How Memory is allocated for member in the example - c++11

I was looking at Microsoft site about single inheritance. In the example given (code is copied at the end), I am not sure how memory is allocated to Name. Memory is allocated for 10 objects. But Name is a pointer member of the class. I guess I can assign constant string something like
DocLib[i]->Name = "Hello";
But we cannot change this string. In such situation, do I need allocate memory to even Name using new operator in the same for loop something like
DocLib[i]->Name = new char[50];
The code from Microsoft site is here:
// deriv_SingleInheritance4.cpp
// compile with: /W3
struct Document {
char *Name;
void PrintNameOf() {}
class PaperbackBook : public Document {};
int main() {
Document * DocLib[10]; // Library of ten documents.
for (int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++)
DocLib[i] = new Document;

Yes in short. Name is just a pointer to a char (or char array). The structure instantiation does not allocate space for this char (or array). You have to allocate space, and make the pointer(Name) point to that space. In the following case
DocLib[i]->Name = "Hello";
the memory (for "Hello") is allocated in the read only data section of the executable(on load) and your pointer just points to this location. Thats why its not modifiable.
Alternatively you could use string objects instead of char pointers.


vmalloc() allocates from vm_struct list

Kernel document says, that for vmalloc-ing
It searches through a linear linked list of vm_structs and returns a new struct describing the allocated region.
Does that mean vm_struct list is already created while booting up, just like kmem_cache_create and vmalloc() just adjusts the page entries? If that is the case, say if I have a 16GB RAM in x86_64 machine, the whole ZONE_NORMAL i.e
16GB - ZONE_DMA - ZONE_DMA32 - slab-memory(cache/kmalloc)
is used to create vm_struct list?
That document is fairly old. It's talking about Linux 2.5-2.6. Things have changed quite a bit with those functions from what I can tell. I'll start by talking about code from kernel 2.6.12 since that matches Gorman's explanation and is the oldest non-rc tag in the Linux kernel Github repo.
The vm_struct list that the document is referring to is called vmlist. It is created here as a struct pointer:
struct vm_struct *vmlist;
Trying to figure out if it is initialized with any structs during bootup took some deduction. The easiest way to figure it out was by looking at the function get_vmalloc_info() (edited for brevity):
if (!vmlist) {
vmi->largest_chunk = VMALLOC_TOTAL;
else {
vmi->largest_chunk = 0;
prev_end = VMALLOC_START;
for (vma = vmlist; vma; vma = vma->next) {
unsigned long addr = (unsigned long) vma->addr;
if (addr >= VMALLOC_END)
vmi->used += vma->size;
free_area_size = addr - prev_end;
if (vmi->largest_chunk < free_area_size)
vmi->largest_chunk = free_area_size;
prev_end = vma->size + addr;
if (VMALLOC_END - prev_end > vmi->largest_chunk)
vmi->largest_chunk = VMALLOC_END - prev_end;
The logic says that if the vmlist pointer is equal to NULL (!NULL), then there are no vm_structs on the list and the largest_chunk of free memory in this VMALLOC area is the entire space, hence VMALLOC_TOTAL. However, if there is something on the vmlist, then figure out the largest chunk based on the difference between the address of the current vm_struct and the end of the previous vm_struct (i.e. free_area_size = addr - prev_end).
What this tells us is that when we vmalloc, we look through the vmlist to find the absence of a vm_struct in a virtual memory area big enough to accomodate our request. Only then can it create this new vm_struct, which will now be part of the vmlist.
vmalloc will eventually call __get_vm_area(), which is where the action happens:
for (p = &vmlist; (tmp = *p) != NULL ;p = &tmp->next) {
if ((unsigned long)tmp->addr < addr) {
if((unsigned long)tmp->addr + tmp->size >= addr)
addr = ALIGN(tmp->size +
(unsigned long)tmp->addr, align);
if ((size + addr) < addr)
goto out;
if (size + addr <= (unsigned long)tmp->addr)
goto found;
addr = ALIGN(tmp->size + (unsigned long)tmp->addr, align);
if (addr > end - size)
goto out;
area->next = *p;
*p = area;
By this point in the function we have already created a new vm_struct named area. This for loop just needs to find where to put the struct in the list. If the vmlist is empty, we skip the loop and immediately execute the "found" lines, making *p (the vmlist) point to our struct. Otherwise, we need to find the struct that will go after ours.
So in summary, this means that even though the vmlist pointer might be created at boot time, the list isn't necessarily populated at boot time. That is, unless there are vmalloc calls during boot or functions that explicitly add vm_structs to the list during boot as in future kernel versions (see below for kernel 6.0.9).
One further clarification for you. You asked if ZONE_NORMAL is used for the vmlist, but those are two separate memory address spaces. ZONE_NORMAL is describing physical memory whereas vm is virtual memory. There are lots of resources for explaining the difference between the two (e.g. this Stack Overflow question). The specific virtual memory address range for vmlist goes from VMALLOC_START to VMALLOC_END. In x86, those were defined as:
#define VMALLOC_START 0xffffc20000000000UL
#define VMALLOC_END 0xffffe1ffffffffffUL
For kernel version 6.0.9:
The creation of the vm_struct list is here:
static struct vm_struct *vmlist __initdata;
At this point, there is nothing on the list. But in this kernel version there are a few boot functions that may add structs to the list:
void __init vm_area_add_early(struct vm_struct *vm)
void __init vm_area_register_early(struct vm_struct *vm, size_t align)
As for vmalloc in this version, the vmlist is now only a list used during initialization. get_vm_area() now calls get_vm_area_node(), which is a NUMA ready function. From there, the logic goes deeper and is much more complicated than the linear search described above.

