How do I quickly calculate changes in two n-by-4 matrices? - performance

I have two matrices (tri1 and tri2) which represent a Delaunay triangulation. tri1 is the triangulation before inserting a new point, tri2 is the result after adding a new point. Each row has 4 columns. The rows represent tetrahedra.
I would like to calculate a relation between lines from tri1 to tri2. A result could look like this:
result =
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
0 0 % tri1(5, :) was not found in tri2 (a lot more lines could be missing)
6 5
7 6
8 7
9 8
10 9
Currently my source code looks like this:
% sort the arrays
[~, idx1] = sort(tri1(:, 1), 'ascend');
[~, idx2] = sort(tri2(:, 1), 'ascend');
stri1 = tri1(idx1, :);
stri2 = tri2(idx2, :);
result = zeros(size(tri1, 1), 2);
% find old cells in new triangulation
deleted = 0;
for ii = 1:size(tri1, 1)
found = false;
for jj = ii-deleted:size(tri2, 1)
if sum(stri1(ii, :) == stri2(jj, :)) == 4 % hot spot according to the profiler
found = true;
if (stri1(ii, 1) < stri2(jj, 1)), break, end;
if found == false
deleted = deleted + 1;
result(idx1(ii), 1) = idx1(ii);
result(idx1(ii), 2) = idx2(jj);
The above source code gives me the results that I want, but not fast enough. I am not very experienced with MATLAB, I usually work with C++. My question: How can I speed up the comparison of two rows?
Some additional information (just in case):
the number of rows in tri can grow to about 10000
this function will be called once per inserted vertex (about 1000)

I cannot follow your example code completely, but judging from your explanation you want to see whether a row from matrix A occurs in matrix B.
In this case a very efficient implentation is available:
[Lia, Locb] = ismember(A,B,'rows');
Check the doc for more information about this function and see whether it is what you need.


