Highcharts yAxis text rotation issue in IE8 - internet-explorer-8

Hi, I am using the Highcharts library for drawing charts, however I came across an issue with the yAxis in Internet Explorer.
How can be yAxis text displayed correctly rotated in IE8 and IE7 ?

I have the same problem and I figured out that this problem is caused by ie8 emulator. So if you use a native ie8(ie8 from windows xp), will work without problem. On highcharts code there is an method to create css properties, and on this, highcharts create the property for each browser. if ie -ms-transform, if mozilla moz-transform, if web-kit ...
But for browser earlier than ie9 css3 rotate is not supported, so there is a matrix rotate, and this guy(progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix), dont works on ie8- emulator.
Try to run your code on winxp native ie8 and will work.

Based on you're description of the issue, I believe this will help. Note the only workaround is to apply a background color to the label.


SVG not displaying at all on some versions of Firefox

I recently had problems with displaying SVG files in Firefox, but I overcame that by explicitly stating the width and height in the .svg file source. That fixed the problem for me on my Firefox, but some users still report problems on some versions. Are you able to reproduce the problem? What might be the solution? This is the website: http://naratifrevue.cz – it's using a glitch script on SVG images in the header.

Image Not Being Displayed Atalasoft/Telerik IE8/IE9 issue

I have a Telerik radGrid that when a gridrow is clicked, it will expand and display an image that uses Atalasoft DotImage (version ImageViewer to display the image.
Everything worked with IE8. Any broswer IE9+, it seems to not show the image. The image appears in other areas of the application (and works), but it is not attached to any Telerik controls.
I have scouring the internet to see what was changed between IE8 & IE9, but I have not found anything that would help me out.
The image will show in the Telerik grid using IE8 & in developer tools, if I use quirks mode.
Could someone point me in the right direction between the two browsers and their rendering of these controls in a high-level sense?
It seems that it has to deal with iframes, parent doctypes, and IE9. I have found a reference

Is Kendo UI Dataviz chart supported in IE8?

When I run the Kendo Chart in IE9, everything works fine. But in IE8, the design is not as good as in IE9. Means X-axis and Y-axis value is not displayed properly in IE8.
IE can be very sensitive to the options that map to CSS attributes. For example, font settings must be with valid CSS syntax, otherwise the rendering is aborted.
Please try to exclude any non-essential options from the chart configuration to see if that helps.Please refer this link for further Information
From my experience all chart's basic functionality works properly in IE8. However, to get the width right, sometimes you'll need to set the width when initialising the chart using HtmlAttributes.
.HtmlAttributes(new { Style = "width:400px;" })
What Telerik says:
Supported Browsers
Browser Supported versions
Internet Explorer 9 and later
Chrome 21 and later
Firefox 24 and later, ESR
Opera 15 and later
OS X Safari 5 and later
iOS Safari 4 and later
Chrome for Mobile 4 and later
Browsers with limited support
Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8 are supported with the following
PDF export is not supported.
Image export is not supported.
64-bit versions do not support text rotation.
Pie and donut charts don't have gradients
Internet Explorer 10 does not support dashed lines in canvas. This affects the exportImage as well.
Android 2.x will use non-interactive canvas output

Firefox on Windows renders an image color incorrectly

I've run into this issue before without ever really figuring out what the problem was, but I'm attempting to do the standard "drop-shadow" effect by using an image border on the main content of my page. The content portion has a blue background (#3366ff) so the border image has one pixel of that color before the "drop-shadow". Everything works great in Chrome (Windows & Mac), Safari (Mac), IE8 and Firefox (Mac) but it falls apart on Firefox for Windows. The images are below, but instead of rendering the #3366ff color, Firefox renders #4e50fb. Thoughts? Could this be a color profile issue? And if so, how would I go about fixing it?
Bad Rendering:
Good Rendering:

raphael text() in IE8

Trying to get Raphael JS to work with IE8.
I am using the text() function to draw some text, which works perfectly in FF3 and Chrome, but not in IE8 (neither compat nor regular IE8).
Other drawing stuff works well in IE8, so I'd guess I am missing some stupid minor detail on how to render text in Raphael.
Oh and this is their latest 0.8.6 version of the library.
Any ideas much appreciated.
Got It!
Can not set font size in em in IE, for some reason. Setting font-size in "px" works perfectly well. Who could have known?...
