Attach a already created pdf with a new pdf generated with DOM PDF in codeigniter - codeigniter

I am creating a PDF file using DOM pdf and codeigniter as my framework. In that PDF i want to attach already saved PDF's on my server at the end of newly created PDF file. Is that possible with DOM PDF to create a PDF like that.

Presently DOM PDF will not support for merging two pdf files
You can do with PDFTK.
Refer this :
Merge multiple PDF files into one in PHP


Asciidoc Maven Build PDF links not Working

I am using the asciidoctor-maven-plugin to create a PDF User Guide from asciidoc source files.
I use the following format for cross references within the adoc files:
link:overview/name_of_file.adoc[Link name]
But the link is rendered as follows in the PDF:
file:///<local path>/overview/name_of_file.adoc
That is, the links the don't work. How to generate working links in the PDF (but also retain an .adoc link format that works in the source file for use in bitbucket)?
Output is one PDF

Download assets in it's original format in AEM

I want to download the asset in it's original format using AEM, is it possible? Currently, if I select one pdf or jpeg asset, and click download, it's downloaded as a zip file which includes the selected asset. Now I want to download it without a container zip, that's to say download it in it's original format.
If you are referring to PDF then that's how the download for PDF works because when a PDF is uploaded all it's contents are extracted as sub-assets. This behaviour can be changed via modifying the PDF extraction logic but it won't affect the download behaviour.
The logic behind this is that when an artefact is uploaded in AEM it becomes a DAM asset and rules governing to it's manipulation take over. For example, in case of PDF, a PDF asset is a collection of the original PDF and all it's images and thumbnail extractions. So when you are downloading something you are basically downloading the whole collection as AEM sees it.
Having said that, you can probably write a custom servlet and extend the DAM GUI to download just the PDF.
You can select the option as shown below, when selecting 'Download' action after selecting the asset to download, in Assets UI

Merge PDF Files with References using Ruby

I have a list of PDF Files which I have to merge into a single PDF file using Ruby. Combine PDF was able to do a fine job until now. The issue is that now I have to create an index indicating the pages in which each merged file is located and with links to each page. I was able to do so with Prawn, however this procedure does not allow me to create references between the index and the pages, even though I can know beforehand in which page each file will start. Prawn has this option, but it does not allow me to insert external PDF files in the process (the template feature was deactivated long ago).
Does anyone have a tool recommendation for merging those pdfs including an index with links?

Open downloaded file in browser pdf format

I am using paperclip to upload docx doc and pdf files to my railsapp, is there any way I can view this uploaded files in the browser itself in pdf format, without downloading it ?
Try pdf.js.
Firefox recently started using it as viewer for PDF files, but you can integrate it in your app. But you still need to 'download' it, that is, load into the browser.

Why pdftk produced pdf files will not render in Firefox?

I have a site -
On this site I have 2 pdf files. One file has blurred data and the other is clear, both files were created with pdftk.
In order to blur out some personal data in the pdf I used Inkscape. But Inkscape only opens/edits one PDF page at a time. After I made my edits in Inkscape I saved the files as .pdf formatted files. At that point I had three separate pdf files, pages 1 through 3. I then used pdftk to concatenate the 3 files into one.
The final pdftk-produced files are on Just click the public information button.
In Chrome viewing inline works fine.
Downloading the file from Firefox works fine too.
But viewing inline on Firefox it renders blank pages. How can I fix this?
Also, I know that pdf files not produced with pdftk will render correctly on both Chrome and Firefox.
Thanks for your help.
FireFox has a lovely new feature: It now uses the PDF.js library to render PDF files, instead of calling out to an Adobe Reader plugin, or forcing you to save the file to disk. Unfortunately, it seem that PDF.js isn't quite perfect yet. A quick search shows that other people have the same issue, but the only "solution" I've seen offered boils down to "file a bug report at or".
Also: Do the three individual PDF files render in FireFox, before you use pdftk to concatenate them?