Problem of allocating memory for a global struct and free it

I am using a embedded board with FreeRTOS.
In a task, I defined two structs and use pvPortMalloc to allocate memory. (One struct is a member in the other)
Besides, I pass the address of struct to some functions.
However, there are some issues about freeing the memory using vPortFree.
The following is my code (test_task.c):
/* Struct definition */
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
uint8_t num_parameter;
uint32_t member1;
uint8_t member2;
uint8_t *parameter;
typedef struct __attribute__((packed)) {
uint16_t num_member;
uint32_t class;
struct_member *member;
I define a global struct and an array below.
uint8_t *arr;
struct_master master:
Function definition:
void decode_func(struct_master *master, uint8_t *arr)
master->member = pvPortMalloc(master->num_member);
for(int i = 0; i < scr->num_command; ++i){
master->member[i].parameter = pvPortMalloc(master->member[i].num_parameter);
The operation task is shown in the following.
At the end of task, I would like to free memory:
void test_task()
decode_func( &master, arr);
for (int i = 0; i < master.num_member; ++i)
hTest_task = NULL;
It is ok to free master.member.
However, when the program tried free master.member[i].parameter,
it seems that freeing had been executed before and software just reset automatically.
Does anyone know why it happened like that?
At the very first glance, the way you allocate for members is wrong in the decode_func.
I assume that master->num_member indicates the number of struct members that master should contain.
master->member = pvPortMalloc(master->num_member);
should be corrected to,
master->member = pvPortMalloc(master->num_member * sizeof(struct_member));
Again, in the same function the loop seems a bit suspicious as well.
for(int i = 0; i < scr->num_command; ++i){
master->member[i].parameter = pvPortMalloc(master->member[i].num_parameter);
I'm not sure what src->num_command indicates, but naturally I reckon the loop should execute until i < master->num_member. I assume your loop should be updated as follows as well,
for(int i = 0; i < master->num_member; ++i){
master->member[i].parameter = pvPortMalloc(master->member[i].num_parameter * sizeof(uint8_t));
While doing the freeing of memory, make sure you free the contained members first before freeing the container structure. Therefore you should first free all the parameters and then the member, so change that order in test_task function as well.
Also make sure that before doing vTaskDelete(NULL); you must deallocate all the resources consumed by test_task, otherwise there will be a resource leak. vTaskDelete(NULL) will simply mark the TCB of that particular task as ready to be deleted so that at some time later the idle task will purge the TCB related resources.
Generally, when you free an object, the contents of the object are destroyed and you can't access them anymore. So when you want to free nested allocations like this, you need to free the inner allocations first and only free the outer (master) allocation afterwards. In other words:
for (int i = 0; i < master.num_member; ++i)
free the parameters first and then the containing member array.

