inverse of symmetric matrix is not symmetric in Julia - matrix

I am using Julia version 0.6.2 and I am facing this problem.
mat = zeros(6, 6)
for i = 1 : 6
for j = 1 : 6
mat[i, j] = exp(-(i - j)^2)
And the output is
Main> issymmetric(mat)
Main> issymmetric(inv(mat))
I also tried the following Matlab code
mat = zeros(6, 6);
for i = 1 : 6
for j = 1 : 6
mat(i, j) = exp(-(i - j)^2);
And the output is
logical 1
logical 1

Apart from manually making the matrix symmetric as you propose, e.g. taking the average of matrix and its transpose like
A = inv(mat)
probably a cleaner way is
smat = Symmetric(mat)
B = inv(smat)
now B (as well as smat) passes issymmetric. Moreover, the fact that it is symmetric is ensured on type level (Symmetric) - some functions might take advantage of this additional information. This is exactly what inv does for smat.
EDIT: the question was also posted on Discourse, where you can find additional discussion about the performance of Symmetric.


Fastest way to generate a kmer count vector from a nucleotide sequence (Julia)

Given a nucleotide sequence, I'm writing some Julia code to generate a sparse vector of (masked) kmer counts, and I would like it to run as fast as possible.
Here is my current implementation,
using Distributions
using SparseArrays
function kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = Dict('A'=>0, 'C'=>1, 'G'=>2, 'T'=>3)
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
kmer_hash += d[seq[n+i-1]] * basis[j]
j += 1
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
return sparsevec(kmer_dict)
seq = join(sample(['A','C','G','T'], 1000000))
mask_str = "111111011111001111111111111110"
mask = BitArray([parse(Bool, string(m)) for m in split(mask_str, "")])
k = sum(mask)
#time kmer_profile(seq, k, mask)
This code runs in about 0.3 seconds on my M1 MacBook Pro, is there any way to make it run significantly faster?
The function kmer_profile uses a sliding window of size length(mask) to count the number of times each masked kmer appears in the nucleotide sequence. A mask is a binary sequence, and a masked kmer is a kmer with nucleotides dropped at positions at which the mask is zero. E.g. the kmer ACGT and mask 1001 will produce the masked kmer AT.
To produce the kmer hash, the function treats each kmer as a base 4 number and then converts it to a (base 10) 64-bit integer, for indexing into the kmer vector.
The size of k is equal to the number of ones in the mask string, and is implicitly limited to 31 so that kmer hashes can fit into a 64-bit integer type.
There are several possible optimizations to make this code faster.
First of all, one can convert the Dict to an array since array-based indexing is faster than dictionary-based indexing one and this is possible here since the key is an ASCII character.
Moreover, the extraction of the sequence codes can be done once instead of length(mask) times by pre-computing code and putting the result in a temporary array.
Additionally, the mask-based conditional and the loop carried dependency make things slow. Indeed, the condition cannot be (easily) predicted by the processor causing it to stall for several cycles. The loop carried dependency make things even worse since the processor can hardly execute other instructions during this stall. This problem can be solved by pre-computing the factors based on both mask and basis. The result is a faster branch-less loop.
Once the above optimizations are done, the biggest bottleneck is sparsevec. In fact, it was also taking nearly half the time of the initial implementation! Optimizing this step is difficult but not impossible. It is slow because of random accesses in the Julia implementation. One can speed this up by sorting the keys-values pairs in the first place. It is faster due to a more cache-friendly execution and it can also help the prediction unit of the processor. This is a complex topic. For more details about how this works, please read Why is processing a sorted array faster than processing an unsorted array?.