Reshape vector to matrix with column-wise zero padding in matlab

for an input matrix
in = [1 1;
1 2;
1 3;
1 4;
2 5;
2 6;
2 7;
3 8;
3 9;
3 10;
3 11];
i want to get the output matrix
out = [1 5 8;
2 6 9;
3 7 10;
4 0 11];
meaning i want to reshape the second input column into an output matrix, where all values corresponding to one value in the first input column are written into one column of the output matrix.
As there can be different numbers of entries for each value in the first input column (here 4 values for "1" and "3", but only 3 for "2"), the normal reshape function is not applicable. I need to pad all columns to the maximum number of rows.
Do you have an idea how to do this matlab-ish?
The second input column can only contain positive numbers, so the padding values can be 0, -x, NaN, ...
The best i could come up with is this (loop-based):
maxNumElem = 0;
for i=in(1,1):in(end,1)
maxNumElem = max(maxNumElem,numel(find(in(:,1)==i)));
out = zeros(maxNumElem,in(end,1)-in(1,1));
for i=in(1,1):in(end,1)
tmp = in(in(:,1)==i,2);
out(1:length(tmp),i) = tmp;
Either of the following approaches assumes that column 1 of in is sorted, as in the example. If that's not the case, apply this initially to sort in according to that criterion:
in = sortrows(in,1);
Approach 1 (using accumarray)
Compute the required number of rows, using mode;
Use accumarray to gather the values corresponding to each column, filled with zeros at the end. The result is a cell;
Concatenate horizontally the contents of all cells.
[~, n] = mode(in(:,1)); %//step 1
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}]; %//step 3
Alternatively, step 1 could be done with histc
n = max(histc(in(:,1), unique(in(:,1)))); %//step 1
or with accumarray:
n = max(accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x) numel(x))); %//step 1
Approach 2 (using sparse)
Generate a row-index vector using this answer by #Dan, and then build your matrix with sparse:
a = arrayfun(#(x)(1:x), diff(find([1,diff(in(:,1).'),1])), 'uni', 0); %//'
out = full(sparse([a{:}], in(:,1), in(:,2)));
Introduction to proposed solution and Code
Proposed here is a bsxfun based masking approach that uses the binary operators available as builtins for use with bsxfun and as such I would consider this very appropriate for problems like this. Of course, you must also be aware that bsxfun is a memory hungry tool. So, it could pose a threat if you are dealing with maybe billions of elements depending also on the memory available for MATLAB's usage.
Getting into the details of the proposed approach, we get the counts of each ID from column-1 of the input with histc. Then, the magic happens with bsxfun + #le to create a mask of positions in the output array (initialized by zeros) that are to be filled by the column-2 elements from input. That's all you need to tackle the problem with this approach.
Solution Code
counts = histc(in(:,1),1:max(in(:,1)))'; %//' counts of each ID from column1
max_counts = max(counts); %// Maximum counts for each ID
mask = bsxfun(#le,[1:max_counts]',counts); %//'# mask of locations where
%// column2 elements are to be placed
out = zeros(max_counts,numel(counts)); %// Initialize the output array
out(mask) = in(:,2); %// place the column2 elements in the output array
Benchmarking (for performance)
The benchmarking presented here compares the proposed solution in this post against the various methods presented in Luis's solution. This skips the original loopy approach presented in the problem as it appeared to be very slow for the input generated in the benchmarking code.
Benchmarking Code
num_ids = 5000;
counts_each_id = randi([10 100],num_ids,1);
num_runs = 20; %// number of iterations each approach is run for
%// Generate random input array
in = [];
for k = 1:num_ids
in = [in ; [repmat(k,counts_each_id(k),1) rand(counts_each_id(k),1)]];
%// Warm up tic/toc.
for k = 1:50000
tic(); elapsed = toc();
disp('------------- With HISTC + BSXFUN Masking approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
counts = histc(in(:,1),1:max(in(:,1)))';
max_counts = max(counts);
out = zeros(max_counts,numel(counts));
out(bsxfun(#le,[1:max_counts]',counts)) = in(:,2);
clear counts max_counts out
disp('------------- With MODE + ACCUMARRAY approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
[~, n] = mode(in(:,1)); %//step 1
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}];
clear n out
disp('------------- With HISTC + ACCUMARRAY approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
n = max(histc(in(:,1), unique(in(:,1))));
out = accumarray(in(:,1), in(:,2), [], #(x){[x; zeros(n-numel(x),1)]}); %//step 2
out = [out{:}];
clear n out
disp('------------- With ARRAYFUN + Sparse approach')
for iter = 1:num_runs
a = arrayfun(#(x)(1:x), diff(find([1,diff(in(:,1).'),1])), 'uni', 0); %//'
out = full(sparse([a{:}], in(:,1), in(:,2)));
clear a out
------------- With HISTC + BSXFUN Masking approach
Elapsed time is 0.598359 seconds.
------------- With MODE + ACCUMARRAY approach
Elapsed time is 2.452778 seconds.
------------- With HISTC + ACCUMARRAY approach
Elapsed time is 2.579482 seconds.
------------- With ARRAYFUN + Sparse approach
Elapsed time is 1.455362 seconds.
slightly better, but still uses a loop :(
out=zeros(4,3);%set to zero matrix
for i = 1:max(in(:,1)); %find max in column 1, and loop for that number
ind = find(in(:,1)==i); %
out(1: size(in(ind,2),1),i)= in(ind,2);
don't know if you can avoid the loop...

Fast way of checking if an element is ranked higher than another

I am writing in MATLAB a program that checks whether two elements A and B were exchanged in ranking positions.
Assume the first ranking is:
list1 = [1 2 3 4]
while the second one is:
list2 = [1 2 4 3]
I want to check whether A = 3 and B = 4 have exchanged relative positions in the rankings, which in this case is true, since in the first ranking 3 comes before 4 and in the second ranking 3 comes after 4.
In order to do this, I have written the following MATLAB code:
positionA1 = find(list1 == A);
positionB1 = find(list1 == B);
positionA2 = find(list2 == A);
positionB2 = find(list2 == B);
if (positionA1 <= positionB1 && positionA2 >= positionB2) || ...
(positionA1 >= positionB1 && positionA2 <= positionB2)
... do something
Unfortunately, I need to run this code a lot of times, and the find function is really slow (but needed to get the element position in the list).
I was wondering if there is a way of speeding up the procedure. I have also tried to write a MEX file that performs in C the find operation, but it did not help.
If the lists don't change within your loop, then you can determine the positions of the items ahead of time.
Assuming that your items are always integers from 1 to N:
[~, positions_1] = sort( list1 );
[~, positions_2] = sort( list2 );
This way you won't need to call find within the loop, you can just do:
positionA1 = positions_1(A);
positionB1 = positions_1(B);
positionA2 = positions_2(A);
positionB2 = positions_2(B);
If your loop is going over all possible combinations of A and B, then you can also vectorize that
Find the elements that exchanged relative ranking:
rank_diff_1 = bsxfun(#minus, positions_1, positions_1');
rank_diff_2 = bsxfun(#minus, positions_2, positions_2');
rel_rank_changed = sign(rank_diff_1) ~= sign(rank_diff_2);
[A_changed, B_changed] = find(rel_rank_changed);
Optional: Throw out half of the results, because if (3,4) is in the list, then (4,3) also will be, and maybe you don't want that:
mask = (A_changed < B_changed);
A_changed = A_changed(mask);
B_changed = B_changed(mask);
Now loop over only those elements that have exchanged relative ranking
for ii = 1:length(A_changed)
A = A_changed(ii);
B = B_changed(ii);
% Do something...
Instead of find try to compute something like this
Check if there is any exchanged values.
if logical(sum(abs(list1-list2)))
do something
For specific values A and B:
if (list1(logical((list1-list2)-abs((list1-list2))))==A)&&(list1(logical((list1-list2)+abs((list1-list2))))==B)
do something

Vectorized search for permutations (with repetitions) that contain given subpermutations (with repetitions)

This question is can be viewed continuation/extension/generalization of a previous question of mine from here.
Some definitions: I have a set of integers S = {1,2,...,s}, say s = 20, and two matrices N and M whose rows are finite sequences of numbers from S (i.e. permutations with possible repetitions), of order n and m respectively, where 1 <= n <= m. Let us think of N as a collection of candidate sub-sequences for the sequences from M.
Example: [2 3 4 3] is a sub-sequence of [1 2 2 3 5 4 1 3] that occurs with multiplicity 2 (=in how many different ways one can find the sub-seq. in the main seq.), whereas [3 2 2 3] is not a sub-sequence of it. In particular, a valid sub-sequence by definition must preserve the order of the indices.
Problem statement:
(P1) For each row of M, obtain the number of sub-sequences of it, with multiplicity and without multiplicity, that occur in N as rows (it can be zero if none are contained in N);
(P2) For each row of N, find out how many times, with multiplicity and without multiplicity, it is contained in M as a sub-sequence (again, this number can be zero);
Example: Let N = [1 2 2; 2 3 4] and M = [1 1 2 2 3; 1 2 2 3 4; 1 2 3 5 6]. Then (P1) returns [2; 3; 0] for 'with multiplicities' and [1; 2; 0] for 'without multiplicities'. (P2) returns [3; 2] for 'with multiplicities' and [2; 1] without multiplicities.
Order of magnitude: M could typically have up to 30-40 columns and a few thousand rows, although I currently have M with only a few hundred rows and ~10 columns. N could be approaching the size of
M or could be also much smaller.
What I have so far: Not much, to be honest. I believe I might be able to slightly modify my not-very-well-vectorized solution from my previous question to tackle permutations with repetitions, but I am still thinking on that and will update as soon as I have something working. But given my (lack of) experience so far, it would be in all likelihood very suboptimal :(
Introduction : Owing to the repetitions in the input data in each row, the combination finding process doesn't have the sort of "uniqueness" among elements which was exploited in your previous problem and hence the loops used here. Also, note that the without multiplicity codes don't use nchoosek and as such, I feel more optimistic about them for performance.
Notations :
p1wim -> P1 with multiplicity
p2wim -> P2 with multiplicity
p1wom -> P1 without multiplicity
p2wom -> P2 without multiplicity
Codes :
I. Code for P1, 2 with multiplicity
permN = permute(N,[3 2 1]);
for k1 = 1:size(M,1)
d1 = nchoosek(M(k1,:),3);
t1 = all(bsxfun(#eq,d1,permN),2);
p1wim(k1) = sum(t1(:));
p2wim = p2wim + squeeze(sum(t1,1));
II. Code for P1, 2 without multiplicity
eqmat = bsxfun(#eq,M,permute(N,[3 4 2 1])); %// equality matrix
[m,n,p,q] = size(eqmat); %// get sizes
inds = zeros(size(M,1),p,q); %// pre-allocate for indices array
vec1 = [1:m]'; %//' setup constants to loop
vec2 = [0:q-1]*m*n*p;
vec3 = permute([0:p-1]*m*n,[1 3 2]);
for iter = 1:p
[~,ind1] = max(eqmat(:,:,iter,:),[],2);
inds(:,iter,:) = reshape(ind1,m,1,q);
ind2 = squeeze(ind1);
ind3 = bsxfun(#plus,vec1,(ind2-1)*m); %//' setup forward moving equalities
ind4 = bsxfun(#plus,ind3,vec2);
ind5 = bsxfun(#plus,ind4,vec3);
eqmat(ind5(:)) = 0;
p1wom = sum(all(diff(inds,[],2)>0,2),3);
p2wom = squeeze(sum(all(diff(inds,[],2)>0,2),1));
As usual, I would encourage you to use gpuArrays too with your favorite parfor.
This approach uses only one loop over the rows of M (P1) or N (P2). The code makes use of linear indexing and the very powerful bsxfun function. Note that if the number of columns is large you may experience problems because of nchoosek.
[mr mc] = size(M);
[nr nc] = size(N);
%// P1
combs = nchoosek(1:mc, nc)-1;
P1mu = NaN(mr,1);
P1nm = NaN(mr,1);
for r = 1:mr
aux = M(r+mr*combs);
P1mu(r) = sum(ismember(aux, N, 'rows'));
P1nm(r) = sum(ismember(unique(aux, 'rows'), N, 'rows'));
%// P2. Multiplicity defined to span across different rows
rr = reshape(repmat(1:mr, size(combs,1), 1),[],1);
P2mu = NaN(nr,1);
P2nm = NaN(nr,1);
for r = 1:nr
aux = M(bsxfun(#plus, rr, mr*repmat(combs, mr, 1)));
P2mu(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux), 2));
P2nm(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), unique(aux, 'rows')), 2));
%// P2. Multiplicity defined restricted to within one row
rr = reshape(repmat(1:mr, size(combs,1), 1),[],1);
P2mur = NaN(nr,1);
P2nmr = NaN(nr,1);
for r = 1:nr
aux = M(bsxfun(#plus, rr, mr*repmat(combs, mr, 1)));
P2mur(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux), 2));
aux2 = unique([aux rr], 'rows'); %// concat rr to differentiate rows...
aux2 = aux2(:,1:end-1); %// ...and now remove it
P2nmr(r) = sum(all(bsxfun(#eq, N(r,:), aux2), 2));
Results for your example data:
P1mu =
P1nm =
P2mu =
P2nm =
P2mur =
P2nmr =
Some optimizations to the code would be possible. Not sure they are worth the effort:
Replace repmat by another bsxfun (using a 3rd dimension). That may save some memory
Transpose original matrices and work down colunmns, instead of along rows. That may be faster.

