Changing output audio device of other Win32 applications? - windows

I want to write a program that allows you to select the output audio device (based on currently connected devices) used by other applications on an individual basis. (E.g. Winamp to my headphones, VLC to my speakers, etc).
The program would (probably) be written in C++ for Vista/7. Most likely I'll try to use the Windows sound APIs, but not sure where to start, or if the whole attempt is futile. (seeing the answer here made me doubtful)
I'm not new to writing code, and this isn't a "please do my homework" request, but I am new to windows code and was having trouble finding much documentation on anything like this.
Is this possible? Where would you start with this? Do you know of any projects that have already done this? Thanks in advance


Intercepting all system level audio in Mac os

I have been working with CoreAudio last couple of days and I'm able to access all the AudioDevices, their properties and receive notifications when something changes. However, I'm now struggling to "intercept" the audio (ideally before it is played) from any application in the mac. I wasn't sure it was possible but this app actually does it.
So I'm in search of some guidance. Thank you in advance.
Unfortunately macOS provides no facility to do this.
The only way to achieve this is to patch lower level frameworks and/or drivers like Audio Hijack does. I will be a messy process.
Depending on the use case however it might suffice to have an audio loopback virtual audio device so application A can send audio into it while application B can receive the audio from it. This can be done by creating a Core Audio AudioServerPlugin which is a user space audio driver mechanism. For an example please have a look at:
In regards to the limitations, you can read more about it here:
From there you can go in a lot of directions by following the links provided.

How to programatically create custom input/output devices?

How do i create a custom media input/output device like a speaker or microphone that i can select from a program like Skype. For example i could make a GreyScale webcam that reads the webcam and makes it greyscale or a custom Beep Speaker that takes anything a program sends to the speaker and adds a beep after 3 seconds etc. An example would be this:
I just need help on how to create the actual (virtual?) device, not how to make it greyscale etc. I can figure that out later.
Where do i even begin to search for tutorials/readings on this? As per the tags, i prefer qt/c++ related but it doesn't necessarily have to be that. Just a nudge in the right direction to get me started would be fine.
You need to create a device driver. What that entails depends entirely on the platform and the type of device you want to emulate.
Start with the documentation of your operating system and look up references as if you were developing a new hardware device. But you'll just skip any actual hardware interfaces.
Nevertheless this is likely to require kernel programming, so Qt is likely to be inappropriate.

What is a good cross platform audio processing library?

I'm looking for an audio processing library that i can use to do some on-the-fly audio editing in my program, such as turn a knob and it'll increase the pitch of the audio file being played, without saving the change to the song file itself. And i plan to make this program for windows and mac so i would need a cross platform library. I don't have much money to spare so it can't cost too much either. My program will be commercially available if that changes anything. Thanks in advance for any help.
SoX at
Wavesurfer at

Capture sound output on mac

I am trying to port my screensaver from windows to mac and one of its features was reacting on system sound output. On windows it was easy using Direct Sound, but I can't find any example of capturing sound output on mac. Is it possible even possible without writing something like kernel extension? Using flash it is also very easy — it even gives computeSpectrum method to get raw data or even fft transformed data.
All programs that I have already found use Soundflower or their own kernel extension. But I don't think that asking to install separate program or using kernel extension is a good way.
One thing you can do, considering that Soundflower is open source, is take a look at how they did it. You can't copy & paste GPL code, but you can surely study the techniques used and create your own solution (point you in the right direction).
You won't find Apple being very helpful here. Sound capturing, in this manner, can be used for all kinds of nefarious purposes. I'm not even sure if Core Audio lets you do this without hacks. In any case, you have a working implementation of what you're trying to accomplish. I'd take advantage of it.
I'm not on my Mac right now, but I'm pretty sure that Quartz Composer has a patch for just this thing. Depending on what language you're writing your screen saver in, it may be fairly easy for you to port your code into a QC patch. Well... it probably won't be easy, but it may be doable.

Sound processing: Should I use DirectSound or directly Win32 APIs?

I'm making an application where I will:
Record from the microphone and do some realtime processing on the input
Play an MP3 file (a regular song), but manipulating the output in realtime
Every now and then I'll need to play additional sounds over this song too, but I guess I can do that by simply adding the buffers.
In short, I need to have circular buffers for both recording and playing, and I need to be "feeding" the output buffer every 20 ms or so with the new data that is just about to be played.
I've been looking at DirectSound, and it doesn't seem to help a lot. The reading and writing to the output buffers seem very similar to Win32, the only place where it seems it'd help is in playing the "additional sounds" over the main song.
Should I use DirectSound, or should I go straight to raw Windows APIs?
Is DirectSound going to do anything for me?
Thanks in Advance!
The Directsound API's give you better realtime control. They are also the supported way to use sound in Windows. I was under the impression that the win32 api's were depracated, but I could be wrong on this.
This question is close to yours
Is DirectSound the best audio abstraction layer for Windows?
last but not least, this is what microsoft has to say
Neither? :)
The story is that DirectSound is the replacement for waveOut, but DirectSound joined DirectInput as deprecated APIs in Vista and is replaced with WASAPI. DirectSound and waveOut are implemented on top of the User-Space WASAPI in Vista. On XP, waveOut and DirectSound feed to the same kernel level Mixer API.
To consolidate all of these interfaces take a look at something like OpenAL, it's a well supported audio standard along the same lines as OpenGL.
It sounds like you're going to be quite sensitive to latency. It might pay to look at ASIO
I found Harmony Central - Audio Programming. Also read w:DirectSound.
Windows Vista features a completely
re-written audio stack based on the
Universal Audio Architecture. Because
of the architectural changes in the
redesigned audio stack, a direct path
from DirectSound to the audio drivers
does not exist.
Because of Xbox 360 and Microsoft
Windows integration, Microsoft is
actively pushing developers to migrate
new applications to equivalent Xbox
audio APIs such as XAudio and XACT.
OpenAL looks promising.
