Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method JSite::execute() joomla installation - joomla

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method JSite::execute() joomla installation
Hi, I am trying to move the joomla file with ine server with another server, I have used Akeeba Kickstart for that purpose, but after the installation the above messege shows.
Current server 1and1.uk


PHP Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' not found when i upload it to cpanel

PHP Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' not found in /home/peoplesi/public_html/core/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Collection.php on line 40
i get this error when i upload it to cpanel
My php version is 7
i also tried composer update many time
Can anyone kindly give me a solution to remove this error

laravel error when I ran it on terminal in macos

when I ran laravel in my terminal it's not working, I already added the path to my bash_profile I am using MacOS. Valet is working I dont know what happened if it is from the installation or not.
this is the returned error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Laravel\Installer\Console\NewCommand' not found in /Users/mycomputer/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/laravel:11
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /Users/mycomputer/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/laravel on line 11
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Laravel\Installer\Console\NewCommand' not found in /Users/mycomputer/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/laravel:11
Stack trace:
#0 {main}
thrown in /Users/mycomputer/.composer/vendor/laravel/installer/laravel on line 11

how to install cjax in codeigniter 3

i had a problem
i use codeigniter 3.0.6 and my server is lampp with PHP Version 5.5.38
i want use cjax 5.9 in codeigniter but when i merge ci and cjax and i go to this url:http://localhost/ci_ajax/ajax.php?test/test
i see this error
Warning: require_once(/opt/lampp/htdocs/ci_ajax/cjax/ajax.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ci_ajax/ajax.php on line 32
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required '/opt/lampp/htdocs/ci_ajax/cjax/ajax.php' (include_path='.:/opt/lampp/lib/php') in /opt/lampp/htdocs/ci_ajax/ajax.php on line 32
can you help me?
sorry for bad english typing and tanks

laravel 5.1 + phpdesktop gives fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding()

I am trying to use Laravel 5.1 with phpdesktop (https://github.com/cztomczak/phpdesktop). I configured everything according to instructions but I get a fatal error for the first page itself.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\mb_internal_encoding() in H:\app\laravel\www\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration.php on line 43
I am unable to solve this problem. Both PHPDesktop and laravel versions are latest ones.
You need to install mbstring extension for PHP.
Check Enable mbstring extension on Windows

Fatal error Call to undefined method VmVendorPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec()

I have updated the latest version of Virtuemart 2.0.24c, once the payment get completed it shows the below error
Fatal error Call to undefined method VmVendorPDF::convertHTMLColorToDec()
I found the solution for the issue, updated the latest version of ext_aio file.
Extract the ext_aio.tar file and then make a zip, after that upgrade the pack, then it is working fine.
Reference Link:
