OpenMP and MPI Interaction - parallel-processing

Hi currently I'm working on a program that I have working in parallel using MPI. I was wondering if I could gain additional speed in the for loops using OpenMP so I could get more out of each processor. Would I gain anything out of doing this? Also how would I go about it?

From experience it really depend on your problem and on how many MPI processes you are using.
Using large amount of MPI processes usually improve data locality, but your parallelization might not allow large amount of processes.
The thought that you will gain for sure a decent speedup is very often wrong :-(... But then if you reach the point where you cant use more MPI processes due to lack of parallel efficiency you will probably gain the possibility of using more cores efficiently.
From experience you should target a small number of thread (4-8, 1/2 of the socket cores count), especially if you have only small loops (which should be the case if you reach the max number of MPI processes).
A good intro of hybrid parallelism:


Fortran code using auto parallelization vs MPI

I am using a Fortran code to run a large scale simulation on a supercomputer. I am able to run the code in serial, but I want to improve the turn around time. I am looking in to making it parallel and i have found that I can use auto-parallelization or MPI, the question I have is: which is more likely to improve the turn around time?
I was able to use Intel Fortran complier with the compiler flag -parallel -par-report to see which DO loops where made parallel, so if I run the complied code on 4 processors would that actually work or do I have to do something special?
In addition, do you know of any useful resources for me too learn MPI. I want to be able to use more processors to increase the simulation time that is my end goal.
More than likely, MPI is going to be faster than auto-parallelization. However, auto-parallelization would take about 0.5 seconds worth of work to get a speed-up of, say, 1.2 compared to Y hours (maybe even up to Q weeks) of trial-and-error debugging to get a speed-up of, say, 1.7.
If you're interested in self-learning MPI through a book, Gropp, Lusk, & Skjellum's Using MPI is probably a good start.
Answer a bit depends on nature of your hardware and your application/workload. Do you use multi-node cluster (most typical) or big shared memory machine? Assuming you are cluster user, you will have to use MPI or Fortran coarray for (more likely) distributed memory cross-node parallelism AND SOMETHING fon inter-node shared memory parallelism (SMP).
Shared memory parallelism can give you speed-up proportional to number of cores on a node(up to 32x with Xeons) or even more with coprocessors. Distributed memory parallelism can give you speedup proportional to number of nodes. Both types (or actually all 3 types) of parallelism have to be used these days to get reasonable performance. You may think of it like a hierarchy: 1.MPI or coarray on the top, 2.something for shared memory threading in the middle and 3. vectorization in the innermost level.
Well, from your question, it sounds like you are talking mostly about SMP multicore threading parallelism level. This is where -parallel Auto-Parallelization behaves. Dont expect big magic from auto-par. If you want to get better scalable parallelism, you have to try fortran OpenMP or MPI-for-shared memory. I would recommend OpenMP in most cases; its often easier to program and more performance.
But. its up to you and you really should think bigger- about all 3 levels of parallelism. If you plan to address all 3 levels, then probably optimal combination (since you are a happy intel fortran user) is 1. MPI for 1st level+ 2. OpenMP for SMP level + 3. AutoVectorization guided by OpenMP 4.0 pragma simd on 3rd level. Im not an expert in coarray, but it might be good alternative to 1.MPI.
My answer does make less sence if you dont deal with classic cluster hardware.

When should I use parallel-programming?