Partition an image into 8 rows via Matlab, not all partitions shown

I wish to ask if anybody out there knows how to partition an image into 8 different rows and 1 column? I have tried using mat2cell() and using the demo on their wiki as a reference, I tried partitioning the image into 8 rows, however not all image partition rows are displayed.
If you see the image below, 2, 4, 6, 8 is not displayed. I am also not sure why is it of 16 blocks.
Can somebody help me check my code? I am not really used to the MatLab syntax and language. I trying my best to understand now.
My code for splitting the blocks are as follows:
blockSizeR = 50; % Rows in block.
blockSizeC = 512; % Columns in block.
wholeBlockRows = floor(rows / blockSizeR);
blockVectorR = [blockSizeR * ones(1, wholeBlockRows), rem(rows, blockSizeR)];
wholeBlockCols = floor(columns / blockSizeC);
blockVectorC = [blockSizeC * ones(1, wholeBlockCols), rem(columns, blockSizeC)];
if numberOfColorBands > 1
% It's a color image.
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage, blockVectorR, blockVectorC, numberOfColorBands);
ca = mat2cell(rgbImage, blockVectorR, blockVectorC);
% Now display all the blocks.
plotIndex = 1;
numPlotsR = size(ca, 1);
numPlotsC = size(ca, 2);
for r = 1 : numPlotsR
for c = 1 : numPlotsC
fprintf('plotindex = %d, c=%d, r=%d\n', plotIndex, c, r);
% Specify the location for display of the image.
subplot(numPlotsR, 1, plotIndex);
% Extract the numerical array out of the cell
% just for tutorial purposes.
rgbBlock = ca{r,c};
imshow(rgbBlock); % Could call imshow(ca{r,c}) if you wanted to.
[rowsB columnsB numberOfColorBandsB] = size(rgbBlock);
% Make the caption the block number.
caption = sprintf('Block #%d of %d\n%d rows by %d columns', ...
plotIndex, numPlotsR*numPlotsC, rowsB, columnsB);
% Increment the subplot to the next location.
plotIndex = plotIndex + 1;
I am new to MatLab, so is there is a simpler method to do this that I missed out, please do suggest or better still, if there are references that I can refer to. Many thanks (:
If you know the dimensions of your matrix, you can do the math to figure out how to divide the number of rows into 4 equal parts:
e.g. If: size(rockinsMatrix) == [10 20] (a 10row x 20column) matrix,
then you could split it into a set of 4 sub-matrices, two with 3 rows, and 2 with 2 columns.
If you want the matrices in a cell array then you can do that at that time.
I managed to solve already, the error lies in the for loop. I changed the for r = 1 : numPlotsR into r = 1 : (number of rows I want) for c = 1 : numPlotsC into c= 1: 1(as I only want one column), and used subplot(8,1,k) or (8,2,k) where k is the plot index. Just answering this in case anybody encounter such problem in future and want to use my code as a reference. Cheers!

