IntelliJ does not find pom.xml file - maven

I'm new to this weird Maven thing and unsure how it works. My project contains a valid pom.xml file, but I am unable to do anything with it. Basically, I go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> From Maven... and write pom.xml in this search field, but it does not find anything! I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong. In general, I just want to know how to download all the libraries into a .jar format.
I use IntelliJand my pom.xml looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>A connectfour website</description>
<name>Apache v2</name>
<name>Nikita Koksharov</name>
Thank you in advance.

There are a number of things that could be going here but try this first:
Try ctrl-shift-a -> "Reimport All Maven Projects"
Views -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects -> click top left button (looks like a refresh icon)

First of all be sure that your project it is using Maven ?! maybe it is using Gradle so on
For a Maven project, pom.xml file:
For a Gradle project, build.gradle file:
Alternatives to Apache Maven. Jira, Jenkins, Gradle, Apache Ant, and Apache Tomcat


While building the project getting error , Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:jar (attach-javadocs)

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>example release repository</name>
<!-- We can not use here because it is not visible for Jenkins running on AWS. -->
<url>nexus url</url>
<name>example snapshot repository</name>
<!-- We can not use here because it is not visible for Jenkins running on AWS. -->
<url>nexus url</url>
<!-- FIXME: Update with the correct settings -->
<name>example Inc</name>
<!-- JMeter properties (defaulted - can be override via command line
args) -->
<!-- CI settings -->
<!-- Manage local dependencies -->
<!-- JUnit tests -->
<!-- exclude integration tests from normal build -->
<!-- JavaDoc -->
<!-- Manifest -->
<!-- Manifest -->
<!-- This plug in is needed if jdk 11 is installed to avoid error 'The code being
documented uses modules but the packages defined in are in the unnamed module.'-->
<!-- Maven site reports -->
<!-- To view the maven site, mvn site (-o if too slow), to
deploy to a repo mvn site-deploy, to check all modules locally site:stage -->
<!-- When the app runs outside of a CI server then we don't have
access to certain properties, so we just give defaults -->
<!-- default values, please adjust or use the spring Value default -->
getting error(Using java 1.8 to build)
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:jar (attach-javadocs) on project commons-parent: Execution attach-javadocs of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:jar failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:2.10.4:jar: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null
tried many things nothing is working could anyone look and help.
First, try upgrading the maven-javadoc-plugin version.
If that doesn't work...
(1) Make sure the project builds without the maven-javadoc-plugin.
mvn -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true verify
(2) Disable strict linting.
This is for version 3.0.0+.
If (2) works, then there is most likely a problem with your Javadoc. Is there more to the build logs that may indicate where?

After "Maven->Update project",the configuration of source folder in build path has been changed

Here is the configuration before maven update project.
And this is the configuration after maven update project.
This is my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
docx4j is a library which helps you to work with the Office Open
XML file format as used in docx
documents, pptx presentations, and xlsx spreadsheets.
<name>Apache 2</name>
<comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
<outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory><!-- for a clean jar, be sure to avoid mixing mvn and eclipse output -->
<!-- <source>src/xslfo</source> -->
<!-- <source>src/svg</source> -->
<!--source>src/sun</source -->
<!-- The Surefire Plugin is used during the test phase of the build lifecycle
to execute the unit tests of an application -->
<!-- the below are prob not necessary, now that we are building from bin-mvn, and so avoiding stuff Eclipse puts into bin dir -->
<exclude>**/*.docx</exclude><!-- docx files in /src/test/resources add unwanted 1 MB to jar. -->
<exclude>src/main/resources/README.txt</exclude><!-- sample log4j.xml and are now in src/samples/_resources-->
<!-- The Source Plugin creates a jar archive of the source files of the
current project. -->
<!-- maven-javadoc-plugin seems to require large -Xmx so comment this
out if your build is failing because you don't have enough. -->
<!-- 18 MB without the exclusion; still 15MB with -->
<!-- <excludePackageNames>org.plutext.jaxb.svg11:org.plutext.jaxb.xslfo</excludePackageNames> -->
<additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam> <!-- for Java 8 -->
<echo>! Join the docx4j developers mailing list by !</echo>
<echo>! emailing !</echo>
<!-- mvn versions:display-dependency-updates -->
<!-- be sure to get xml,xlst resources in various src trees -->
docx4j Open XML manipulation library
<name>Javadoc report</name>
<artifactId>jaxb-svg11</artifactId><!-- previously part of docx4j source -->
<!-- events -->
<!-- From 3.0, docx4j uses slf4j -->
<!-- instead of FOP's commons-logging -->
<!-- .. default to log4j implementation, just like docx4j 2.8.1 and earlier.
UNLESS creating shaded jar for Android. -->
<version>3.4</version> <!-- ns prefix mapper uses org.apache.commons.lang3.text.StrTokenizer -->
<!-- required for ole introspection -->
<version>2.4</version> <!-- 2.2 works -->
<!-- you can comment out if you don't want
to use Plutext's commercial PDF Converter.
<!-- these two are to correct issues in fop dependency -->
<!-- -->
<!-- since 3.1.1 -->
<!-- for anon functionality; since 3.3.1 -->
<profiles> <!-- use -P eg mvn -Psign-artifacts -->
<message>Maven artifacts for ${project.version}</message> <!-- git commit message -->
<noJekyll>true</noJekyll> <!-- disable webpage processing -->
<outputDirectory>${}/mvn-repo</outputDirectory> <!-- matches distribution management repository url above -->
<branch>refs/heads/mvn-repo</branch> <!-- remote branch name -->
<repositoryName>docx4j</repositoryName> <!-- github repo name -->
<repositoryOwner>plutext</repositoryOwner> <!-- github username -->
<!-- run site-maven-plugin's 'site' target as part of the build's normal 'deploy' phase -->
I didn't find where to configure the "excluded" of sourcefolder in pom.xml