What is the use of 'i2c_get_clientdata" and "i2c_set_clientdata"

I have been studying I2C driver (client) code for a while.
I have seen this function "i2c_get_clientdata" and "i2c_set_clientdata" every where.
I have seen the this question here .
Use of pointer to structure instead of creating static local copy
Some times i think like it is like "container_of" macro to get a pointer to the structure.
But still i didn't understood properly why to use it and when to use it.
Below i am posting a sample code where I see its usage.
If any one could help me understand why it is used there and when we shall use it when we write our own drivers.
struct max6875_data {
struct i2c_client *fake_client;
struct mutex update_lock;
u32 valid;
unsigned long last_updated[USER_EEPROM_SLICES];
static ssize_t max6875_read(struct file *filp, struct kobject *kobj,
struct bin_attribute *bin_attr,
char *buf, loff_t off, size_t count)
struct i2c_client *client = kobj_to_i2c_client(kobj);
struct max6875_data *data = i2c_get_clientdata(client);
int slice, max_slice;
return 0;
if (off + count > USER_EEPROM_SIZE)
count = USER_EEPROM_SIZE - off;
/* refresh slices which contain requested bytes */
max_slice = (off + count - 1) >> SLICE_BITS;
for (slice = (off >> SLICE_BITS); slice <= max_slice; slice++)
max6875_update_slice(client, slice);
memcpy(buf, &data->data[off], count);
return count;
Those functions are used to get/set the void *driver_data pointer that is part of the struct device, itself part of struct i2c_client.
This is a void pointer that is for the driver to use. One would use this pointer mainly to pass driver related data around.
That is what is happening in your example. The max6875_read is a callback getting a structu kobject. That kobject is an i2c_client which is enough to communicate with the underlying device using the driver_data pointer here allows to get back the driver related data (instead of using global variables for example).

