laravel 5.1 + phpdesktop gives fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_internal_encoding() - laravel

I am trying to use Laravel 5.1 with phpdesktop ( I configured everything according to instructions but I get a fatal error for the first page itself.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\mb_internal_encoding() in H:\app\laravel\www\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Bootstrap\LoadConfiguration.php on line 43
I am unable to solve this problem. Both PHPDesktop and laravel versions are latest ones.

You need to install mbstring extension for PHP.
Check Enable mbstring extension on Windows


PHP Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' not found when i upload it to cpanel

PHP Fatal error: Interface 'JsonSerializable' not found in /home/peoplesi/public_html/core/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Collection.php on line 40
i get this error when i upload it to cpanel
My php version is 7
i also tried composer update many time
Can anyone kindly give me a solution to remove this error

Fatal error: Default value for parameters with a class type hint can only be NULL in PHP

I am running PHP 5.6 & Laravel 5.6 version project. When I clone it from github repo & run "composer install or composer update". It throws me following error.
PHP Fatal error: Default value for parameters with a class type hint can only be NULL in /usr/share/php/Symfony/Component/Console/Application.php on line 85
Is it the problem with dependencies?
The laravel version number is unrelated to the minimum php version required. Laravel 5.6 requires php 7.1.3 or greater

Fresh CentOS 7, first Laravel Installation.Composer install breaks

I am fallowing this tutorial:
And on step 5) when running composer install in the project directory it starts to do staff, as expected, until this happened:
> php artisan optimize
PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant 'Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException' in /var/www/laravel-develop/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 779
PHP Fatal error: Undefined constant 'Illuminate\Session\TokenMismatchException' in /var/www/laravel-develop/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php on line 779
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-install-cmd event returned with error code 255
What is the problem?
Thanks, Aleks
start creating a project (after updating composer) instead of downloading the referenced file do the following
from your terminal type in cd /var/www/
then type composer create-project laravel/laravel laravel-develop
your composer should download the latest version of Laravel
try it this way feel free to ask any questions.
Good Luck

Laravel parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE

After installing laravel we get an error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CLASS, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or '$' in C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\public\index.php on line 50
Laravel 5.1 uses the ::class property to get string representations of a fully qualified classname. The error you're seeing is caused by this line
$kernel = $app->make(Illuminate\Contracts\Http\Kernel::class);
This language feature has been introduced in PHP 5.5 which is a requirement of Laravel 5.1. Your installed PHP version is probably older than 5.5. Try to update your PHP binary.
In case you are interested in why ::class is used, take a look at this answer
Same thing happened to me also. I found that web server was using my old PHP version 5. To solve it for me, I did this -
sudo a2dismod php5
sudo a2enmod php7.0
sudo service apache2 restart
Your php version is too low.
Try version 7.0 or later php.
Your PHP version on your Xampp is lower than 5.5.9 as specified in the Laravel 5.1 doc.
Simply uninstall your current Xampp software and download a fresh copy at Apache website with this specification 5.6.12 / PHP 5.6.12 .
Do not forget to collaborate with your host provider to ensure that your hosting account runs the required PHP version (>=5.5.9) during the deployment of your Laravel 5.1 app online.
I was facing the same error but error was in app/User.php line 10.
Actually, line 10 was ok but before line 10 I was missing some php syntax.
After correct the php syntax error It was fixed. So you have to check C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\public\index.php on line 49 carefully I am sure there is something wrong. Just try to correct. It will be fixed.

laravel showing error gives failed to open stream: no such file or directory autoload.php

Im new with laravel and give me error showing: failed to open stream: no such file or directory autoload.php
im using:
windows 8
laravel 5
php 5.3
Looks like you're missing vendor/autoload.php and this is probably because when you tried to install laravel, composer threw an error about you trying to use PHP 5.3. Laravel 5 requires at least 5.4.
On a side note PHP 5.3 is end of life and unsupported.