Here is the final optimized code:
function kmer_profile_opt(seq, k, mask)
basis = [4^i for i in (k - 1):-1:0]
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_dict = Dict{Int, Int32}(4^k=>0)
for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
j = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
haskey(kmer_dict, kmer_hash) ? kmer_dict[kmer_hash] += 1 : kmer_dict[kmer_hash] = 1
sorted_kmer_pairs = sort(collect(kmer_dict))
sorted_kmer_keys = [e[1] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
sorted_kmer_values = [e[2] for e in sorted_kmer_pairs]
return sparsevec(sorted_kmer_keys, sorted_kmer_values)
This code is a bit more than twice faster than the initial implementation on my machine. A significant fraction of the time is still spent in the sorting algorithm.
The code can still be optimized further. One way is to use a parallel sort algorithm. Another way is to replace the premult[i] multiplication by a shift which is faster assuming premult[i] is modified so to contain exponents. I expect the code to be about 4 times faster than the original code. The main bottleneck should be the big dictionary creation. Improving further the performance of this is very hard (though it is still possible).
Inspired by Jérôme's answer, and squeezing some more by avoiding Dicts altogether:
function kmer_profile_opt3a(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
d[Int64('A')] = 0
d[Int64('C')] = 1
d[Int64('G')] = 2
d[Int64('T')] = 3
seq_codes = [d[Int8(e)] for e in seq]
basis = [4^i for i in (k-1):-1:0]
j = 1
premult = zeros(Int64, length(mask))
for i in 1:length(mask)
if mask[i]
premult[i] = basis[j]
j += 1
kmer_vec = Vector{Int}(undef, length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
#inbounds for n in 1:(length(seq) - length(mask) + 1)
kmer_hash = 1
for i in 1:length(mask)
kmer_hash += seq_codes[n+i-1] * premult[i]
kmer_vec[n] = kmer_hash
return sparsevec(kmer_vec, ones(length(kmer_vec)), 4^k, +)
This achieved another 2x over Jérôme's answer on my machine.
The auto-combining feature of sparsevec makes the code a bit more compact.
Trying to slim the code further, and avoid unnecessary allocations in sparse vector creation, the following can be used:
using SparseArrays, LinearAlgebra
function specialsparsevec(nzs, n)
vals = Vector{Int}(undef, length(nzs))
j, k, count, last = (1, 1, 0, nzs[1])
while k <= length(nzs)
if nzs[k] == last
count += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
count, last = (1, nzs[k])
j += 1
k += 1
vals[j], nzs[j] = (count, last)
resize!(nzs, j)
resize!(vals, j)
return SparseVector(n, nzs, vals)
function kmer_profile_opt3(seq, k, mask)
d = zeros(Int8, 128)
foreach(((i,c),) -> d[Int(c)]=i-1, enumerate(collect("ACGT")))
seq_codes = getindex.(Ref(d), Int8.(collect(seq)))
premult = foldr(
(i,(p,j))->(mask[i] && (p[i]=j ; j<<=2) ; (p,j)),
1:length(mask); init=(zeros(Int64,length(mask)),1)) |> first
kmer_vec = sort(
[ dot(#view(seq_codes[n:n+length(mask)-1]),premult) + 1 for
n in 1:(length(seq)-length(mask)+1)
return specialsparsevec(kmer_vec, 4^k)
This last version gets another 10% speedup (but is a little cryptic):
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt($seq, $k, $mask);
367.584 ms (81 allocations: 134.71 MiB) # other answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3a($seq, $k, $mask);
140.882 ms (22 allocations: 54.36 MiB) # 1st this answer
julia> #btime kmer_profile_opt3($seq, $k, $mask);
127.016 ms (14 allocations: 27.66 MiB) # 2nd this answer

