Get top 10 most used words in text fields - elasticsearch

I have an index containing thousands of documents, each one of them having a full text field.
I want to search through all those fields and fetch the 10 most common words that come back most often.
I would also like a way of visualizing it on Kibana if that's possible.

The most common way to achieve that is to duplicate your full text field with a keyword datatype. That will get you able to make terms aggregation on that field - doc here. Maybe you could consider to do a significant term aggregation - doc here, thus to avoid the presence of stopwords and common words. In ES 6.x you could use also the significant text aggregation - doc here, without create the keyword field, but i never try it, i don't know how it works. Instead if you need to retrieve the frequency of the words for each document, you should use the termvector - doc here


How to search exact word in a test in Elastic Search

Let's say I have two texts:
Text 1 - "The fox has been living in the wood cabin for days."
Text 2 - "The wooden hammer is a dangerous weapon."
And I would like to search for the word "wood", without it matching me "wooden hammer". How would I do that in Elastic Search or nest?
Term query is used for exact matches search. However it's not recommended to use it against text fields, the following quote from term query documentation:
To better search text fields, the match query also analyzes your
provided search term before performing a search. This means the match
query can search text fields for analyzed tokens rather than an exact
The term query does not analyze the search term. The term query only
searches for the exact term you provide. This means the term query may
return poor or no results when searching text fields.
The problem with text exact matches, as described in the Term query documentation:
By default, Elasticsearch changes the values of text fields as part of
analysis. This can make finding exact matches for text field values
So, the documents data is modified (i.e., analyzed) before indexing. This depends on the index mapping definition for each field, defaults to the default index analyzer, or the standard analyzer.
But the default standard analyzer will not change the token "Wooden" to "Wood", this might happen if you used stemming for this field.
This means, if you don't use a different analyzer or stemming, querying with "Wood" shouldn't match "Wooden" token.
To summarize: Indexed data is modified/analyzed before indexing (based on the field mapping definition). Match query analyze the search query, while Term query doesn't analyze the search query. So you have to properly chose the field mapping and the search query to better suit your use case
For some use cases, like storing email addressed, phone numbers or keyword fields that always have the same value, consider using the Keyword type, which is suitable for exact matches in these use cases. However, ES recommends:
Avoid using keyword fields for full-text search. Use the text field
type instead.
So for better visibility and practical solution for your use case, it's better to elaborate more the field mapping you use and what you want to achieve.

ElasticSearch and Searching in Arrays

We have an ES index which has a field which stores its data as an array. In this field, we include the original text, plus text without any punctuation, special characters, etc. The problem is, when searching on the field, the multiple values appears to be skewing the score.
For example, if we search on the term 'up', the document which has the array ['up, up and away', 'up up and away'] is scoring higher with a multi_match (we are using because we may search more than one field) than the document with the array as simply ['up'].
In the end, I guess what I am looking for is a score that emulates calculating a score for each item in the array and returning me the highest. I believe in this case, comparing 'up' to 'Up' and 'Up, Up and Away' will give me a higher score for 'Up'.
With my research, I believe I may need to do custom scoring on this field...? If that is true, am I looking at "score_mode": "max" as what I want?
I think you slightly over-engineered your index. You don't need to create duplicate fields for the same information and remove punctuation, lowercase fields yourself.
I'd recommend you to read what are elasticsearch token filters and how to create multiple analyzers for the same field.
For your exact use case, if you provided a document sample, it would certainly help. But in any case looking at what you are dealing with - index your array of strings with default analyzer and with a custom one that you'll build yourself. Then you can use the same field, but with different analyzers (differently processed text) to control your score.