What could be a typical or real problem for using parallel programming? It can be quite challenging to implement. On the internet they explain how to use it but not why.
Performance is the most common reason to use parallel programming. But: Not all programs will become faster by using parallel programming. In most cases your algorithm consists of parts that are parallelizable and parts, that are inherently sequential. You always have to reason about the potential performance gain of using parallel programming. In some cases the overhead for using it will actually make your program slower. Have a look at Amdahl's law to learn more about the potential performance improvements you can reach.
If you only want some examples of usage of parallel computations: There are some classes of algorithms that are inherently parallel, see this article the dwarfs of berkeley
Another reason for using a multithreaded application architecture is it's responsiveness. There are certain functions which block program execution for a certain amount of time, i.e. reads from files, network, waiting for user inputs, etc. While waiting like this does not consume CPU power, it often blocks or slows program flow.
Using threads in such case is simply a good practice to make the code clearer. Instead of using (often complex or unintuitive) checks for inputs, integrating those checks into program flow, manual switching between handling input and other tasks, a programmer may choose to use threads and let one thread wait for input, and the other i.e. to perform calculations.
In other words, multiple threads sometimes allow for better use of different resources at your computer's disposal: network, disk, input devices or simply monitor.
Generalization: using multiple threads (including parallel data processing) is advisable when the speed and responsiveness gains outweigh the synchronization costs and work required to parallelize the application.
The reason why there is increased interest in parallel programming is partly because the hardware we use today is more parallel. (multicore processors, many-core GPU). To fully benefit from this hardware you need to program in parallel.
Interestingly, parallel processing also improves battery life:
Having 4 cores at 1Ghz draws less power than one single core at 4Ghz.
A phone with a multicore CPU will try to run as much tasks as possible simultaneously, so it can turn off the CPU when all work is done. This is sometimes called "the rush to idle".
Now, some programs are more easy parallelize than others. You should not randomly try to parallelize your entire code base. But it can be a useful excersise to do so even if there is no business reason: then you will be more ready the day when you really need it.
There are very few problems which can't be solved more quickly by a parallel program than by a serial program. There are very few computers which do not have multiple processing units.
I conclude, therefore, that you should use parallel programming all the time.

Cilk or Cilk++ or OpenMP

I'm creating a multi-threaded application in Linux. here is the scenario:
Suppose I am having x instance of a class BloomFilter and I have some y GB of data(greater than memory available). I need to test membership for this y GB of data in each of the bloom filter instance. It is pretty much clear that parallel programming will help to speed up the task moreover since I am only reading the data so it can be shared across all processes or threads.
Now I am confused about which one to use Cilk, Cilk++ or OpenMP(which one is better). Also I am confused about which one to go for Multithreading or Multiprocessing
Cilk Plus is the current implementation of Cilk by Intel.
They both are multithreaded environment, i.e., multiple threads are spawned during execution.
If you are new to parallel programming probably OpenMP is better for you since it allows an easier parallelization of already developed sequential code. Do you already have a sequential version of your code?
OpenMP uses pragma to instruct the compiler which portions of the code has to run in parallel. If I understand your problem correctly you probably need something like this:
#pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(array_of_bloom_filters)
for i in DATA:
the instances of different bloom filters are replicated in every thread in order to avoid contention while data is shared among thread.
The paper actually consider an application which is very unbalanced, i.e., different taks (allocated on different thread) may incur in very different workload. Citing the paper that you mentioned "a highly unbalanced task graph that challenges scheduling,
load balancing, termination detection, and task coarsening strategies". Consider that in order to balance computation among threads it is necessary to reduce the task size and therefore increase the time spent in synchronizations.
In other words, good load balancing comes always at a cost. The description of your problem is not very detailed but it seems to me that the problem you have is quite balanced. If this is not the case then go for Cilk, its work stealing approach its probably the best solution for unbalanced workloads.
At the time this was posted, Intel was putting a lot of effort into boosting Cilk(tm) Plus; more recently, some effort has been diverted toward OpenMP 4.0.
It's difficult in general to contrast OpenMP with Cilk(tm) Plus.
If it's not possible to distribute work evenly across threads, one would likely set schedule(runtime) in an OpenMP version, and then at run time try various values of environment variable, such as OMP_SCHEDULE=guided, OMP_SCHEDULE=dynamic,2 or OMP_SCHEDULE=auto. Those are the closest OpenMP analogies to the way Cilk(tm) Plus work stealing works.
Some sparse matrix functions in Intel MKL library do actually scan the job first and determine how much to allocate to each thread so as to balance work. For this method to be useful, the time spent in serial scanning and allocating has to be of lower order than the time spent in parallel work.
Work-stealing, or dynamic scheduling, may lose much of the potential advantage of OpenMP in promoting cache locality by pinning threads with cache locality e.g. by OMP_PROC_BIND=close.
Poor cache locality becomes a bigger issue on a NUMA architecture where it may lead to significant time spent on remote memory access.
Both OpenMP and Cilk(tm) Plus have facilities for switching between serial and parallel execution.