Vectorization of nested loops and if statements in MATLAB

I am fairly new to the concept of vectorization in MATLAB so please excuse my naivety in this regard. I was trying to vectorize the following MATLAB code which includes if statements within nested for loops:
h = zeros(dimV);
for a = 1 : dimV
for b = 1 : dimV
if a ~= b && C(a,b) == 1
h(a,b) = C(a,b)*exp(-1i*A(a,b)*L(a,b))*(sin(k*L(a,b)))^-1;
else if a == b
for m = 1 : dimV
if m ~= a && C(a,m) == 1
h(a,b) = h(a,b) - C(a,m)*cot(k*L(a,m));
Here the variable dimV specifies the size of the matrix h and is fairly large, of the order of 100, and C is a symmetric square matrix (previously defined) of size dimV all of whose off-diagonal elements are either 0 or 1 and the diagonal elements are necesarrily 0. The elements of matrix L are also zero in the same positions as the zeros of the matrix C. Following the vectorization techniques that I found on this website and here, I was able to vectorize the code, albeit partially, and my MWE is as follows:
h = zeros(dimV);
idx = (C == 1);
h(idx) = C(idx).*exp(-1i*A(idx).*L(idx)).*(sin(k*L(idx))).^-1;
for a = 1:dimV;
m = 1 : dimV;
m = m(C(a,:) == 1);
h(a,a) = - sum (C(a,m).*cot(k*L(a,m)));
My main problem is in converting the for loop in the variable a to a vector as I need the individual values of a to address the diagonal elements of h. I compared the evaluation time of both the code blocks using the MATLAB profiler and the latter version is only marginally faster and the improvement in efficiency is really insignificant. In fact the profiler showed that the line allocating the values to h(a,a) takes up nearly 50% of the execution time in the second case. So I was wondering if there is a more elegant way to rewrite the above code using the appropriate vectorization schemes, which would help improve its efficiency. I am really in a bit of bother about this and any I would be greatly appreciative of any help in this regard. Thank you so much.
Vectorized Code -
diag_ind = 1:dimV+1:numel(C);
C_neq1 = C~=1;
parte1_2 = (sin(k.*L)).^-1;
parte1_2(C_neq1 & (L==0))=0;
parte1 = exp(-1i.*A.*L).*parte1_2;
h = parte1;
parte2 = cot(k*L);
h(diag_ind) = - sum(parte2,2);