transforming a matrix into a vector along its diagonals

im not not a programmer, i just need to solve something numerically in matlab.
i need a function to make the following transformation for any square matrix:
row 1: 1 2 3
row 2: 4 5 6
row 3: 7 8 9
1 4 2 7 5 3 8 6 9
ie write the matrix in a vector along its diagonals from left to top right.
any ideas please?
i really need a little more help though:
say the matrix that we have transformed into the vector, has entries denoted by M(i,j), where i are rows and j columns. now i need to be able to find out from a position in the vector, the original position in the matrix, i.e say if its 3rd entry in the vector, i need a function that would give me i=1 j=2. any ideas please? im really stuck on this:( thanks
This is quite similar to a previous question on traversing the matrix in a zigzag order. With slight modification we get:
A = rand(3); %# input matrix
ind = reshape(1:numel(A), size(A)); %# indices of elements
ind = spdiags(fliplr(ind)); %# get the anti-diagonals
ind = ind(end:-1:1); %# reverse order
ind = ind(ind~=0); %# keep non-zero indices
B = A(ind); %# get elements in desired order
using the SPDIAGS function. The advantage of this is that it works for any arbitrary matrix size (not just square matrices). Example:
A =
0.75127 0.69908 0.54722 0.25751
0.2551 0.8909 0.13862 0.84072
0.50596 0.95929 0.14929 0.25428
B =
Columns 1 through 6
0.75127 0.2551 0.69908 0.50596 0.8909 0.54722
Columns 7 through 12
0.95929 0.13862 0.25751 0.14929 0.84072 0.25428
Here's one way to do this.
%# n is the number of rows (or cols) of the square array
n = 3;
array = [1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9]; %# this is the array we'll reorder
%# create list of indices that allow us
%# to read the array in the proper order
hh = hankel(1:n,n:(2*n-1)); %# creates a matrix with numbered antidiagonals
[dummy,sortIdx] = sort(hh(:)); %# sortIdx contains the new order
%# reorder the array
ans =
1 4 2 7 5 3 8 6 9
You can convert your matrix to a vector using the function HANKEL to generate indices into the matrix. Here's a shortened version of Jonas' answer, using M as your sample matrix given above:
N = size(M,1);
A = hankel(1:N,N:(2*N-1));
[junk,sortIndex] = sort(A(:));
Now, you can use sortIndex to change your matrix M to a vector vec like so:
vec = M(sortIndex);
And if you want to get the row and column indices (rIndex and cIndex) into your original matrix that correspond to the values in vec, you can use the function IND2SUB:
[rIndex,cIndex] = ind2sub(N,sortIndex);
d = size(A,1);
for n = 1:2*size(A,1) - 1
j = min(n,d); i = (n+1)-(j);
X = cat(2,X,diag(flipud(A(i:j,i:j)))');
X =
1 4 2 7 5 3 8 6 9
You can generate the diagonals in this way:
for i = -2:2
diag(flipud(a), i)
I don't know whether this is the optimal way to concatenate the diagonals:
d = []
for i = -2:2
d = vertcat(d, diag(flipud(a), i))
(I tested it in octave, not in matlab)