How to determine the optimum number of worker threads

I wrote a C program which reads a dataset from a file and then applies a data mining algorithm to find the clusters and classes in the data. At the moment I am trying to rewrite this sequential program multithreaded with PThreads and I am newbie to a parallel programming and I have a question about the number of worker threads which struggled my mind:
What is the best practice to find the number of worker threads when you do parallel programming and how do you determine it? Do you try different number of threads and see its results then determine or is there a procedure to find out the optimum number of threads. Of course I'm investigating this question from the performance point of view.
There are a couple of issues here.
As Alex says, the number of threads you can use is application-specific. But there are also constraints that come from the type of problem you are trying to solve. Do your threads need to communicate with one another, or can they all work in isolation on individual parts of the problem? If they need to exchange data, then there will be a maximum number of threads beyond which inter-thread communication will dominate, and you will see no further speed-up (in fact, the code will get slower!). If they don't need to exchange data then threads equal to the number of processors will probably be close to optimal.
Dynamically adjusting the thread pool to the underlying architecture for speed at runtime is not an easy task! You would need a whole lot of additional code to do runtime profiling of your functions. See for example the way FFTW works in parallel. This is certainly possible, but is pretty advanced, and will be hard if you are new to parallel programming. If instead the number of cores estimate is sufficient, then trying to determine this number from the OS at runtime and spawning your threads accordingly will be a much easier job.
To answer your question about technique: Most big parallel codes run on supercomputers with a known architecture and take a long time to run. The best number of processors is not just a function of number, but also of the communication topology (how the processors are linked). They therefore benefit from a testing phase where the best number of processors is determined by measuring the time taken on small problems. This is normally done by hand. If possible, profiling should always be preferred to guessing based on theoretical considerations.
You basically want to have as many ready-to-run threads as you have cores available, or at most 1 or 2 more to ensure no core that's available to you will ever be left idle. The trick is in estimating how many threads will typically be blocked waiting for something else (mostly I/O), as that is totally dependent on your application and even on external entities beyond your control (databases, other distributed services, etc, etc).
In the end, once you've determined about how many threads should be optimal, running benchmarks for thread pool sizes around your estimated value, as you suggest, is good practice (at the very least, it lets you double check your assumptions), especially if, as it appears, you do need to get the last drop of performance out of your system!

MPI for multicore?