'[TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes' error while running test on AWS Device Farm

I am trying to run a test suite on AWS device farm, It is a Maven project, I get the following error on the device farm Parsing result document: [TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes.
While creating the zip for AWS device farm from Maven I get the following warning:
[WARNING] The POM for org.testng:testng:jar:5.14.3 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details.
I have the latest version of testng and surefire plugin nothing seems to help. any help on this one will be much appreciated.
My pom.xml is as follows:">
<groupId>com.pankanis.cameraplus </groupId>
<!-- -->
You need to add the testng.xml to the root of the -tests.jar file created. To do this put it in the src/test/resources directory to take advantage of the super pom configuration. Alternatively, you can create some testResources tags to reference where the testng.xml is at currently.
Hope that helps
Just added a pull request here
There is now a premium support article about this

how to configure Jenkins Cobertura not to give instrumented package?

Jenkins along with Cobertura using Maven deploying instrumented jar file to my repository. I don't want an instrumented jar in my application. So anybody know how to handle this in jenkins/Cobertura/Maven?
I found that if in Jenkins I change the order to 'clean site install' instead of 'clean install site' it is giving noninstrumented code.
I am using Jenkins 1.548 along with java1.8
This is my POM.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Premier Population Grouper Service API.
<argLine>-Xms512m -Xmx512m</argLine>
<!-- <plugin>
</plugin> -->
-no-header -cp collection-setter-injector.jar
<!-- <plugin>
</plugin> -->
<!-- DB Driver -->
<!-- SPRING -->

different objects between my server and locally for maven deployment

I use maven and the weblogic-maven-plugin 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT to deploy a .war on a weblogic server (8.1).
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- The ant plugin is used to update the server-config.wsdd -->
update src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd
<java classname="org.apache.axis.utils.Admin" fork="true" classpathref="maven.compile.classpath"
<arg value="server" />
<arg value="${basedir}/src/main/java/myApply/deploy.wsdd" />
<id>make shared resources</id>
<!-- <docletPath>/path/to/UmlGraph.jar</docletPath> -->
-hide java.*
-nodefontsize 9
-nodefontpackagesize 7
<!-- FileBugs plugin -->
<!-- Eclipse plugin enforces download of source and JavaDoc jars -->
<!-- Covertura plugin -->
But I'm confronted with this problem:; local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = -5467795090068647408, local class serialVersionUID = 1081892073854801359
I understand that the version of ObjectName are different between the server and in local, but I don't know how can I change this.
Paste your complete pom.xml, as well as: what version of java you're using, what version of Java that Weblogic supports. Have you defined a source/target level to use for your compiled classes? By default Maven uses 1.4, if I recall correctly. BEA 8 uses 1.4.x as well (though JRockit). If the SDK you're using is different that the one for WL, then that might be the cause.