How to use arrays in program (global) scope in OpenCL

AMD OpenCL Programming Guide, Section 6.3 Constant Memory Optimization:
Globally scoped constant arrays. These arrays are initialized,
globally scoped, and in the constant address space (as specified in
section 6.5.3 of the OpenCL specification). If the size of an array is
below 64 kB, it is placed in hardware constant buffers; otherwise, it
uses global memory. An example of this is a lookup table for math
I want to use this "globally scoped constant array". I have such code in pure C
#define SIZE 101
int *reciprocal_table;
int reciprocal(int number){
return reciprocal_table[number];
void kernel(int *output)
for(int i=0; i < SIZE; i+)
output[i] = reciprocal(i);
I want to port it into OpenCL
__kernel void kernel(__global int *output){
int gid = get_global_id(0);
output[gid] = reciprocal(gid);
int reciprocal(int number){
return reciprocal_table[number];
What should I do with global variable reciprocal_table? If I try to add __global or __constant to it I get an error:
global variable must be declared in addrSpace constant
I don't want to pass __constant int *reciprocal_table from kernel to reciprocal. Is it possible to initialize global variable somehow? I know that I can write it down into code, but does other way exist?
P.S. I'm using AMD OpenCL
UPD Above code is just an example. I have real much more complex code with a lot of functions. So I want to make array in program scope to use it in all functions.
UPD2 Changed example code and added citation from Programming Guide
#define SIZE 2
int constant array[SIZE] = {0, 1};
kernel void
foo (global int* input,
global int* output)
const uint id = get_global_id (0);
output[id] = input[id] + array[id];
I can get the above to compile with Intel as well as AMD. It also works without the initialization of the array but then you would not know what's in the array and since it's in the constant address space, you could not assign any values.
Program global variables have to be in the __constant address space, as stated by section 6.5.3 in the standard.
UPDATE Now, that I fully understood the question:
One thing that worked for me is to define the array in the constant space and then overwrite it by passing a kernel parameter constant int* array which overwrites the array.
That produced correct results only on the GPU Device. The AMD CPU Device and the Intel CPU Device did not overwrite the arrays address. It also is probably not compliant to the standard.
Here's how it looks:
#define SIZE 2
int constant foo[SIZE] = {100, 100};
baz (int i)
return foo[i];
kernel void
bar (global int* input,
global int* output,
constant int* foo)
const uint id = get_global_id (0);
output[id] = input[id] + baz (id);
For input = {2, 3} and foo = {0, 1} this produces {2, 4} on my HD 7850 Device (Ubuntu 12.10, Catalyst 9.0.2). But on the CPU I get {102, 103} with either OCL Implementation (AMD, Intel). So I can not stress, how much I personally would NOT do this, because it's only a matter of time, before this breaks.
Another way to achieve this is would be to compute .h files with the host during runtime with the definition of the array (or predefine them) and pass them to the kernel upon compilation via a compiler option. This, of course, requires recompilation of the clProgram/clKernel for every different LUT.
I struggled to get this work in my own program some time ago.
I did not find any way to initialize a constant or global scope array from the host via some clEnqueueWriteBuffer or so. The only way is to write it explicitely in your .cl source file.
So here my trick to initialize it from the host is to use the fact that you are actually compiling your source from the host, which also means you can alter your file before compiling it.
First my file reads:
__constant double lookup[SIZE] = { LOOKUP }; // precomputed table (in constant memory).
double func(int idx) {
__kernel void ker1(__global double *in, __global double *out)
... do something ...
double t = func(i)
notice the lookup table is initialized with LOOKUP.
Then, in the host program, before compiling your OpenCL code:
compute the values of my lookup table in host_values[]
on your host, run something like:
char *buf = (char*) malloc( 10000 );
int count = sprintf(buf, "#define LOOKUP "); // actual source generation !
for (int i=0;i<SIZE;i++) count += sprintf(buf+count, "%g, ",host_values[i]);
count += sprintf(buf+count,"\n");
then read the content of your source file and place it right at buf+count.
you now have a source file with an explicitely defined lookup table that you just computed from the host.
compile your buffer with something like clCreateProgramWithSource(context, 1, (const char **) &buf, &src_sz, err);
voilĂ  !
It looks like "array" is a look-up table of sorts. You'll need to clCreateBuffer and clEnqueueWriteBuffer so the GPU has a copy of it to use.

How to know the buffer size passed from user space?

I'm trying to develop a new syscall for the linux kernel. This syscall will write info on the user buffer that is taken as argument, e.g.:
asmlinkage int new_syscall(..., char *buffer,...){...}
In user space this buffer is statically allocated as:
char buffer[10000];
There's a way (as sizeof() in the user level) to know the whole buffer size (10000 in this case)?
I have tried strlen_user(buffer) but it returns me the length of the string that is currently into the buffer, so if the buffer is empty it returns 0.
You can try passing structure which will contain the buffer pointer & the size of the buffer. But the same structure should also be defined in both user-space application & inside your system-call's code in kernel.
struct new_struct
void *p; //set this pointer to your buffer...
int size;
//from user-application...
int main()
struct new_struct req_kernel;
your_system_call_function(...,(void *)&req_kernel,...);
//this is inside your kernel...
your_system_call(...,char __user optval,...)
struct new_struct req;
if (copy_from_user(&req, optval, sizeof(req)))
return -EFAULT;
//now you have the address or pointer & size of the buffer
//which you want in kernel with struct req...