With the recent buzz on multicore programming is anyone exploring the possibilities of using MPI ?
I've used MPI extensively on large clusters with multi-core nodes. I'm not sure if it's the right thing for a single multi-core box, but if you anticipate that your code may one day scale larger than a single chip, you might consider implementing it in MPI. Right now, nothing scales larger than MPI. I'm not sure where the posters who mention unacceptable overheads are coming from, but I've tried to give an overview of the relevant tradeoffs below. Read on for more.
MPI is the de-facto standard for large-scale scientific computation and it's in wide use on multicore machines already. It is very fast. Take a look at the most recent Top 500 list. The top machines on that list have, in some cases, hundreds of thousands of processors, with multi-socket dual- and quad-core nodes. Many of these machines have very fast custom networks (Torus, Mesh, Tree, etc) and optimized MPI implementations that are aware of the hardware.
If you want to use MPI with a single-chip multi-core machine, it will work fine. In fact, recent versions of Mac OS X come with OpenMPI pre-installed, and you can download an install OpenMPI pretty painlessly on an ordinary multi-core Linux machine. OpenMPI is in use at Los Alamos on most of their systems. Livermore uses mvapich on their Linux clusters. What you should keep in mind before diving in is that MPI was designed for solving large-scale scientific problems on distributed-memory systems. The multi-core boxes you are dealing with probably have shared memory.
OpenMPI and other implementations use shared memory for local message passing by default, so you don't have to worry about network overhead when you're passing messages to local processes. It's pretty transparent, and I'm not sure where other posters are getting their concerns about high overhead. The caveat is that MPI is not the easiest thing you could use to get parallelism on a single multi-core box. In MPI, all the message passing is explicit. It has been called the "assembly language" of parallel programming for this reason. Explicit communication between processes isn't easy if you're not an experienced HPC person, and there are other paradigms more suited for shared memory (UPC, OpenMP, and nice languages like Erlang to name a few) that you might try first.
My advice is to go with MPI if you anticipate writing a parallel application that may need more than a single machine to solve. You'll be able to test and run fine with a regular multi-core box, and migrating to a cluster will be pretty painless once you get it working there. If you are writing an application that will only ever need a single machine, try something else. There are easier ways to exploit that kind of parallelism.
Finally, if you are feeling really adventurous, try MPI in conjunction with threads, OpenMP, or some other local shared-memory paradigm. You can use MPI for the distributed message passing and something else for on-node parallelism. This is where big machines are going; future machines with hundreds of thousands of processors or more are expected to have MPI implementations that scale to all nodes but not all cores, and HPC people will be forced to build hybrid applications. This isn't for the faint of heart, and there's a lot of work to be done before there's an accepted paradigm in this space.
I would have to agree with tgamblin. You'll probably have to roll your sleeves up and really dig into the code to use MPI, explicitly handling the organization of the message-passing yourself. If this is the sort of thing you like or don't mind doing, I would expect that MPI would work just as well on multicore machines as it would on a distributed cluster.
Speaking from personal experience... I coded up some C code in graduate school to do some large scale modeling of electrophysiologic models on a cluster where each node was itself a multicore machine. Therefore, there were a couple of different parallel methods I thought of to tackle the problem.
1) I could use MPI alone, treating every processor as it's own "node" even though some of them are grouped together on the same machine.
2) I could use MPI to handle data moving between multicore nodes, and then use threading (POSIX threads) within each multicore machine, where processors share memory.
For the specific mathematical problem I was working on, I tested two formulations first on a single multicore machine: one using MPI and one using POSIX threads. As it turned out, the MPI implementation was much more efficient, giving a speed-up of close to 2 for a dual-core machine as opposed to 1.3-1.4 for the threaded implementation. For the MPI code, I was able to organize operations so that processors were rarely idle, staying busy while messages were passed between them and masking much of the delay from transferring data. With the threaded code, I ended up with a lot of mutex bottlenecks that forced threads to often sit and wait while other threads completed their computations. Keeping the computational load balanced between threads didn't seem to help this fact.
This may have been specific to just the models I was working on, and the effectiveness of threading vs. MPI would likely vary greatly for other types of parallel problems. Nevertheless, I would disagree that MPI has an unwieldy overhead.
No, in my opinion it is unsuitable for most processing you would do on a multicore system. The overhead is too high, the objects you pass around must be deeply cloned, and passing large objects graphs around to then run a very small computation is very inefficient. It is really meant for sharing data between separate processes, most often running in separate memory spaces, and most often running long computations.
A multicore processor is a shared memory machine, so there are much more efficient ways to do parallel processing, that do not involve copying objects and where most of the threads run for a very small time. For example, think of a multithreaded Quicksort. The overhead of allocating memory and copying the data to a thread before it can be partioned will be much slower with MPI and an unlimited number of processors than Quicksort running on a single processor.
As an example, in Java, I would use a BlockingQueue (a shared memory construct), to pass object references between threads, with very little overhead.
Not that it does not have its place, see for example the Google search cluster that uses message passing. But it's probably not the problem you are trying to solve.
MPI is not inefficient. You need to break the problem down into chunks and pass the chunks around and reorganize when the result is finished per chunk. No one in the right mind would pass around the whole object via MPI when only a portion of the problem is being worked on per thread. Its not the inefficiency of the interface or design pattern thats the inefficiency of the programmers knowledge of how to break up a problem.
When you use a locking mechanism the overhead on the mutex does not scale well. this is due to the fact that the underlining runqueue does not know when you are going to lock the thread next. You will perform more kernel level thrashing using mutex's than a message passing design pattern.
MPI has a very large amount of overhead, primarily to handle inter-process communication and heterogeneous systems. I've used it in cases where a small amount of data is being passed around, and where the ratio of computation to data is large.
This is not the typical usage scenario for most consumer or business tasks, and in any case, as a previous reply mentioned, on a shared memory architecture like a multicore machine, there are vastly faster ways to handle it, such as memory pointers.
If you had some sort of problem with the properties describe above, and you want to be able to spread the job around to other machines, which must be on the same highspeed network as yourself, then maybe MPI could make sense. I have a hard time imagining such a scenario though.
I personally have taken up Erlang( and i like to so far). The messages based approach seem to fit most of the problem and i think that is going to be one of the key item for multi core programming. I never knew about the overhead of MPI and thanks for pointing it out
You have to decide if you want low level threading or high level threading. If you want low level then use pThread. You have to be careful that you don't introduce race conditions and make threading performance work against you.
I have used some OSS packages for (C and C++) that are scalable and optimize the task scheduling. TBB (threading building blocks) and Cilk Plus are good and easy to code and get applications of the ground. I also believe they are flexible enough integrate other thread technologies into it at a later point if needed (OpenMP etc.)
