How to save converted images by automator to the same folder? - image

I use an Automator service to convert images to pdf documents. Unfortunately, this workflow can only save the converted files to a specific folder instead of converting images then saving the results in the same folder
An image of the workflow that I'm currently using


Convert PDF pages to images, but the output should be still a PDF

Is there a way I could convert PDF pages into images, but the final output to still be a PDF (containing the images as pages)?
The reason for this is to prevent text copying on iOS devices (apparently permissions are not set correctly for iOS).
I am currently using iTextSharp to handle the PDF (encryption, setting permissions).

Original filetype of ashx file

I'm building a PHP application that uses data from a web service. I add an image to a desktop application which then saves it to the web. The web service provides image URLs using the .ashx file extension. If I put one of these in an <img src="file.ashx?pictureId=abc123">, it displays as an image.
I want to store these images. I know they'll generally be .jpg files and can run file_get_contents on this and save it as such. However, if one was a .png, for example, I'd still be saving it with a .jpg extension, so it's an assumption I don't wish to make.
I've had a look at the raw string of characters of the file and cannot see any identifying features to tell me that it's a .jpg, apart from perhaps the clue that it was created in Photoshop. Nowhere does it say what kind of file it was originally, either extension or original filename.
Is there a way of finding the original filetype of a file contained within .ashx URL?
The question doesn't make any sense. Maybe the .ashx script generates the image on the fly out of nothing and there is no "original".
The correct question is: how to find the type of the image retrieved from the .ashx URL?
Save the image into a (temporary) file then use getimagesize() to find its type (GIF, JPEG, PNG etc) and choose the correct termination for its final file name.

Download assets in it's original format in AEM

I want to download the asset in it's original format using AEM, is it possible? Currently, if I select one pdf or jpeg asset, and click download, it's downloaded as a zip file which includes the selected asset. Now I want to download it without a container zip, that's to say download it in it's original format.
If you are referring to PDF then that's how the download for PDF works because when a PDF is uploaded all it's contents are extracted as sub-assets. This behaviour can be changed via modifying the PDF extraction logic but it won't affect the download behaviour.
The logic behind this is that when an artefact is uploaded in AEM it becomes a DAM asset and rules governing to it's manipulation take over. For example, in case of PDF, a PDF asset is a collection of the original PDF and all it's images and thumbnail extractions. So when you are downloading something you are basically downloading the whole collection as AEM sees it.
Having said that, you can probably write a custom servlet and extend the DAM GUI to download just the PDF.
You can select the option as shown below, when selecting 'Download' action after selecting the asset to download, in Assets UI

Attach a already created pdf with a new pdf generated with DOM PDF in codeigniter

I am creating a PDF file using DOM pdf and codeigniter as my framework. In that PDF i want to attach already saved PDF's on my server at the end of newly created PDF file. Is that possible with DOM PDF to create a PDF like that.
Presently DOM PDF will not support for merging two pdf files
You can do with PDFTK.
Refer this :
Merge multiple PDF files into one in PHP

Blackberry - How to retrieve images from a zip resource file?

I am using eclipse & JDE to develop Blackberry Application. I compressed a folder which has set of images in .jpg and .png formats. Please help me, how to retrieve images form the zipped file?
Thank you.....
I can't see any reason to compress compressed graphic format. Anyway it can't be efficient. It's better to add all images to progect img folder and use them as a resources from code:
Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("image.png");
