customise evaluation of multi-class classifier with H2O - h2o

I would like to build a do my performance evaluation on top 3 predictions (by that, I mean, top N classes that are the most probable to assign an item, within a cross-validation).
Of course, I can keep the cross-validation result, go through each and look into the probabilities of assignment, sort them and pick the top 3 ones, and then build my confusion matrix. But I wonder if the functionality already exist?


Gensim Word2vec model parameter tuning

I am working on Word2Vec model. Is there any way to get the ideal value for one of its parameter i.e iter. Like the way we used do in K-Means (Elbo curve plot) to get the K value.Or is there any other way for parameter tuning on this model.
There's no one ideal set of parameters for a word2vec session – it depends on your intended usage of the word-vectors.
For example, some research has suggested that using a larger window tends to position the final vectors in a way that's more sensitive to topical/domain similarity, while a smaller window value shifts the word-neighborhoods to be more syntactic/functional drop-in replacements for each other. So depending on your particular project goals, you'd want a different value here.
(Similarly, because the original word2vec paper evaluated models, & tuned model meta-parameters, based on the usefulness of the word-vectors to solve a set of English-language analogy problems, many have often tuned their models to do well on the same analogy task. But I've seen cases where the model that scores best on those analogies does worse when contributing to downstream classification tasks.)
So what you really want is a project-specific way to score a set of word-vectors, well-matched to your goals. Then, you run many alternate word2vec training sessions, and pick the parameters that do best on your score.
The case of iter/epochs is special, in that by the logic of the underlying stochastic-gradient-descent optimization method, you'd ideally want to use as many training-epochs as necessary for the per-epoch running 'loss' to stop improving. At that point, the model is plausibly as good as it can be – 'converged' – given its inherent number of free-parameters and structure. (Any further internal adjustments that improve it for some examples worsen it for others, and vice-versa.)
So potentially, you'd watch this 'loss', and choose a number of training-iterations that's just enough to show the 'loss' stagnating (jittering up-and-down in a tight window) for a few passes. However, the loss-reporting in gensim isn't yet quite optimal – see project bug #2617 – and many word2vec implementations, including gensim and going back to the original word2vec.c code released by Google researchers, just let you set a fixed count of training iterations, rather than implement any loss-sensitive stopping rules.

In Reinforcement learning using feature approximation, does one have a single set of weights or a set of weights for each action?

This question is an attempt to reframe this question to make it clearer.
This slide shows an equation for Q(state, action) in terms of a set of weights and feature functions.
These discussions (The Basic Update Rule and Linear Value Function Approximation) show a set of weights for each action.
The reason they are different is that the first slide assumes you can anticipate the result of performing an action and then find features for the resulting states. (Note that the feature functions are functions of both the current state and the anticipated action.) In that case, the same set of weights can be applied to all the resulting features.
But in some cases, one can't anticipate the effect of an action. Then what does one do? Even if one has perfect weights, one can't apply them to the results of applying the actions if one can't anticipate those results.
My guess is that the second pair of slides deals with that problem. Instead of performing an action and then applying weights to the features of the resulting states, compute features of the current state and apply possibly different weights for each action.
Those are two very different ways of doing feature-based approximation. Are they both valid? The first one makes sense in situations, e.g., like Taxi, in which one can effectively simulate what the environment will do at each action. But in some cases, e.g., cart-pole, that's not possible/feasible. Then it would seem you need a separate set of weights for each action.
Is this the right way to think about it, or am I missing something?

Random Forests with correlated features

In my dataset, I have 2 features that are not only correlated but that makes sense only in the presence of each other. For instance, one would be the number of times a task was attempted and the other one would be the number of successes.
As mentioned, it seems to be me that taken one of the 2 individually does not give any information. Should I do a scheme where if I pick one of them in a tree of my RF, I automatically include the other one?
And if so, is it possible to do so using the RF class from scikit-learn?
Introduce a new feature for the success ratio which is successes / attempts. Now this possibly important concept is more available to the classifier/regressor.
The Random Forest algorithm is robust towards redundant features, so you should try to leave the original features in, it may add predictive information. Look at the feature importance scores of the trained forest to understand which features were chosen.

What estimator to use in scikit-learn?