Elasticsearch - Match long query text to short field

Standard match involves providing a small query term or phrase and matching it against a larger blob of text stored in a document. I want to do the reverse - my query will be a large blob of text, like a paragraph, and I want to rank the relevance of documents that contain a full name (i.e. John Smith). I want to supply a paragraph and determine which document's full name is most likely to be contained in that paragraph. What's the best way to do this?
Answering my own question: The Percolate API allows you to store queries and run documents against them:

analyzed field vs doc_values: true field

We have an elasticsearch that contains over half a billion documents that each have a url field that stores a URL.
The url field mapping currently has the settings:
index: not_analyzed
doc_values: true
We want our users to be able to search URLs, or portions of URLs without having to use wildcards.
For example, taking the URL with path: /part1/user#site/part2/part3.ext
They should be able to bring back a matching document by searching:
The way I see it, we have two options:
Implement an analysed version of this field (which can no longer have doc_values: true) and do match querying instead of wildcards. This would also require using a custom analyser to leverage the pattern tokeniser to make the extracted terms correct (the standard tokeniser would split user#site into user and site).
Go through our database and for each document create a new field that is a list of URL parts. This field could have doc_values: true still so would be stored off-heap, and we could do term querying on exact field values instead of wildcards.
My question is this:
Which is better for performance: having a list of variable lengths that has doc_values on, or having an analysed field? (ie: option 1 or option 2) OR is there an option 3 that would be even better yet?!
Thanks for your help!
Your question is about a field where you need doc_values but can not index with keyword-analyzer.
You did not mention why you need doc_values. But you did mention that you currently not search in this field.
So I guess that the name of the search-field do not have to be the same: you can copy the field value in an other field which is only for search ( "store": false ). For this new field you can use the pattern-analyzer or pattern-tokenizer for your use case.
It seems that no-one has actually performance tested the two options, so I did.
I took a sample of 10 million documents and created two new indices:
An index with an analysed field that was setup as suggested in the other answer.
An index with a string field that would store all permutations of URL segmentation.
I ran an enrichment process over the second index to populate the fields. The field values on the first index were created when I re-indexed the sample data from my main index.
Then I created a set of gatling tests to run against the indices and compared the gatling results and netdata ( landscape for each.
The results were as follows:
Regarding the netadata landscape: The analysed field showed a spike - although only a small one - on all elastic nodes. The not_analysed list field tests didn't even register.
It is worth mentioning that enriching the list field with URL segmentation permutations bloated the index by about 80% in our case. So there's a trade off - you never need to do wildcard searches for exact sub-segment matching on URLs, but you'll need a lot more disk to do it.
Don't do this. Go for doc_values. Doing anything with analyzed strings that have a massive number of possible terms will mean massive field data that will, eventually, never fit in the amount of memory you can allocate it.

ElasticSearch: is it possible to highlight words in the query rather than the results

We use ElasticSearch in a reverse manner from what I usually see. We store lots of small documents, usually 1 or 2 words, for example, Job Titles like "software engineering", "car mechanics", "architect", etc.
Then we query with a longer string, for example a 1000 word Job Spec. This way we get all Job Titles present in the text of the Job Spec.
It works well. But I was wondering whether I could get ElasticSearch to highlight the matching Job Titles in the Job Spec, i.e. highlight the results in the query. I have tried the highlight keyword, but it doesn't highlight the query text, it highlights the results. I'm not sure how to get the query to be returned in the ElasticSearch response, let alone whether it can be highlighted.
You might wonder why I need ElasticSearch to highlight the query, can't I just pick out all the results from the text and highlight them myself? Yes I can, but there's various things to think about that makes it hard such as stemming and stopword removal. for example "jquery" is stemmed to "jqueri" when doing the tokenising in ElasticSearch, so it's found as a result, but if I want to highlight it myself, I have to unstem it so it matches the original text. Elasticsearch also removes symbols, so terms & conditions would become terms conditions which is problematic if I want to highlight it manually as I have to add back the "&" symbol. There's a hundred other problem cases, hence the question about whether ElasticSearch can do it for me.
I'm quite sure highlighting the query string isn't possible - only highlighting parts of documents in an index.
What you might try is indexing the query string itself in it's own index and then using the results of the first query as the query terms for a second query against the query string (in the second index). You could then have highlighting on the query string. You'll have to make an extra request to ES each time, but I think it'll get what you want.
