.
This question arises when I am working on a project and where I want to create a object of a property class(which contains properties and setter/getter method of those properties).
I am able to create a object using new and its working fine but if spring has capability to create and manage object lifecycle then which way I need to go create a object and why?
I think the confusion may arise because of the (over)usage of spring as DI mechanism. Spring is a framework providing many services. Bean or dependency injection is just on of those.
I would say that for POJOs which have just setter and getters without much logic in them you can safely create objects using new keyword. For example, in case of value objects and data classes which do not have much configuration or life cycle events to worry about, go ahead and crate those using new keyword. If you repetitively create these objects and have fields which are not changing often, then I would use spring because it will lessen some of the repetitive code and object creation can be considered externalized or separated from your object usage.
Classes instantiated using spring bean definition xml/annotations are basically 'Spring-Managed' beans which mostly means that their life cycle, scope, etc are managed by spring. Spring manages objects which are beans, which may have some life cycle methods and APIs. These beans are dependencies for the classes in which the are set. The parent objects call some API of these dependencies to fulfil some business cases.
Hope this helps.
The Dependency Injection concept in spring is more useful when we need to construct an object that depends upon many objects, because it saves you time and effort for constructing as well as instantiating dependent objects.
In your case , Since it's a POJO class with only setters and getters , I think it is absolutely safe to instantiate it using a new keyword.

object creation in spring

If I am using spring frame work in my application does creating an object like this Test test = new Test() a bad way for creating an instance? Should I always use the bean config to get the objects/bean that I need? If yes, does that means I should have all the object/bean definition in spring applicationContext xml file?
If you want your object to be managed by Spring (this means that dependencies are injected, among other things) you have to use the ApplicationContext.
Calling Test test = new Test() isn't illegal, or even bad practice. It just means that Spring will have no awareness of this object, and it won't bother autowiring it's dependencies, or doing anything else that you'd expect Spring to do.
You don't necessarily need to use the applicationContext.xml file for ALL of your bean declarations. Many people favor annotations, which allow you to declare beans outside of the applicationContext.xml file.
It's worth nothing that Spring-managed beans are by default singletons (think of Servlets). If you want stateful beans that are Spring aware, you could use an ObjectFactoryCreatingFactoryBean to do something like this:
private ObjectFactory myWidgetFactory;
public void doStuff() {
Widget w = myWidgetFactory.getObject();
You can read more about this behaviour here:
For me there's a big difference between objects that represent components of my application -- services, controllers, DAOs, utilities, etc. -- and objects that represent entities within my application -- Person, Order, Invoice, Account, etc. The former type of objects should absolutely be managed by Spring and injected. The latter type are typically created on the fly by the application, and that frequently will involve calling new. This is not a problem.
Test test = new Test() a bad way for
creating an instance?
Yes it is bad practice.
Should I always use the bean config
to get the objects/bean that I need?
Yes, if you are using Spring for dependency injection.
If yes, does that means I should have
all the object/bean definition in
spring applicationContext xml file?
Always! You could use Annotations too.

Best practices for unit tests, mock objects, and ioc

Okay so I have been trying to get into IoC lately. However, I keep running into one hurdle - that is the fact that I love using mock objects.
They are quick and painless to setup.
However, if I use IoC all over the place in my code then it forces me to create test implementations (and configurations) of my objects instead of using mock objects (ie. using moq).
The end result is that I end up with enormous configuration files for testing.
In addition there are many scenarios in testing where I require different behaviors out of my classes on a test-to-test basis. With moq objects this is extremely easy. How would you do something similar with IoC?
Any help would be much appreciated.
IoC should make using mock objects easier, not harder.
Several IoC Container frameworks will allow you to define pre-existing objects to inject; with Moq you'd just set it up for myMockObject.Object.
EDIT: Example of configuring Unity with a mock:
var mockService = new Mock<IMyService>();
As an alternative, you can just pass the mock object into the constructor of the class under test (for constructor injection) and bypass the IoC container entirely in your unit tests.
EDIT: Josh's answer is a good example of the alternative. I would generally go with his solution rather than reconfiguring the container.
I love IoC, and I love me some Mock Objects...
There is no conflict with these two. If you are doing any kind of Dependency Injection then you should simply have to create mock objects using your favorite mocking framework and then pass them into your SUT.
public void AnAwesomeTest()
IDependencyOne d1 = MyMocker.Create<IDependencyOne>();
IDependencyTwo d2 = MyMocker.Create<IDependencyTwo>();
//Constructor injection
SUT sut = new SUT(d1);
//Property Injection
sut.DependantProperty = d2;
//Do some stuff and Assert