This is my first brush with machine learning, so I'm trying to figure out how this all works. I have a dataset where I've compiled all the statistics of each player to play with my high school baseball team. I also have a list of all the players that have ever made it to the MLB from my high school. What I'd like to do is split the data into a training set and a test set, and then feed it to some algorithm in the scikit-learn package and predict the probability of making the MLB.
So I looked through a number of sources and found this cheat sheet that suggests I start with linear SVC.
So, then as I understand it I need to break my data into training samples where each row is a player and each column is a piece of data about the player (batting average, on base percentage, yada, yada), X_train; and a corresponding truth matrix of a single row per player that is simply 1 (played in MLB) or 0 (did not play in MLB), Y_train. From there, I just do Fit(X,Y) and then I can use predict(X_test) to see if it gets the right values for Y_test.
Does this seem a logical choice of algorithm, method, and application?
EDIT to provide more information:
The data is made of 20 features such as number of games played, number of hits, number of Home Runs, number of Strike Outs, etc. Most are basic counting statistics about the players career; a few are rates such as batting average.
I have about 10k total rows to work with, so I can split the data based on that; but I have no idea how to optimally split the data, given that <1% have made the MLB.
Alright, here are a few steps that might want to make:
Prepare your data set. In practice, you might want to scale the features, but we'll leave it out to make the first working model as simple as possible. So will just need to split the dataset into test/train set. You could shuffle the records manually and take the first X% of the examples as the train set, but there's already a function for it in scikit-learn library: You might want to make sure that both: positive and negative examples are present in the train and test set. To do so, you can separate them before the test/train split to make sure that, say 70% of negative examples and 70% of positive examples go the training set.
Let's pick a simple classifier. I'll use logistic regression here:, but other classifiers have a similar API.
Creating the classifier and training it is easy:
clf = LogisticRegression(), y_train)
Now it's time to make our first predictions:
y_pred = clf.predict(X_test)
A very important part of the model is its evaluation. Using accuracy is not a good idea here: the number of positive examples is very small, so the model that unconditionally returns 0 can get a very high score. We can use the f1 score instead:
If you want to predict probabilities instead of labels, you can just use the predict_proba method of the classifier.
That's it. We have a working model! Of course, there are a lot thing you may try to improve, such as scaling the features, trying different classifiers, tuning their hyperparameters, but this should be enough to get started.
If you don't have a lot of experience in ML, in scikit learn you have classification algorithms (if the target of your dataset is a boolean or a categorical variable) or regression algorithms (if the target is a continuous variable).
If you have a classification problem, and your variables are in a very different scale a good starting point is a decision tree:
The classifier is a Tree and you can see the decisions that are taking in the nodes.
After that you can use random forest, that is a group of decision trees that average results:
After that you can put the same scale in every feature:
And you can use other algorithms like SVMs.
For every algorithm you need a technique to select its parameters, for example cross validation:
But a good course is the best option to learn. In coursera you can find several good courses like this:

Classifying Multivariate Time Series

I currently am working on a time series witch 430 attributes and approx. 80k instances. Now I would like to binary classify each instance (not the whole ts). Everything I found about classifying TS talked about labeling the whole thing.
Is it possible to classify each instance with something like a SVM completely disregarding the sequential nature of the data or would that only result in a really bad classifier?
Which other options are there which classify each instance but still look at the data as a time series?
If the data is labeled, you may have luck by concatenating attributes together, so each instance becomes a single long time series, and by applying the so-called Shapelet Transform. This would result in a vector of values for each of time series which can be fed into SVM, Random Forest, or any other classifier. It could be that picking a right shapelets will allow you to focus on a single attribute when classifying instances.
If it is not labeled, you may try the unsupervised shapelets application first to explore your data and proceed with aforementioned shapelet transform after.
It certainly depends on the data within the 430 attributes,
data types, and especially the problem you want to solve.
In time series analysis, you usually want to exploit the dependencies between the neighboring points, i.e., how they change in time. The examples you may find in books usually talk about a single function f(t): Time -> Real. If I understand it correctly, you want to focus just on the dependencies among the 430 attributes (vertical dependencies) and disregard the horizontal dependencies.
If I were you, I would first try to train multiple classifiers (SVM, Maximum entropy model, Multi-layer perceptron, Random forest, Probabilistic Neural Network, ...) and compare their prediction performance in the frame of your problem.
For training, you can start by feeding all 430 attributes as features to Maxent classifier (can easily handle millions of features).
You also need to perform some N-fold cross-validation to see whether the classifiers are not overfitted. Then pick the best that solves your problem "good enough".
Other ideas if this approach does not perform well:
include features from t-1, t-2...
perform feature selection by trying different subsets of features
derive new time series such as moving averages, wavelet spectrum ... and use them as new features
A nice implementation of Maxent classifier can be found in openNLP.
