How to change value in go array? - go

Here is what I am trying todo
for _,p := range *players {
for _,tp := range *tournamentPlayers{
if p.Id==tp.PlayerId {
p.Points += tp.Prize
after for nothing is saved

When you range over an array, the second variable will be a copy of the value. So when you're modifying it, you don't actually modify the value stored in the array.
You need to use the index:
for i := range *players {
for _,tp := range *tournamentPlayers{
if players[i].Id==tp.PlayerId {
players[i].Points += tp.Prize
You'll find more informations in the spec.


Add data to slice when use range with go

I wanna append some data when range the slice, like this:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
slices := []string{"item-1", "item-2", "item-3"}
for _, item := range slices {
if item == "item-2" {
slices = append(slices, "item-5")
the code output:
I expect:
Similar to this syntax in python:
slices = ["item-1", "item-2", "item-3"]
for item in slices[::]:
if item == "item-2":
How it should be implemented in Go?Thanks
i try to search in this website and google, use the Add data to slice when use range with go keyword.
Instead of using range, iterate explicitly with a counter
func main() {
slices := []string{"item-1", "item-2", "item-3"}
for i := 0; i < len(slices); i++ {
item := slices[i]
if item == "item-2" {
slices = append(slices, "item-5")
Because you re-assign slices in the loop, you need to re-check the len every iteration to see how long it is currently. The built-in range only iterates over the initial value of slices; it doesn't see any updates to the slice definition that happen during iteration.

Get the type of value using cty in hclwrite

am looking for a way to find the type of variable using go-cty package in hclwrite.
My aim is to generate a variables file like below
variable "test_var" {
val1 = bool
val2 = string
val3 = number
I am using the below code to generate this.
vars := hclwrite.NewEmptyFile()
vars_root_body := vars.Body()
vars_file, vars_create_err := os.Create("")
vars_block := vars_root_body.AppendNewBlock("variable",[]string{"test_var"})
vars_block_body := vars_block.Body()
vars_block_body.SetAttributeValue("val", cty.Value{})
_, vars_write_err := vars_file.Write(vars.Bytes())
defer vars_file.Close()
the above code generates this
variable "test_var" {
val = null
I want to fetch the type of that variable and set the attribute value based on that type, as show in the reference link above. I tried lot of ways but didn't get anything. Can someone please help me on this?
I tried the above code and lot of other ways like
but it didn't work.
The expected syntax for a variable block in Terraform includes an argument named type, not an argument named val. From your example I assume that you are intending to populate type.
The type constraint syntax that Terraform uses is not directly part of HCL and so there isn't any built-in way to generate that syntax in only one step. However, type constraint are built from HCL's identifier and function call syntaxes, and hclwrite does have some functions for helping to generate those as individual parts:
f := hclwrite.NewEmptyFile()
rootBody := f.Body()
varBlock := rootBody.AppendNewBlock("variable", []string{"example"})
varBody := varBlock.Body()
fmt.Printf("%s", f.Bytes())
The above will generate the following:
variable "example" {
type = set(string)
If you already have a cty.Value value then you can obtain its type using the Type method. However, as mentioned above there isn't any ready-to-use function for converting a type into a type expression, so if you want to be able to generate a type constraint for any value then you'd need to write a function for this yourself, wrapping the TokensForFunctionCall and TokensForIdentifier functions. For example:
package main
import (
func main() {
f := hclwrite.NewEmptyFile()
rootBody := f.Body()
varBlock := rootBody.AppendNewBlock("variable", []string{"example"})
varBody := varBlock.Body()
fmt.Printf("%s", f.Bytes())
func typeExprTokens(ty cty.Type) hclwrite.Tokens {
switch ty {
case cty.String:
return hclwrite.TokensForIdentifier("string")
case cty.Bool:
return hclwrite.TokensForIdentifier("bool")
case cty.Number:
return hclwrite.TokensForIdentifier("number")
case cty.DynamicPseudoType:
return hclwrite.TokensForIdentifier("any")
if ty.IsCollectionType() {
etyTokens := typeExprTokens(ty.ElementType())
switch {
case ty.IsListType():
return hclwrite.TokensForFunctionCall("list", etyTokens)
case ty.IsSetType():
return hclwrite.TokensForFunctionCall("set", etyTokens)
case ty.IsMapType():
return hclwrite.TokensForFunctionCall("map", etyTokens)
// Should never happen because the above is exhaustive
panic("unsupported collection type")
if ty.IsObjectType() {
atys := ty.AttributeTypes()
names := make([]string, 0, len(atys))
for name := range atys {
names = append(names, name)
items := make([]hclwrite.ObjectAttrTokens, len(names))
for i, name := range names {
items[i] = hclwrite.ObjectAttrTokens{
Name: hclwrite.TokensForIdentifier(name),
Value: typeExprTokens(atys[name]),
return hclwrite.TokensForObject(items)
if ty.IsTupleType() {
etys := ty.TupleElementTypes()
items := make([]hclwrite.Tokens, len(etys))
for i, ety := range etys {
items[i] = typeExprTokens(ety)
return hclwrite.TokensForTuple(items)
panic(fmt.Errorf("unsupported type %#v", ty))
This program will generate the same output as the previous example. You can change func main to pass a different type to typeExprTokens to see how it behaves with some different types.