bsxfun implementation in matrix multiplication

As always trying to learn more from you, I was hoping I could receive some help with the following code.
I need to accomplish the following:
1) I have a vector:
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12]
2) and a matrix:
A =[11 14 1
5 8 18
10 8 19
13 20 16]
I need to be able to multiply each value from x with every value of A, this means:
new_matrix = [1* A
2* A
3* A
12* A]
This will give me this new_matrix of size (12*m x n) assuming A (mxn). And in this case (12*4x3)
How can I do this using bsxfun from matlab? and, would this method be faster than a for-loop?
Regarding my for-loop, I need some help here as well... I am not able to storage each "new_matrix" as the loop runs :(
for i=x
new_matrix = A.*x(i)
Thanks in advance!!
EDIT: After the solutions where given
First solution
clear all
A = rand(1000,1000);
val = bsxfun(#times,A,permute(x,[3 1 2]));
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[]);
Elapsed time is 7.597939 seconds.
Second solution
clear all
A = rand(1000,1000);
Ps = kron(x.',A);
Elapsed time is 48.445417 seconds.
Send x to the third dimension, so that singleton expansion would come into effect when bsxfun is used for multiplication with A, extending the product result to the third dimension. Then, perform the bsxfun multiplication -
val = bsxfun(#times,A,permute(x,[3 1 2]))
Now, val is a 3D matrix and the desired output is expected to be a 2D matrix concatenated along the columns through the third dimension. This is achieved below -
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[])
Hope that made sense! Spread the bsxfun word around! woo!! :)
The kron function does exactly that:
Here is my benchmark of the methods mentioned so far, along with a few additions of my own:
function [t,v] = testMatMult()
% data
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];
A = [11 14 1; 5 8 18; 10 8 19; 13 20 16];
x = 1:50;
A = randi(100, [1000,1000]);
% functions to test
fcns = {
#() func1_repmat(A,x)
#() func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim(A,x)
#() func2_forloop_3rd_dim(A,x)
#() func3_kron(A,x)
#() func4_forloop_matrix(A,x)
#() func5_forloop_cell(A,x)
#() func6_arrayfun(A,x)
% timeit
t = cellfun(#timeit, fcns, 'UniformOutput',true);
% check results
v = cellfun(#feval, fcns, 'UniformOutput',false);
%for i=2:numel(v), assert(norm(v{1}-v{2}) < 1e-9), end
% Amro
function B = func1_repmat(A,x)
B = repmat(x, size(A,1), 1);
B = bsxfun(#times, B(:), repmat(A,numel(x),1));
% Divakar
function B = func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim(A,x)
B = bsxfun(#times, A, permute(x, [3 1 2]));
B = reshape(permute(B, [1 3 2]), [], size(A,2));
% Vissenbot
function B = func2_forloop_3rd_dim(A,x)
B = zeros([size(A) numel(x)], 'like',A);
for i=1:numel(x)
B(:,:,i) = x(i) .* A;
B = reshape(permute(B, [1 3 2]), [], size(A,2));
% Luis Mendo
function B = func3_kron(A,x)
B = kron(x(:), A);
% SergioHaram & TheMinion
function B = func4_forloop_matrix(A,x)
[m,n] = size(A);
p = numel(x);
B = zeros(m*p,n, 'like',A);
for i=1:numel(x)
B((i-1)*m+1:i*m,:) = x(i) .* A;
% Amro
function B = func5_forloop_cell(A,x)
B = cell(numel(x),1);
for i=1:numel(x)
B{i} = x(i) .* A;
B = cell2mat(B);
%B = vertcat(B{:});
% Amro
function B = func6_arrayfun(A,x)
B = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(xx) xx.*A, x(:), 'UniformOutput',false));
The results on my machine:
>> t
t =
0.1650 %# repmat (Amro)
0.2915 %# bsxfun in the 3rd dimension (Divakar)
0.4200 %# for-loop in the 3rd dim (Vissenbot)
0.1284 %# kron (Luis Mendo)
0.2997 %# for-loop with indexing (SergioHaram & TheMinion)
0.5160 %# for-loop with cell array (Amro)
0.4854 %# arrayfun (Amro)
(Those timings can slightly change between different runs, but this should give us an idea how the methods compare)
Note that some of these methods are going to cause out-of-memory errors for larger inputs (for example my solution based on repmat can easily run out of memory). Others will get significantly slower for larger sizes but won't error due to exhausted memory (the kron solution for instance).
I think that the bsxfun method func2_bsxfun_3rd_dim or the straightforward for-loop func4_forloop_matrix (thanks to MATLAB JIT) are the best solutions in this case.
Of course you can change the above benchmark parameters (size of x and A) and draw your own conclusions :)
Just to add an alternative, you maybe can use cellfun to achieve what you want. Here's an example (slightly modified from yours):
x = randi(2, 5, 3)-1;
a = randi(3,3);
%// bsxfun 3D (As implemented in the accepted solution)
val = bsxfun(#and, a, permute(x', [3 1 2])); %//'
out = reshape(permute(val,[1 3 2]),size(val,1)*size(val,3),[]);
%// cellfun (My solution)
val2 = cellfun(#(z) bsxfun(#and, a, z), num2cell(x, 2), 'UniformOutput', false);
out2 = cell2mat(val2); % or use cat(3, val2{:}) to get a 3D matrix equivalent to val and then permute/reshape like for out
%// compare
disp(nnz(out ~= out2));
Both give the same exact result.
For more infos and tricks using cellfun, see:
And also this:
If your vector x is of lenght = 12 and your matrix of size 3x4, I don't think that using one or the other would change much in term of time. If you are working with higher size matrix and vector, now that might become an issue.
So first of all, we want to multiply a vector with a matrix. In the for-loop method, that would give something like that :
s = size(A);
new_matrix(s(1),s(2),numel(x)) = zeros; %This is for pre-allocating. If you have a big vector or matrix, this will help a lot time efficiently.
for i = 1:numel(x)
new_matrix(:,:,i)= A.*x(i)
This will give you 3D matrix, with each 3rd dimension being a result of your multiplication. If this is not what you are looking for, I'll be adding another solution which might be more time efficient with bigger matrixes and vectors.

