Correlating multiple dynamic values - correlation

How can I get the value of important id and ValueType?
I have tried using web_save_param_regexp (but unfortunately I don't fully understand how the function works).
I have also tried using web_save_param (with the help of offset and length).
unfortunately once again I cannot get the accurate value some values change in length specially when the total amount values dynamically changes per run.
<important id=\"insertsomevalueshere\" record=\"1\" nucTotal=\"NUC609.40\"><total amount=\"68.75\" currency=\"USD\"/><total amount=\"609.40\" currency=\"USD\"/><out avgsomecost=\"540.65\" ValueType=\"insertsomevalueshere\" containsawesomeness=\"1\" Score=\"-97961\" somedatatype=\"1\" typeofData=\"VAL\" web=\"1\">

Put these lines of code before the line of code which does your web request:
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=importantid","Regexp=<important id=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
web_reg_save_param_regexp("ParamName=ValueType","Regexp= ValueType=\\\"(.*?)\\\"",LAST);
You will then have two stored parameters 'importantid' and 'ValueType'

Dynamic number of elements to correlate? Your path for resubmission is through web_custom_request(). You will need to build the string you need dynamically with the name:value pairs for all of the data which needs to be included.
This path will place a premium on your string manipulation skills in the language of the tool. The default path is through C, but you have other language options if your skills are more refined in another language.


How to load value from dynamically specified parameter in NiFi

I have several processes with almost same flow like "Get some parameters, extract data from database according to them and upload them to target". The parameters vary slightly across processes as well as targets but only a bit. Most of the process is the same. I would like to extract those differences to parameter-context and dynamically load them. My idea is to have parameters defined following way and then using them.
So core of question is:
How to dynamically choose which parameter group load and use?
Having several parameter contexts with same-named/different-valued parameters and dynamically switching them would be probably the best, but it is not possible as far as I know.
Also duplicating flows is out-of-the-table. Any error correction would be spread out over several places and maintenance would be a nightmare.
Moreover, I know I can do it like "In GenetrateFlowFile for process A set value1=#{A_value1} and in GenetrateFlowFile for process B set value1=#{B_value1}. But this is tedious, error-prone and scales kinda bad. Not speaking of situation when I can have dozens of parameters and several processes. Also it is a kind of hardcoding, not configuring...
I was hoping for something like defining group=A and then using it like value1=#{ ${ group:append('_value1') } } but this does not work - it is evaluated as parameter literally named ${ group:append('_value1') }.
TL;DR: Use evaluateELString().
The actual solution is to set in GenetrateFlowFile processor group=A and in next UpdateAttribute processor set the following:
value1=${ group:prepend('hash{ '):append('_value1 }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }
The magic being done here is "Take value of group slap around it #{ and _value1 } to make it valid NiFi Expression Language statement and then evaluate it." (Notice - the word hash and function replace is there since I didn´t manage to escape the # char right before {.)
If you would like to have your value1 at the beginning of the statement then you can use following code. The result is same, it is easier to use (often-changed value value1 is at the beginning of the statement) and is less readable "what is really going on?"-wise.
value1=${ literal('value1'):prepend('_'):prepend(${ group }):prepend('hash{ '):append(' }'):replace('hash', '#'):evaluateELString() }

Web2py Number Formatting for Thousands

I'm sort of new to Web2py. I have a system that's working just fine, but I want to make an improvement regarding visualization. There's a couple of fields that use numbers (defined as double in their respective define_table methods) to represent currency, but I want them to also show with a separator for thousands, such as 183,403,293.34. I checked some documentation, but I couldn't find a direct way to handle this form of customization, though I could be missing something.
Any suggestions regarding this? Cheers!
First, if representing currency, you should use the decimal field type rather than double (some calculations using double values may yield incorrect results due to the use of floating point representations internally). However, if using SQLite, there is no distinction between decimal and double, so in that case, you might want to multiply all values by 100 and instead store integers.
In any case, to display a given numeric value with thousands separators in Python, you can do:
For more details, see and
If you are using the values via web2py functionality that makes use of the field's represent function (e.g., the grid or the .render() method), you can define a custom represent function, such as:
Field('amount', 'decimal(12, 2)',
represent=lambda v, r: '{:,}'.format(v) if v is not None else '')
You could use the Python function of the locale module:
{{= locale.format ('%. 2f', your_value, grouping = True)}}

What means "Name=SWEIPS" Parametr in Siebel

Writing script in LR for Siebel Open UI. All my requests contains this parameter, with different values. What does it mean?
Examples (from different requests):
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0'1'0'GetProfileAttr'3'attrName'SBRF Position Id'"
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0''0'3'1-SQE21A, 1-SQL21E, 1SQE31"
And so on.
Can I simple delete it?
Can I simply delete it? - No, you’re not supposed to delete it.
Compare SWEIPS value by recording twice or trice with different data sets, check is there any date/time values in SWEIPS. If there is nothing to correlate leave as it is, no need to delete.
Ensure to correlate values like SWET,ROWID,SWECount,SWEC and so on.

Yahoo Pipes: Extracting number from feed item for use in URL builder

Been looking all over the place for a solution to this issue. I have a Yahoo Pipe ( that I've created to pull back image content from the Bing Search API. The URL builder includes a $skip attribute that takes an integer and uses it to select the starting (index) point for the result set that the query returns.
My initial plan had been to use the math engine in the Wolfram Alpha API to generate a random number (randomInteger[1000]) that I could use to seed the $skip value each time that the pipe is run. I have an earlier version of the pipe where I was able to get the query / result steps working using either "XPath Fetch" and "Fetch Data". However, regardless of how I Fetch the result, the response returns as an attribute / value pair in a list item.Even when I use "Emit items as string" in XPath Fetch, I still get a list with a single item, when what I really want is the integer that I can plug into my $skip attribute.
I've tried everything in Pipes I can think of, and spent a lot of time online looking for an answer. Is there anyway to extract text (in this case, a number) from a single list item and then use the output as input to "wire" a text parameter in another Pipes block? Any suggestions / ideas welcome. In the meantime, I'm generating a sorta-random number by manipulating a timecode hash, but it just feels tacky :-)
All the sources are for repeated items. You can't have a source that just makes a single number.
I'm not really clear what you're trying to do. You want to put a random number into part of the URL string that gets an RSS feed?

Convert to E164 only if possible?

Can I determine if the user entered a phone number that can be safely formatted into E164?
For Germany, this requires that the user started his entry with a local area code. For example, 123456 may be a subscriber number in his city, but it cannot be formatted into E164, because we don't know his local area code. Then I would like to keep the entry as it is. In contrast, the input 089123456 is independent of the area code and could be formatted into E164, because we know he's from Germany and we could convert this into +4989123456.
You can simply convert your number into E164 using libphonenumber
and after conversion checks if both the strings are same or not. If they're same means a number can not be formatted, otherwise the number you'll get from library will be formatted in E164.
Here's how you can convert
PhoneNumberUtil phoneUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
String formattedNumber = phoneUtil.format(inputNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.E164);
Finally compare formattedNumber with inputNumber
It looks as though you'll need to play with isValidNumber and isPossibleNumber for your case. format is certainly not guaranteed to give you something actually dialable, see the javadocs. This is suggested by the demo as well, where formatting is not displayed when isValidNumber is false.
I also am dealing with this FWIW. In the context of US numbers: The issue is I'd like to parse using isPossibleNumber in order to be as lenient as possible, and store the number in E164. However then we accept, e.g. +15551212. This string itself even passes isPossibleNumber despite clearly (I think) not being dialable anywhere.