Golang: accessing map object outside the function it was declared in

I would like to loop through a slice of structs, and populate a struct field (which is a map) by passing in each struct to a function.
I have the below struct
type thing struct {
topicThing map[string]int
and I have the below functions
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
for _, th := range ths {
func dothing(th *thing) {
tc := make(map[string]int)
tc["Hello"] = 1
tc["Bye"] = 2
th.topicThing = tc
The main function creates a slice of things (refered as ths), and passes each thing to the dothing() function by iterating over them.
Within dothing(), I create a new map, populate it with data, and assigns it to the passed in thing's attribute. However, by the time we iterate over ths in the main function to print topicThing of each thing, the map is empty.
Since make() creates objects within the heap, I was hoping it would be accessible even outside of the function scope. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
if I change the dothing() function like below:
func dothing(th *thing) {
th.topicThing["Hello"] = 1
th.topicThing["Bye"] = 2
The code works as expected, meaning the map is populated with data when accessed in the main function.
The range copies your object.
So when you do this,
for _, th := range ths {
you are actually dothing on a copy.
For example, with this main:
func main() {
ths := make([]thing, 0)
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
var th thing
ths = append(ths, th)
for _, th := range ths {
it will print the right thing, since we are still working on the copy.
In order to not copy, use the array index:
for idx, _ := range ths {

Failed to update rows in "jinzhu/gorm" pkg

I need to update value of fields in multiple rows.
I'm querying to get some of the database rows, but it doesn't work.
DB.Where("is_send = ?", "0").Find(&artists)
for _, artist := range artists {
if condition {
artist.IsSend = 1
... (more updatee)
Change how you range it, by referring the below example:
for _, elem := range elems {
elem = new_val // Won't work, because elem is a copy of
// the value from elems
for i := range elems {
elems[i] = new_val // Works, because elems[i] deferences
// the pointer to the actual value in elems
Read: Gotchas
Also, if you're not modifying all fields, rather than using Save you can use Update as well. Refer: GORM CRUD's Interface UPDATE

Counting occurences of campaigns in products in Golang

I have the code below
teasers := []*models.TeaserCount{}
var teaser models.TeaserCount
for _, product := range ProductResponse.Products {
added := false
if len(product.Campaign.Id) > 0 {
if len(teasers) > 0 {
for _, teaserCount := range teasers {
if teaserCount.Id == product.Campaign.Id {
fmt.Println(teaserCount.Id, teaserCount.Count+1)
added = true
if added == false {
teaser = models.TeaserCount{
Id: product.Campaign.Id,
Count: 0,
teasers = append(teasers, &teaser)
} else {
teaser = models.TeaserCount{
Id: product.Campaign.Id,
Count: 0,
teasers = append(teasers, &teaser)
What I want to do, is to count how many times each campaign occured in product
I want to have an array of objects including campaign id and occurences
Results that I get is that each and every single object in array is the same(the last one added by append)
How is that so, the behavior seems quite strange to me, maybe that has to do with pointers?
You're appending a pointer to the local loop variable, which changes on each iteration:
// This pointer will always point to the current/last loop iteration value
teasers = append(teasers, &teaser)
You should instead either append a pointer to a copy:
temp := teaser
teasers = append(teasers, &temp)
Or a pointer to the element of the slice:
for i, product := range ProductResponse.Products {
// ...
teasers = append(teasers, &ProductResponse.Products[i])
If you choose the former, the pointer will be to a copy dedicated to teasers, whereas if you do the latter, it will be a pointer to the element of the original slice (meaning if the value in the slice changes, that will be reflected in teasers).
