How to make responsive legend text for canvas chart - canvasjs

I am working on canvas chart and I am facing issue in responsiveness of legend text for mobile device.
Could you please let me know how can I set legend text responsive for mobile device?
Here is a screenshot:
Please help me out to solve this issue.
Thanks in advance.


Blue screen in a-frame

I am using A-frame and multi user experience we are using But when I open the application I am getting a blue loading screen which restricts the view.
Can someone suggest how do we solve this problem. I have attached a image for this.
Blue screen in a-frame
You need to give loading-screen="enabled:false" in a-scene

Displaying a legend in a line chart using Telerik UI for Xamarin

How can I display a legend in a line chart using Telerik's UI for Xamarin?
Is it possible to accomplish this without creating a customer renderer?
Thanks for the help,
That isn't implemented into the Xamarin.Forms package for Telerik charts yet.
You can either make a custom renderer to use the platform specific legends, or you can just code in your own Labels/Buttons that look and act like a legend.

Highcharts yAxis text rotation issue in IE8

Hi, I am using the Highcharts library for drawing charts, however I came across an issue with the yAxis in Internet Explorer.
How can be yAxis text displayed correctly rotated in IE8 and IE7 ?
I have the same problem and I figured out that this problem is caused by ie8 emulator. So if you use a native ie8(ie8 from windows xp), will work without problem. On highcharts code there is an method to create css properties, and on this, highcharts create the property for each browser. if ie -ms-transform, if mozilla moz-transform, if web-kit ...
But for browser earlier than ie9 css3 rotate is not supported, so there is a matrix rotate, and this guy(progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix), dont works on ie8- emulator.
Try to run your code on winxp native ie8 and will work.
Based on you're description of the issue, I believe this will help. Note the only workaround is to apply a background color to the label.

How to save image from Canvas to BlobStore in GWT Google App Engine

now I'm stuck in this issue. I'm using Canvas HTML5 to draw an Image to Canvas then I have some customization with that canvas. For the next step, I want to save that Canvas (image) to BlobStore of Google App Engine. But now I dont know how to do that. So can you please help me here.
Thanks for your help!
Have a nice day.
Michael Vu

FusionCharts labels disappear when using the javascript fallback charts

I am using the commercial version of fusion charts 3.
When rendered in Flash my charts look perfect.
But when I disable flash in my browser, the chart is rendering but my x-axis labels are not showing.
If anyone can point me to a helpful resource or give me a bit of direction, it is appreciated.
I think this problem would not occur with version v3.2.1 or later of FusionCharts. Please verify that you have this version.