How do I quickly calculate changes in two n-by-4 matrices?

I have two matrices (tri1 and tri2) which represent a Delaunay triangulation. tri1 is the triangulation before inserting a new point, tri2 is the result after adding a new point. Each row has 4 columns. The rows represent tetrahedra.
I would like to calculate a relation between lines from tri1 to tri2. A result could look like this:
result =
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
0 0 % tri1(5, :) was not found in tri2 (a lot more lines could be missing)
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
Currently my source code looks like this:
% sort the arrays
[~, idx1] = sort(tri1(:, 1), 'ascend');
[~, idx2] = sort(tri2(:, 1), 'ascend');
stri1 = tri1(idx1, :);
stri2 = tri2(idx2, :);
result = zeros(size(tri1, 1), 2);
% find old cells in new triangulation
deleted = 0;
for ii = 1:size(tri1, 1)
found = false;
for jj = ii-deleted:size(tri2, 1)
if sum(stri1(ii, :) == stri2(jj, :)) == 4 % hot spot according to the profiler
found = true;
if (stri1(ii, 1) < stri2(jj, 1)), break, end;
if found == false
deleted = deleted + 1;
result(idx1(ii), 1) = idx1(ii);
result(idx1(ii), 2) = idx2(jj);
The above source code gives me the results that I want, but not fast enough. I am not very experienced with MATLAB, I usually work with C++. My question: How can I speed up the comparison of two rows?
Some additional information (just in case):
the number of rows in tri can grow to about 10000
this function will be called once per inserted vertex (about 1000)
I cannot follow your example code completely, but judging from your explanation you want to see whether a row from matrix A occurs in matrix B.
In this case a very efficient implentation is available:
[Lia, Locb] = ismember(A,B,'rows');
Check the doc for more information about this function and see whether it is what you need.

