What is the default payload for an exploit in Metasploit? - metasploit

Is there any default payload (if not set explicitly) which gets executed for an exploit in Metasploit?

The answer can be found here:
There is a preference list that Metasploit uses to select a payload if there isn't one set for the exploit. Here's the list, sorted by the order in which they will be selected:


Correlating multiple dynamic values

How can I get the value of important id and ValueType?
I have tried using web_save_param_regexp (but unfortunately I don't fully understand how the function works).
I have also tried using web_save_param (with the help of offset and length).
unfortunately once again I cannot get the accurate value some values change in length specially when the total amount values dynamically changes per run.
<important id=\"insertsomevalueshere\" record=\"1\" nucTotal=\"NUC609.40\"><total amount=\"68.75\" currency=\"USD\"/><total amount=\"609.40\" currency=\"USD\"/><out avgsomecost=\"540.65\" ValueType=\"insertsomevalueshere\" containsawesomeness=\"1\" Score=\"-97961\" somedatatype=\"1\" typeofData=\"VAL\" web=\"1\">
Put these lines of code before the line of code which does your web request:
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=importantid","Regexp=<important id=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=ValueType","Regexp= ValueType=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
You will then have two stored parameters 'importantid' and 'ValueType'
Dynamic number of elements to correlate? Your path for resubmission is through web_custom_request(). You will need to build the string you need dynamically with the name:value pairs for all of the data which needs to be included.
This path will place a premium on your string manipulation skills in the language of the tool. The default path is through C, but you have other language options if your skills are more refined in another language.

What means "Name=SWEIPS" Parametr in Siebel

Writing script in LR for Siebel Open UI. All my requests contains this parameter, with different values. What does it mean?
Examples (from different requests):
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0'1'0'GetProfileAttr'3'attrName'SBRF Position Id'"
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0''0'3'1-SQE21A, 1-SQL21E, 1SQE31"
And so on.
Can I simple delete it?
Can I simply delete it? - No, you’re not supposed to delete it.
Compare SWEIPS value by recording twice or trice with different data sets, check is there any date/time values in SWEIPS. If there is nothing to correlate leave as it is, no need to delete.
Ensure to correlate values like SWET,ROWID,SWECount,SWEC and so on.

Access to iterated controls in repeated sections in Orbeon

When setting repeated content in a section in Orbeon each control is repeated and the their names are the same. How do I access the the control from the first, second...etc instance of a control from each iterated section? I'm thinking along the lines of $control-name[instance#] or something similair.
The following works, given this form:
$name[2]: return the second value
string-join($name, ', '): join all values with commas
count($name): return the number of values
See also the relevant documentation.
To access this value in "bind" section, you can use a relative path , like ../name=''.
TO access this value in "body" section, then you can use context()/../name.
If you are trying to make anything different, be more specific and this answer can be edited to be according to what you want.

What's the difference between event's Unique-ID and Channel-Call-UUID?

Freeswitch events contain two variables (Unique-ID and Channel-Call-UUID) that seem to always be set to the exact same value: the leg's unique identifier.
I don't see the purpose of this and while Unique-ID has a one-line documentation on FS's wiki ("uuid of this channel's call leg"), Channel-Call-UUID doesn't.
Even worse: I came accross two examples where their values were different:
Channel-Call-UUID: c9bbde8b-379b-45d4-b193-3f761a44f3e2
Unique-ID: 81273088-c31f-4469-85a6-c878e42210e5
Channel-Call-UUID: ada7f3de-2374-4144-9b1d-eade29df0779
Unique-ID: f3ebca6c-d9cd-4f89-ae12-748e6c479dda
I need to be able to clearly identify a leg in my code, so I'd like to know
which one is the most accurate and
what's the purpose of the other one
"Unique-ID" identifies the leg of the current channel (this value seems to always be identical to "Caller-Unique-ID", documented as "This channel's uuid").
"Channel-Call-UUID" is an ID that can be used to identify answered/bridged channels. It seems to be derived from the "Unique-ID" of the channel's creator.
The value of "Channel-Call-UUID" of the b-leg (the callee) differs from its "Unique-ID", but it is identical to the value of the "Other-Leg-Unique-ID" header.
The source code (src/switch_channel.c) supports my previous claims:
if ((v = switch_channel_get_variable(channel, "call_uuid"))) {
switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Channel-Call-UUID", v);
} else {
switch_event_add_header_string(event, SWITCH_STACK_BOTTOM, "Channel-Call-UUID", switch_core_session_get_uuid(channel->session));

how do has_field() methods relate to default values in protobuf?

I'm trying to determine the relationship between default values and the has_foo() methods that are declared in various programmatic interfaces. In particular, I'm trying to determine under what circumstances (if any) you can "tell the difference" between a field explicitly set to the default value, and an unset value.
If I explicitly set a field (e.g. "Bar.foo") to its default value (e.g., zero), then is Bar::has_foo() guaranteed return true for that data structure? (This appears to be true for the C++ generated code, from a quick inspection, but that doesn't mean it's guaranteed.) If this is true, then it's possible to distinguish between an explicitly set default value and an unset prior to serialization.
If I explicitly set a field to its default value (e.g., zero), and then serialize that object and send it over the wire, will the value be sent or not? If it is not, then clearly any code that receives this object can't distinguish between an explicitly set default value and an unset value. I.e., it won't be possible to distinguish these two cases after serialization -- Bar::has_foo() will return false in both cases.
If it's not possible to tell the difference, what is the recommended technique for encoding a protobuf field if I want to encode a "nullable" optional value? A couple options come to mind, but neither seem great: (a) add an extra boolean field that records whether the field is set or not, or (b) use a "repeated" field even though I semantically want an optional field -- this way I can tell the difference between no value (length-zero list) or a set value (length-one list).
The following applies for 'proto2' syntax, not 'proto3' :
The notion of a field being set or not is a core feature of Protobuf. If you set a field to a value (any value), then the corresponding has_xxx method must return true, otherwise you have a bug in the API.
If you do not set a field and then serialize the message, no value is sent for that field. The receiving side will parse the message, discover which values where included, and set the corresponding "has_xxx" values.
Exactly how this is implemented in the wire-format is documented here: http://code.google.com/apis/protocolbuffers/docs/encoding.html. The short version is that message are encoded as a sequence of key-value pairs, and only fields which are explicitly set are included in the encoded message.
Default values only come into play when you attempt to read an unset field.
