Failed to verify bitcode in Mapbox.framework - xcode

I have implement mapbox in the project , its ok work in simulator and device but when i am going to create build the issues has come . the issues attach here with screenshoot.

If I remember correctly, you will have to select your projects target, go from the General tab to the Build Settings tab, search for Enable Bitcode and set it to No. Of course, remember to do a new Archive before uploading it again.
I had many many issues with Mapbox and zero support from their team. I also had a bunch of error messages when uploading. One work around was using Carthage and manually adding in the frameworks instead of using Cocoapods. I hope this helps.
Good luck!


Executable Not Found. is not a valid path to an executable file

Executable Not Found
Domain: DVTMachOErrorDomain
Code: 5
Recovery Suggestion: /Users/riber/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/digitalCurrency-hiyiyrokjaydkiagjimlwohehrtu/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ is not a valid path to an executable file. Please rebuild the project to ensure that all required executables are created. Check your project settings to ensure that a valid executable will be built.
System Information
macOS Version 11.4 (Build 20F71)
Xcode 12.5 (18205) (Build 12E262)
Timestamp: 2021-06-11T16:34:20+08:00
Check if all files are available.
Targets -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources
If you see faint files, then they need to be removed or added.
Under "Build Settings" - "Architectures" check that you don't have "arm64" excluded under "Excluded architectures" for release, as all new iOS devices use this architecture.
I'm also get the same error. Let me share how I fix it.
I write cpp code on vscode.
I deleted a .cpp/.h file that I didn't need anymore a few days ago.
Everything nice and happy when I working on vscode.
".app is not a valid path" appeared when i switched back to the xcode to verification function.
I was confused.
(I don't immediately remember my delete operation a few days ago)
The key isn't the dialog showed "Executable Not Found",
Switch to "Issue Navigator" and drag to the bottom...
Now the ERROR shows up in front of U:
Finally the solution is :
TARGETS -> Select your ‘Target' -> Build Phases -> Compile Sources :
Select the ".cpp" file that had been delete, then "Remove Items" by click the second "-" button in the lower left corner.
I fixed it by adding x86_64 to VALID_ARCHS. Build Setting search "VALID_ARCHS",check the x86_64 is there or not, add and run.It worked with me .
resolve it using pod install.
as Frank said, I also use RN in my app.
I have tried clean derived data & even reboot, still happening
Check the Executable File in the Info(.plist). It should be named the same as your Product in Products
I have this issue on a react native application and I can resolve it reinstalling cocoaPods.
pod install
Inside the ios folder on your react native project.
Check if you have any other info.plist-s added to project.
I had similar issue when I added some pod sources (MKStoreKit) to the project - it had several info plists for different platforms which interfered with original one. Deleting wrong info plists solved the issue.
I have to delete the 'DerivedData' folder:
$ rm -Rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
EDIT: I've found a solution...
The problem in my case was because of project configurations and Pods. In the long life of my project the configuration files for the schemes changed and Xcode, using the new build system, did not like.
To fix it, just go to the Project -> Info tab. Under Configurations change the Based on Configuration value of the Targets and set them to None. Please note that I've changed only the Targets.
Now close Xcode and launch pod install from the Terminal.
reopen Xcode and launch your project.
Old answer:
I may have found a workaround to this issue... not a solution but a workaround.
I have to work on a not really recent project that was built using the Legacy System that, as you may know, is deprecated now.
While I was using Xcode 12 everything was fine. Then I installed the Xcode 13 GM and I upgrated the project to the new building system and I started to experience this issue. I have the same problem with any Xcode 13.x version. With the betas I had not, as far as I can remember.
The strange thing is that "sometimes" (I could not reproduce it sorry), the new build system worked... but just for a while.
The building phase succeeds but then, then the app is installed on simulator OR on a real device, I have that annoying message that we know...
This morning I may have find a solution...
In Xcode go to File -> Workspace Settings, keep the Legacy Build System and check the box "Do not show a diagnostic issue about build system deprecation"
Now the app builds and can be installed.
Honestly I don't know it is an Xcode bug or not... maybe it is.
if you are using git, there's huge chance there might be conflict in .pbxproj due to multiple people adding stuffs together. During the resolution xcode might try to recover those 'lost references' it got confused and unable to resolve the once there references. find those 'recovered references' in project explorer and remove them if they are invalid
Had the same issue. I deleted the simulators and added them again.
Please make sure that your runner isn't missing AppDelegate.swift or Runner-Bridging-Header.h file.
In my case, my AppDelegate.swift file and Runner-Bridging-Header.h files were deleted, so I copy and paste both the files in ios>Runner folder again from some other project (usually both of these files are same in all projects, just need to add the code lines for firebase configurations).

WinObjC: troubles when converting

Good day! I became interested in the tool from Microsoft vsimporter. There was such a problem: when I try to convert .xcodeproj project .sln project in the command line the message appears "The "project" workspace does not contain any schemes". All the schemes are in place. This problem occurs randomly, because It succeded to convert two projects, but with the other two the problem above. I can not understand because of what it happens. If anyone faced with an identical problem I will be glad to any hint!
The problem you're encountering is likely due to the presence of CocoaPods – was your Xcode workspace file generated by CocoaPods? The bridge currently does not support CocoaPods because of limitations in its clang compiler front end, but it's a request we get a lot so we're investigating adding support. Try removing CocoaPods and including your third-party libraries manually. If you run into issues, feel free to get in touch by filing an issue on Github – it's the best way to talk directly to our team. Thanks for checking out the bridge!

Error importing framework in Playground

I’m following the instructions for Importing Custom Frameworks into Playground, but I still keep getting "No such module” error.
I have tried adding everything in the workspace; a project with just Framework target, project of Cocoa Application with the framework, and just the Framework. I also tried creating a playground in the Application where I imported the framework, I can even import it in other swift file without any problem; but I can’t seem to be able to import it in playground.
Can someone please tell me what I might be doing wrong?
Try building your framework target using a simulator! I had only built mine using the generic device which doesn't work for playgrounds!
Did you ever get it to work? I figured out my issue. The code I was trying to import wasn't in a Framework Target. I had to add a new target to my project of type Cocoa Framework. Then include my source files in that framework, and then finally build that target. Then it worked.
I would like to echo what Reid said:
Try building your framework target using a simulator! I had only built mine using the generic device which doesn't work for playgrounds!
If you've updated to Xcode 12, you also need to make the "Build Active Scheme" box is checked. Select your playground and go to the inspector. The checkbox will be under "Playground Settings"
I've spent for this more than 4 hours. But i've solved it for XCode 10.
You're unable to add any framework into the Playground if there's no target for it the Workspace where the Playground is. So as you using downloaded framework (so am i) — you're doomed to fail with it.
The workable manual could be found here (God bless this guy):
tldr: the easiest way is to:
Download 3rd party framework sources.
Open *.xcodeproj
Add Playground to the Project.
Build project for any iOS simulator by cmd+b (have no idea how to use any macOS frameworks yet).
And it should work (at least it does for me).
I solved my problem with a different solution than Michael Welch's. I had my Xcode derived data setting different than original. Go to Preferences > Locations > Derived Data > Advanced and select Unique. This solved the framework not appearing in playground problem for me.

Packaging error when switching to arm64 (arm5 was OK)

I just plugged in a new iPhone 6, created a provisioning profile and then I launched the app I'm developing on the device. It compiled fine, but at linking stage it errored out with:
error: class '(null)' of input object does not respond to either selector writeToFile:options:error: or writeToFile:atomically
I cannot find any information of what that is. I do not get any specific code reference to relate it to. Did anyone experience this?
Personally I was able to solve this issue by rebuilding the project a second time. I think I was only experiencing it after revoking and requesting a certificate.
Odd for it to jump at me and disappear though.
I just restarted Xcode then the error was disappeared
I've tried turning the "Automatically managed signing" off and on again, then the issue disappeared. Note: rebuilding didn't help for me, cleaning either.
I removed an external library and related code I had and it's now working.
I just changed some provisioning setting and then restarted the xcode afterwards the error was disappeared and archived and then uploaded successfully
Rebuilding the project does the job for me. Actually I was making changes in capabilities while Xcode was building that makes build failed.
The error occurred after I made manual changes to the Xcode .entitlements and Info.plist files: I removed some entries. None of the above mentioned solution attempts worked for me. Every try to create an archive failed.
The solution was to go to Xcode's Capabilities section and switched everything on and off again.
I had the same problem specifically on an App Extension we used for Push Notifications, and I was using Automatically manage signing but it seems the App Groups in capabilities were failing, so I just had to make sure the App Groups were retrieved correctly and this fix it.
Also if you have .entitlements files, and you have App Groups there, make sure they are the same you are using in the capabilities configuration.
Restarted XCode and enabled and disabled to Automatically manage signing

My monotouch application refuses to compile for distribution with Array index is out of range

I am unable to compile my app in Monotouch when I select the full enterprise distribution profile I have setup. All the other profiles work ok.
To be specific: when I hit the build button I get
Detecting signing identity...
0 errors 0 warnings, just Build failed. Array index out of range
I am guessing this is a provisioning issue and I have failed to do something important.
There are pointers on the web to adhoc ditribution builds but no real documentation on full enterprise distribution.
I have the following:
Monotouch : Enterprise edition
Apple : Enterprise membership, have installed the corp certificate & dev user certificate and downloaded the provisioning certificates for dev, adhoc & enterprise and finally created the App ID.
I have spent 2 days scouring the web for similar problems but have found nothing really close. At one point I scrubbed all my profiles with Apple Dev site and re imported them and this resolved some other issues I was having.
Having the full enterprise rights/certificate means I do not need UDIDs, I just have to sign my life away to prevent illegal ditribution. The only thing other than just plain missing something on the provisioning front is that the UDID's are held in an array in the certificates and as I have none specified for this build it errors out. (But it shouldn't surely!)
If I use the adhoc distribution which as UDID's specified in it I can load it on my machine.
Any pointers would be greatly received
I had a similar situation.
"mtouch failed to build". No other messages.
Had to go through tech support and eventually found it was a compiler bug and they sent me a patch for my particular case. I assume it will come out in the next release.
However, I did learn two things along the way that may help you.
a) in my case the problem went away if I changed the "Linker Behavior" setting for the project. Project-> [project] Options -> Build -> iPhone Build -> Linker Behavior
Try all available options. See if makes a difference.
b) On the same iPhone Build options page you can enter "-v -v -v" to the "extra arguments setting. Now check the build output after compiling. There may be additional details.
Finally, I pulled my hair out for a few days with an error similar to yours. In the end it was a compiler bug. Novell was quite quick to identify and fix the bug. Maybe just log it with them and see what happens.
Good luck
I had this problem when switching between my "test" and "release" builds, which had different app identifiers -- I'd switched to the "release" provisioning profile, but I forgot to fix the app display name and app identifier under Build / iPhone Application. Doubt the display name makes a difference but the app identifier certainly does.