Matlab slow parallel processing with distributed arrays

I am new to using distributed and codistributed arrays in matlab. The parallel code I have produced works, but is much slower than the serial version and I have no idea why. The code examples below compute the eigenvalues of hessian matrices from volumetic data.
Serial version:
S = size(D);
[fx, fy, fz] = gradient(Dsmt);
DHess = zeros([3 3 S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
[DHess(1,1,:,:,:), DHess(1,2,:,:,:), DHess(1,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fx);
[DHess(2,1,:,:,:), DHess(2,2,:,:,:), DHess(2,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fy);
[DHess(3,1,:,:,:), DHess(3,2,:,:,:), DHess(3,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fz);
d = zeros([3 S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
for i = 1 : S(1)
fprintf('Slice %d out of %d\n', i, S(1));
for ii = 1 : S(2)
for iii = 1 : S(3)
d(:,i,ii,iii) = eig(squeeze(DHess(:,:,i,ii,iii)));
Parallel version:
S = size(D);
[fx, fy, fz] = gradient(Dsmt);
DHess = zeros([3 3 S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
[DHess(1,1,:,:,:), DHess(1,2,:,:,:), DHess(1,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fx);
[DHess(2,1,:,:,:), DHess(2,2,:,:,:), DHess(2,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fy);
[DHess(3,1,:,:,:), DHess(3,2,:,:,:), DHess(3,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fz);
CDHess = distributed(DHess);
d = zeros([3 S(1) S(2) S(3)], codistributor('1d',4));
for i = 1 : S(1)
fprintf('Slice %d out of %d\n', i, S(1));
for ii = 1 : S(2)
for iii = drange(1 : S(3))
d(:,i,ii,iii) = eig(squeeze(CDHess(:,:,i,ii,iii)));
If someone could shed some light on the issue I would be very grateful
Here is a re-written version of your code. I have split the work over the outer-most loop, not as in your case - the inner-most loop. I have also explicitly allocated local parts of the d result vector, and the local part of the Hessian matrix.
In your code you rely on drange to split the work, and you access the distributed arrays directly to avoid extracting the local part. Admittedly, it should not result in such a great slowdown if MATLAB did everything correctly. The bottom line is, I don't know why your code is so slow - most likely because MATLAB does some remote data accessing despite the fact that you distributed your matrices.
Anyway, the below code runs and gives pretty good speedup on my computer using 4 labs. I have generated synthetic random input data to have something to work on. Have a look at the comments. If something is unclear, I can elaborate later.
clear all;
D = rand(512, 512, 3);
S = size(D);
[fx, fy, fz] = gradient(D);
% this part could also be parallelized - at least a bit.
DHess = zeros([3 3 S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
[DHess(1,1,:,:,:), DHess(1,2,:,:,:), DHess(1,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fx);
[DHess(2,1,:,:,:), DHess(2,2,:,:,:), DHess(2,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fy);
[DHess(3,1,:,:,:), DHess(3,2,:,:,:), DHess(3,3,:,:,:)] = gradient(fz);
% your sequential implementation
d = zeros([3, S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
for i = 1 : S(1)
for ii = 1 : S(2)
for iii = 1 : S(3)
d(:,i,ii,iii) = eig(squeeze(DHess(:,:,i,ii,iii)));
% my parallel implementation
% just for information
disp(['lab ' num2str(labindex)]);
% distribute the input data along the third dimension
% This is the dimension of the outer-most loop, hence this is where we
% want to parallelize!
DHess_dist = codistributed(DHess, codistributor1d(3));
DHess_local = getLocalPart(DHess_dist);
% create an output data distribution -
% note that this time we split along the second dimension
codist = codistributor1d(2, codistributor1d.unsetPartition, [3, S(1) S(2) S(3)]);
localSize = [3 codist.Partition(labindex) S(2) S(3)];
% allocate local part of the output array d
d_local = zeros(localSize);
% your ordinary loop, BUT! the outermost loop is split amongst the
% threads explicitly, using local indexing. In the loop only local parts
% of matrix d and DHess are accessed
for i = 1:size(d_local,2)
for ii = 1 : S(2)
for iii = 1 : S(3)
d_local(:,i,ii,iii) = eig(squeeze(DHess_local(:,:,i,ii,iii)));
% assemble local results to a codistributed matrix
d_dist =, codist);
isequal(d, d_dist)
And the output
Elapsed time is 0.364255 seconds.
Elapsed time is 33.498985 seconds.
Lab 1:
lab 1
Lab 2:
lab 2
Lab 3:
lab 3
Lab 4:
lab 4
Elapsed time is 9.445856 seconds.
ans =
Edit I have checked the performance on a reshaped matrix DHess=[3x3xN]. The performance is not much better (10%), so it is not substantial. But maybe you can implement the eig a bit differently? After all, those are 3x3 matrices you are dealing with.
You didn't specify where you've opened your matlabpool, and that will be the main factor determining what speedup you get.
If you are using the 'local' scheduler, then there is often no benefit to using distributed arrays. In particular, if the time-consuming operations are multithreaded in MATLAB already, then they will almost certainly slow down when using the local scheduler since the matlabpool workers run in single-threaded mode.
If you are using some other scheduler with the workers on a separate machine then you might be able to get speedup, but that depends on what you're doing. There's an example here which shows some benchmarks of MATLAB's \ operator.
Finally, it's worth noting that indexing distributed arrays is unfortunately rather slow, especially compared to MATLAB's built-in indexing. If you can extract the 'local part' of your codistributed arrays inside the spmd block and work exclusively with those, that might also help.
