Simple effect processing in AudioKit example for MacOS files needed - macos

I have a unique filter that I want to use while playing Audio files on MacOS and am trying to start based on an AudioKit example whereby I just replace a current effect with new code with my filtering. However, I can't find an example that is close to what I want and the amount of effort required to do from scratch is a bit too much. Is anyone aware of such examples that I can use? I've looked through all of the examples on AudioKit they either just play audio files or have effects but assume microphone data. Thanks

In the Developer directory of AudioKit you'll find an example called "ExtendingAudioKit" which is probably going to be your best template for how to set up a project that uses AudioKit for the base, but allows you to develop custom DSP external to AudioKit.


How do I play an MP3 file using Lazarus on macOS

I'd like to be able to play an MP3 file programmatically, using Lazarus on macOS.
Lazarus 2.0 (fpc 3.0.4) on macOS is working great for me, but one thing I cannot manage to do is to play an MP3 file programmatically.
I managed to compile and run the OALSoundManager demo project, but only WAV files can be played that way.
I spent several hours following various leads from the freepascal forum, but I still could not manage to do the basic play operations:
Load an MP3 file
Start playing it.
Get the current playing position (e.g. during OnTimer).
Be notified when it stops.
I'm OK with using any common library. Of course the less dependencies the better.
Once I can play the file I can figure out the rest, but it would be great if the example also showed:
Start playing from a given time position
Thank you very much for any help!
You might be able to use Castle Engine and OpenAL.
You can install Castle Engine from with-in Lazarus. In the main menu under "Package" -> "Online Package Manager" you will be able to filter and install "castle".
Then you should be able to open the example project:

Way to Create Virtual Desktops and Stream Their Contents

I'm looking for a way to programmatically create multiple "virtual" desktops, and stream their contents to whatever.
Essentially, what macOS apis are these guys using to create those virtual desktops and additionally how do they get a video stream of it?
Just looking for guidance to the right apis/docs. No code required :)
You'll need to create a kernel extension that simulates a graphics adapter, essentially just rendering everything into a framebuffer. The framebuffer can then be exported as a video stream or whatever you choose.
You can find example source codes to look at here:
Please note that these projects are not up to date in terms of supporting the latest macOS versions. Later versions of macOS have introduced things such as mandatory kernel extension signing that makes it harder for "hobby-developers" to produce something that can be shared for free on the internet in terms of kernel extensions. It also makes it harder for malware authors, which is the upside.
So take a look at these source repositories and you'll find your guidance - but don't expect them to be complete solutions.

Speech to Text on UWP apps using Audio File as Input

I am having troubles finding the answer for this question on web.
The project I am developing demands that I could save a recorded audio file, and, after that, transcribe the audio to text for finding interesting predefined keywords.
I am using the Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition framework, and it works fine when you are transcribing the speech during the recording process. I can't find, in the same framework, a function which I can use with an audio file as input.
Does anybody know a good approach for this problem? Or another [free] framework for Windows Apps?
For online recognition and in particular in JS projects you can use directly Microsoft Cognitive Services, that are behind online recognition in the SpeechRecognition in Windows. It is free under some limits.
In particular here is open sourced wrapped for JavaScript on GitHub:Oxford.Speech.JS. It can deal with both wav-files and microphone. Sample code is designed like a website, but I'm pretty sure you can easily convert it into a HTML/JS-based UWP app.

Low-latency audio playback from Ruby

I'm building an audio application in Ruby which needs low latency audio playback. So far, I'm using SDL, which is great for a prototype, but it's got nowhere near enough performance for what I need.
I've tried using the ruby-jack gem, but it doesn't seem complete enough to inject any audio into a playback port (and the documentation is wildly incomplete).
If it changes much, I'm on OS X (but I'd like something that's decently cross-platform), and I'm (currently) playing back small WAV files, but more formats would be better. I don't want especially want to call a system application to do this, either.
My application's full source is available on Github; the salient features of it are in a gist, for those who want to have a look.
I'm not too certain if I have the correct answer for you, but I believe it may be worth your time to look into rbSFML. It is a binding for SFML, a multi media library, which has been growing in popularity.
Go here for rbSFML
SFML main page
Wish I had more information for you!

Changing output audio device of other Win32 applications?

I want to write a program that allows you to select the output audio device (based on currently connected devices) used by other applications on an individual basis. (E.g. Winamp to my headphones, VLC to my speakers, etc).
The program would (probably) be written in C++ for Vista/7. Most likely I'll try to use the Windows sound APIs, but not sure where to start, or if the whole attempt is futile. (seeing the answer here made me doubtful)
I'm not new to writing code, and this isn't a "please do my homework" request, but I am new to windows code and was having trouble finding much documentation on anything like this.
Is this possible? Where would you start with this? Do you know of any projects that have already done this? Thanks in advance
